Monk slowly paced the hospital waiting room, while Ayako, Lin and John sat on the chairs waiting for some news from the doctor. Hitachi, who had come along with them in the car, had rushed down the hall to see his father.

Aliza slowly walked down the hall towards the waiting room. She spotted SPR sitting on individual chairs and Monk pacing. She quickly made her way over to them.

Once Monk saw her, he stopped pacing and smiled at her. She smiled back politely before stopping in front of him.

"I would like to thank you for what you've done for my family and I apologise that three of your team members got hurt so badly," Aliza spoke as she began apologising to Monk, who smiled sadly at her.

"Don't worry about it. Believe it or not this happens on every case. How's Mr Kuro?" he asked, quickly changing the subject from him and his friends.

"He's better now. Much better. We've decided we're going to sell the house and move to another location. After everything that's happened we don't want to go back and be reminded of what happened there," Aliza answered. Monk nodded his head.

"That's good. How long before he can be discharged?" he asked.

"We'll be leaving this evening. But I wanted to make sure all you were going to be alright before we left the hospital to go home," Monk laughed at the kindness the woman had in her.

"Don't worry about us. Nothing can keep our team down, am I right Ayako?" Monk asked as he turned his head to Ayako. The younger woman simply shook her head. She didn't know how Monk could be upbeat after everything that had gone off.

She sighed, thinking it was maybe because they had been through so much before. The team had experienced quite a bit of pain and they had all come out on top.

She remembered on their case when Naru first got injured. It was the one when they went to a cursed house. For the life of her she couldn't remember that family's name. But she could remember how Naru had used his PK to stop the god that was doing the terrible things. And even then he came out on top, it was like nothing happened.

Ayako watched as Aliza Kuro slowly walked away from Monk. When they return to the house for their equipment would be the last time SPR would probably see them and their children.

Monk sighed as he finally sat in a chair next to Ayako. John was reading over his bible and silently praying for everyone the doctors were tending to.

"Sir, it's not wise for you to come out of your room. You're still very injured," the group heard a nurse trying to coax someone to go back to their room. Looking in the direction Ayako saw Naru walking towards them. He stopped in front of them. Lin stood to his feet and shook Naru's hand.

"Good to have you back," he stated. Monk stood to his feet and pulled Naru into a hug, happy to see his boss was okay. Naru quickly pushed him off. John greeted him with a warm smiled while Ayako stood to her feet.

"You should still be resting! It's not safe for you to be walking around!" she almost yelled at the young boy.

"I agree. You should still be resting," the group turned around to see Masako standing behind them.

"What's your excuse?" Naru asked as he looked at the medium, who smiled kindly.

"The fact that I was only flown into a wall. You on the other hand have been cut and thrown into the wall a number of times. You should be resting," she answered with an uptight smirk. John sweat dropped as Monk quickly pulled the girl into a hug.

"Oh I'm so happy you're okay, Masako! I was so worried!" Monk yelled. All eyes in the waiting room soon fell on the SPR group as Ayako whacked Monk upside the head.

"Don't think you're getting away with this. You need to rest too," Ayako stated as she looked at Masako, who sighed. Honestly the woman was acting like a worried mother.

As Ayako was trying to convince Naru to return to his hospital room. John, Lin, Monk and Masako watched the scene sweat dropping as they did so.

"She should know by now when Naru says no he means no," Monk said with a sigh as he turned around. A doctor in a white lab coat caught his attention as he began walking towards them.

"Guys, knock it off," he ordered as the doctor stopped in front of them.

"Mr Shibuya, I do think it would be in your best benefits if you were to return to bed," the doctor spoke as he reached the group.

"Forget it doc, when he says no he won't change his mind," Monk sighed as he looked at the younger boy, who glared.

"Very well. Are any of you here with a Miss Mai Taniyama?" the doctor asked, everyone nodded their heads.

"The girl has had quite an injury done to her. We've sewn her arms up and she has two broken ribs. We won't need to keep her here for surveillance but I do suggest having someone to watch her. You'll also have to make her take these medications," the doctor explained as he looked at the group.

"Won't Mai just take them herself?" Monk asked as he took the medication.

"They're only pain killers and I've already been in to speak to her. The girl's reluctant and said she didn't want them. They dissolve easily in warm drinks. That's why I was hoping her friends could maybe make her take them," the doctor answered as he sighed.

"Alright, can we see her?" Naru asked finally speaking up from the group. The doctor nodded his head as he pointed them down the hall to where they should go.

As SPR opened the door they sat Mai sat up in the bed, reading a magazine. She had bandaged around her chest and arm. She turned her attention to her friends before smiling.

"Hey guys. How's everything?" she asked. Monk stopped dead in his tracks before looking at the girl.

"How's everything? You almost die and you're asking us how everything is?!" Monk asked as he yelled at her. Mai looked at him and nodded her head once.

"Well, everything's fine then," Monk answered as he walked over to the girl. Ayako fell anime style while John and Masako sweat dropped.

Monk pulled the girl into a light hug before sitting down. The others, minus Lin and Naru, also hugged Mai as they began explaining what had happened in the past few hours since she was admitted.

"Well at least I don't have to stay her. But, erm, does anyone have a shirt I can borrow. I'd rather not just go out in bandages," Mai stated with a shy laugh. She was shocked when a shirt suddenly draped over her head. She looked around to see Naru leaning against the wall shirtless. She blushed slightly before slipping it fully onto her and buttoning it up.

"Oh, the doctor also says you gotta take these," Monk stated as he held up a bottle of pills.

"No way," Mai deadpanned as she crossed her arms. "I hate pain killers, they always make me drowsy," she replied.

"Well, that'd be nothing new," Naru teased as he smirked at the girl. Mai just glared at him.

"Keep talking and you won't be leaving this hospital," Mai huffed as she flopped back down into her bed.

"I should go sign your release papers," Monk realized out loud as he quickly walked out of the room.

"You can't!" Mai called after him. Monk quickly popped his head back into the room.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Only parents or legal guardians can sign them," Mai answered. Monk looked at Ayako before smiling.

"Come on Ayako, we can fake being Mai's legal guardians to get her out of here," Monk smiled as he dragged Ayako out of the room. Mai sighed; she didn't think they got it.

"I'll go sign mine as well," Masako smiled as she stood to her feet. She walked out of the room with John silently following her.

"That guys becoming one for few words," Mai muttered.

"Only when it comes to Masako," Lin answered as he left the room.

"Hey where are- oh forget it," Mai sighed as she looked at the ceiling. "Stupid hospital. Are we leaving yet?" she asked as she turned to Naru.

"Not until everyone comes back. The doctors want someone to watch you until your ribs are healed," Naru answered.

"Yeah, yeah, though I don't really feel like being secretly stalked by SPR. I know what Monk and Ayako are like," Mai laughed slightly at the thought of the two of them.

Silence slowly descended on the two remaining team mates in the room. Mai's head running a mile a minute while her heart rate began to speed up.

'Guess they're still there,' Mai thought as she looked at Naru. She smiled slightly before turning away from him again.

"What about you?" she asked in a low voice. Naru turned his attention to her.

"What about me?" he asked. Mai sat up, looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Will you watch me? Least that way I know you won't stalk me," she asked as she looked at Naru, who gave her a shocked look.

"I thought you wanted Lin and I to leave after these cases," he answered as he began walking towards the bed.

"Heck no! You can take SPR back, your name's in it, it's yours again. I'm fine going back to being the assistant damsel in distress," Mai laughed as she looked at Naru, who smirked at her. He sat on the edge of her bed, listening to her laugh.

"But seriously take it back. If I have to be in charge for another case I'm either gonna go insane or quit," Mai whispered as she looked away from Naru.

"Well we can't have that, can we?" he asked. Mai looked at him with a hopeful glance. "I'll take SPR back. Besides, I knew it'd be too much for your little brain to handle," he teased. Mai narrowed her eyes as she puffed her cheeks out.

"And to think I was glad you came back," she muttered.

"Well, if you feel that was I can leave," Naru pointed out getting to his feet. Mai grabbed his wrist and pulled him back onto the bed.

"Oh no you don't. You're taking SPR back and I'm gonna go back to being your tea making assistant that has the weird dreams and gets saved," Mai argued as she looked at Naru with a red face. The boy smiled at her.

"Like the good old days then," he muttered. Mai nodded her head. "Well, almost like the good old days," he corrected. Mai looked at him in confusion.

"Eh, why almost?" she asked. Naru looked at her and smiled the smile she had longed to see again the day he had left. Mai could feel her cheeks heat up and her stomach grow butterflies as Naru began to rub her cheek.

"I missed you, Mai," he whispered as he began to close the gap between the two of them. Mai blushed as she felt Naru's lips fall onto hers. She froze for a moment of two before slowly returning the kiss and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Naru lifted her by the waist, bringing her onto his lap and deepening the kiss. Mai's fingers became entangled with Naru's hair, while Naru's nibbled at her bottom lip asking for entrance.

The two were so into the kiss they didn't hear the door opening or the low whistle that sounded from Monk as he looked at them.

"Well, this is interesting," he stated.

"It was bound to happen," Ayako sighed as she looked at the two of them. Masako nodded her head.

"I expected it to happen sooner than later though," she added as she turned away from the two of them, a smirk over coming her features.

"Well, I suppose things are gonna go back the way they were. Like the good old days, huh, Lin?" John asked as he looked at the older man stood to his left.

"Well, almost like the good old day, John," Lin answered as he turned to walk out of the room. Leaving the two of them alone. But not before Monk snapped a photo. That scene would make for excellent black mail material later on.

And that's this story done

Naru: Finally!

You saying finally because it's done or because you kissed Mai?

Naru: … Shut up

Now you know how I feel! Anyway, I had an amazing time writing this. Thank you everyone who review. Have a virtual cookie! I hope I won't be too long before I return to this part of FanFiction but until then I must bid you all adieu. But for one last time, please don't forget to review!

Cast: We'll see you soon!