Alexx wheeled Ryan into Calleigh's room and sighed. She had known Calleigh wouldn't be resting, but she hadn't expected to find her patient out of bed. And she certainly hadn't expected Eric to be the culprit behind that.


"Sorry Alexx, I just needed the bathroom," said Calleigh as her face went red.

Alexx softened. She moved ahead to help Calleigh get back into bed. "Let me check the wound, make sure that it's still healing nicely."

Calleigh nodded, relieved to be resting again. She didn't even complain when Alexx poked and prodded the wounded area of her stomach.

"Nothing's been damaged. If you need to be up and about, at least use a wheelchair."

"Next time I get up will be to go home."

"Alright, let's see how you go overnight and then I'll decide what to do with you."

Alexx left and Ryan wheeled himself over to the bed. "Hey Cal, it's nice of you to wake up and return to the land of the living."

"You can't talk. You were unconscious when I got back to the lab mister. You had a nice sleep while the rest of us were busy."

"At least I didn't get myself kidnapped by a serial killer."

Calleigh grinned, which got Ryan smiling too. Their banter had lightened the mood. "Where's Nat?"

"She went back to the lab to help H with something. She's coming back with him later."

"Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but I'm fine."

"Good. Are you heading home?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. Alexx said that she doesn't trust me to be careful on my own. Looks like neither of us is trustworthy," said Ryan sarcastically.

"Apparently not." Calleigh yawned.

"I think it's time for me to go," said Ryan as he turned himself around and rolled out to his own room.

"And it's time for you to rest," said Eric. He helped her lay down and then covered her with the blanket. "I'll be right here if you need anything."

"Thank you Eric." Calleigh closed her eyes and was asleep in an instant.

Horatio glared at Victor again. "You are damn lucky that my CSI is alive. You have narrowly escaped a tenth murder charge. That pilot you killed- he had two little girls that are now wanting to know why their beloved daddy isn't coming home again. Your last victim- she was a nineteen year old law student with parents and friends that are asking for you to be brought to justice. Which is exactly what I intend to do. I don't even need a confession- I have video footage of six of the murders, witnesses for you shooting my CSI, and knocking out another CSI, and for the rest of the murders you left prints behind. For a serial killer, you are very sloppy. See you in court."

Horatio walked out as an officer cuffed Victor and led him out to the holding cells. A huge wave of relief washed over him as he thought about Calleigh and Ryan both being lucky.

"Where are we on that evidence Miss Boavista?" he asked.

"I've processed everything, we're just waiting on the results now. I was about to head to the hospital. Are you coming? Frank is."

Horatio nodded. "Yes, I'll come with you."

Calleigh smiled when her friends came in. Eric had just woken her up, knowing how much she wanted to see them, so her eyes was half closed and she couldn't stop yawning. But she was happy, and that was clear to everyone around her.

"So, what's happening with Victor?" Calleigh asked.

"He's going to jail. He'll pay for everything he's done, including shooting and kidnapping you Calleigh," said Frank.

"That pilot, did he survive? Victor knocked me out before I saw what happened."

"He shot the pilot in the head," Horatio said softly, watching as all the happiness drained out of Calleigh.

"Poor guy," whispered Calleigh. She could feel Eric's arm around her before the tears even fell.

"It's alright Cal, it's alright. He'll pay for that too."

"He better." Calleigh took a deep breath in and steeled herself. "I swear, he better pay."

Frank had just gotten back to his desk when his phone rang.


"Detective, we need you down in holding."


"Your prisoner, Victor Jones, is dead."



Frank sighed. While he was glad the guy was dead, he had wanted to make sure he went to jail for the rest of his life to be able to get justice for all of the innocent people that had been hurt by him.

"Send him to the morgue. I'll deal with everything else." Frank hung up and dialed Horatio's number to tell him.

"Thank you Frank." Horatio put his phone back into his pocket and re-entered Calleigh's room.

"Is something wrong Horatio?" asked Ryan.

"Victor Jones is dead. He was stabbed in his holding cell."

"Good." Calleigh smiled. "Serves him right for everything he's done."

"I know Calleigh." Horatio actually smiled at that. "He won't bother anyone ever again."