Chapter 1

Calleigh pulled into the parking spot reserved for her hummer and climbed out, heading into the crime lab. She was tired, having been called back to work for a manhunt. Horatio had apologised on the phone for calling her back in before she had even reached home at the end of her shift, but she had squashed his apologies and told him that it was okay. She understood that the guy they were searching for was dangerous, and she knew that he had tried to kill the team already. Fortunately for them, he was an amateur when it came to weapons and he had completely missed them. As she walked into the busy building, Calleigh noticed that something was off. The building itself didn't feel right, and it didn't take her long to figure out why. A few steps into the crime lab, she saw Ryan lying on the floor, and Natalia comforting a frightened child behind an overturned desk. Not able to find anyone else, Calleigh moved over to where her friend was.

"Nat? What happened?" asked Calleigh in a whisper.

"He's here," replied Natalia.


"Victor Jones. The serial killer that we were after."

Calleigh felt the news hit her like a shockwave. "Where's H? And Eric?"

"Not sure. Eric was leaving when Horatio called him back, so I'm not sure where he is now. But H was around here somewhere."

"I'm going to find him. And maybe stop by my lab to get some firepower for everyone." Calleigh loved her job. "Is Ryan okay?"

"I think he's out cold."

Calleigh nodded. She stood up and walked off, being careful to stay hidden when she could until she reached the quiet of her lab. Walking in, she closed the door and headed over to her gun locker. She had so many weapons there that she always felt safe. Apart from the one time when Detective Hagen had killed himself in there, she had never felt unsafe. Until now. Because when she turned around, she felt the cold barrel of a silencer on her the back of her head.

Natalia finally managed to calm down the child she had found in the waiting area of the PD an hour earlier. She told the girl to stay hidden and then moved to quickly check on Ryan. She was relieved to find him breathing properly and gently shook him until he opened his eyes.

"Nat?" he slurred. "What's going on?"

"You have a pretty bad gash on the back of your head Ryan. I'm getting you out of here while I still can. Ambulances are waiting outside."

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't. You can't even talk properly." Natalia ignored the rest of his protests and carefully lifted up until they were outside. "No matter what he says, he needs to be in a hospital right now. The back of his head is cut open and bleeding."

Two paramedics took Ryan from her and put him into the back of an ambulance. Natalia watched them leave and then returned to the building, finding Horatio looking around for her.

"Where did you come from Miss Boavista?"

"Ryan is going to the hospital. Did you talk to Calleigh?"

"Haven't seen her. Where is she?"

"She said she was going to look for you and that she wanted to stop at her lab on the way to get some more guns."

Horatio paled.

"What's wrong H?"

"Victor...he was holed up in Calleigh's lab when I last saw him..."

It was Natalia's turn to go pale. "We need to get her out of there."

"I agree. So let's get Mr Delko and save her."

Calleigh slowly turned around and faced Victor Jones. "What do you want?" she asked carefully.

It wasn't the first time someone had held a gun to her head, and it probably wouldn't be the last if she got out either. But in her own lab, where she had always felt safe, it made her feel scared.

"You'll know soon enough. If you keep your mouth shut and do what I say, you might just live through this." He pointed the gun at her chest, his finger ready at the trigger. "Sit in that chair behind you so I can tie you up. I don't want you escaping or touching any weapons."

Calleigh hesitated, and heard the slide on the gun move.


Calleigh took a step backwards and sat in the chair that he had indicated. She watched him grab rope from a bag on her desk before he forced her arms behind the chair and tied the rope around her wrists and waist.

"You aren't going to speak unless I tell you to. Understand?"

Calleigh nodded. "Yes."

"Good." Victor pulled a phone from his pocket. "Give me Horatio Caine's number."

Calleigh quickly recited her boss' number and waited, knowing that Victor would force her to tell Horatio that she was fine.


"Lieutenant. This is Victor Jones. I want to tell you that I have your pretty blonde CSI here."

"Let her go. You can have me instead."

"No, I don't think so. You see, you're the only person that can get me what I want."

"What is that?"

"Not yet. I'm not ready for that."

"Let me talk to Miss Duquesne."

"Okay, I guess you can do that." He pushed speaker phone and put it near Calleigh. "She's here."

"Calleigh, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Horatio," said Calleigh.

"Good. And Victor, she better stay that way. If you hurt her in any way, there will be consequences. You'll be dealing with me."

"If she listens, I won't hurt her. I have no intention of inflicting any kind of harm."

"Then tell me what you want so I can get it for you."

"Not yet. I'll call you later with my demands." He hung up the phone and dropped it onto the table next to him. "As for you my friend, let's get to know each other."