Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the song Turn Blue or Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys, or Omegle. All rights go to those deserving.


Annabeth was so done with the guys at her school.

Not even going about to say how utterly stupid they were, with their headphones bigger than dinner plates, cranked up to full volume and probably damaging the brain cells they couldn't afford to lose - It didn't help that they were horny pigs as well. It was the third time this month someone had asked her if she would like to take a trip to "Pound Town."

Teenage boys were infuriating.

She plugged her ear buds in, pressing the little white triangle signifying "play" on her iPod classic. By some miracle of a higher power, the music that started to sound in her ears was the art of her favorite band.

The Black Keys had to have been a gift to humankind from the gods themselves. Even deities couldn't deny the sheer genius that was rock music.

Sitting in her room and tearing apart a granola bar was where she could be found on her Friday night. She began blinking in union with the beat of the song flooding her eardrums, and she tapped her socked foot along, too. She was supposed to be out partying or something, right? Surely that was what kids did these days?

She wouldn't know. Annabeth spent most of her days locked up in her bedroom, scrolling through Tumblr or remixing music on her app GarageBand.

Annabeth would openly describe herself as an introvert. Teenagers annoyed her, and boys, in general, sucked.

She decided she'd come out of her room once she was an adult, and didn't have to deal with the evils of modern youth anymore. Then again, she might have to stick around this place forever.

Just as she stuffed a torn up clump of Quaker Chewy snack bar into her mouth, an olive-skinned boy stumbled through her bedroom door.

Taking a look at the sad lump that was his best friend, Nico shook his head in disapproval. "You've got to be kidding me, Annabeth."

She wrinkled her nose. "If you've got something to say, then say it, di Angelo," Annabeth countered hotly.

The black-haired boy chuckled. "You are pathetic."

"Tell me something I don't know."

He sighed and plopped down next to her on the bed. "Why do you hate humanity so much? Boys in particular."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Spare me. Don't act like we haven't already discussed this at least a hundred times over your dad's pound cake and chocolate syrup. You are the only boy I will ever be able to tolerate – and that's largely due to your advantage."

Nico raised an eyebrow in question. "And what may that be?"

The blonde girl snorted. "The fact that you won't hit on me. Ever."

A slow smile spread across his mouth, revealing a full set of teeth. "A guy shouldn't have to be gay for him to be worthy of your attention, Annabeth."

"I didn't say that," she sighed. "I'd just like to meet a guy that's more interested in my personality than my looks and abundance of feminine curves."

Nico snickered. Then, his look turned thoughtful. Almost hesitant. "I have an idea, but I won't tell you what it is until you agree with it."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Well, I'm not just gonna agree to anything."

He smirked. "Why can't you trust that my intentions are in your best interest?"

With a dry look, she said, "Because they're probably not..."

"Listen, 'Beth. You gotta get out there. Socialize with people that aren't you fish or your gay best friend."

Annabeth's gaze drifted to the left side of her room where a glass fish bowl sat, inhabiting her pet goldfish. He looked bored as usual. "Wasabi makes great company," she argued.

"Well, Wasabi the goldfish can't hold a conversation longer than a couple of bubbles. So, sadly you're out of luck." Nico rolled his eyes.

"What's the point you're trying to make? What's this about?"

The boy crossed his arms over his band-shirt clad chest. "I'm not telling you until you agree. I said it, I meant it."

She would admit she was curious. Though she didn't want to get roped into Nico's schemes if this turned out poorly.

Then again, she could use this situation to her advantage. Leverage, in a way. "I'll agree. On one condition."

Her best friend sighed, almost like he had figured she would try something like this. He gestured for her to go on.

"I'll do whatever it is that you want, if..." She hesitated slightly, to put him on the edge of his seat. It didn't work. He just rolled his eyes, and muttered a 'get on with it, already.'

"If you join the Mythomagic club at school," she forced out in a rush.

Nico was actively obsessed with the game Mythomagic. Afraid of ridicule from others, he refused to join the club. Annabeth didn't care what the petty teenagers thought, and Nico shouldn't have either. He shouldn't have had to hide his love for something he was passionate about.

It was hard to believe he could overcome something like his sexuality, but not his interests. If he could openly come out as gay (which was a lot harder to admit, if you asked her) then he could openly like a dorky card game.



"Don't you 'Annabeth' me, di Angelo. Stop caring about what the others think. You love Mythomagic. And you'd get to play with other people who're obsessed with it as much as you are," Annabeth fought.

She could see the resolve in his face. "You are such a stubborn pain in my a-"

"You'll do it?" she cut him off.

Smiling evilly, he replied, "Yes. And now you must agree to my plan."

"Okay. I agree."

He shook his head. "That's not enough." He stuck out his hand and looked at her pointedly.

Annabeth knew what he wanted. She sighed, because there was no going back after that. "Fine," she muttered.

Taking his hand in her own, she moved her fingers along with his in their "secret best friend handshake."

"No backsies," Nico sang excitedly.

She couldn't keep the amused smile off of her lips. She loved her best friend.

"Alright, now what is it, Nico?"

His smile turned mischievous as he got up, and took her Mac Book out from its spot on her desk. Plopping down beside her, he powered it up and typed in her password.

She gave him a confused look, but he only smirked at her and turned back to the screen. He clicked on the small blue Safari icon and watched as the internet popped up. Annabeth didn't like where this was going.

Quickly, he typed something into the address bar and the website loaded. Immediately, Annabeth cringed.



"Annabeth..." He smirked, knowing there was no way out for her.

"As my friend, you won't make me do this." At least she hoped.

His smirk only grew. "Oh yes. As your friend, I definitely will."

She groaned loudly as he placed the computer in her lap. In big orange letters it said "Omegle." Under that it said, "Talk to strangers!"

The blonde turned to him with a pleading look. He was grinning when he pointed to the big blue box on the screen. "Start a chat, Annabeth!" He said happily.

Reluctantly, she moved the cursor to the box, before zipping it down to a different box. "Add Interests." If she was going to do this, she was going to do it her own way.

Thinking for only a second, she typed in the words the black keys. Nico rolled his eyes, but didn't protest.

Clicking "Start a chat," she saw the screen change and say, "Looking for someone you can chat with..." Underneath that in tiny letters, it read, "It may take a while to find someone with common interests. If you get tired of waiting, you can connect to a completely random stranger instead."

The page stayed the same for a few seconds and Nico started to get impatient. "Just do someone random! This is taking too fucking long!"

Just as he said that, the screen morphed again. At the top of the page, "You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!" Just below that, "You both like the black keys."

Annabeth smirked smugly in her best friend's direction. He just scowled and pushed her face back to the screen, where the stranger had messaged her.


She exchanged a look with the boy sitting next to her. Okay. Looking back, she saw the stranger had sent another message.

fellow lover of the black keys, ive been searching all night for someone like you

She thought about her reply carefully before she answered.


"Original," Nico mumbled.

Ignoring him, she saw the words 'Stranger is typing...' pop up.

quick quiz. favorite black keys song?

She pursed her lips, thinking. It was a tough choice, but she knew what the answer was.

Gold on the Ceiling. Followed closely by Turn Blue.

Stranger responded quickly.

... you are approved. youre allowed to be my best friend

turn blue is the best song that has ever come into existence. gold on the ceiling is great too. youve got taste next question... patrick or dan?

Nico scoffed and said, "I don't like this guy. That position is already occupied."

She pinched his pale cheek and cooed. The boy swatted her away as she laughed.

Is there an actual answer to that question? You can't just choose one. They're a package deal.


marry me

You're weird.

Only on Friday nights. And everyday the sun rises.

She didn't want to laugh. But she had to. Nico watched with a grin. "Who was right? You're having fun!"

"And you'll be having fun in Mythomagic club."

He was quiet after that.

alright mystery person. what's your name? i'm percy.

Percy is an old man name.

who says i'm not an old man?

Annabeth's cursor was already hovering over "Stop", but he replied in time to catch her.

dont next me. i'm seventeen i swear.

Nico nudged her suggestively, raising his brows up and down. She pushed his shoulder.



who are you, mystery friend?

She had fully intended on telling him to go scratch, when Nico butted into her thoughts. "It won't hurt to tell him your name. He's not asking for your address and dress size. I think you'll be good."

Nico had logic unfortunately. She should at least try to be friendly. Even if that sounded kind of painful.


thats a beautiful name

Her eyebrows furrowed. The guy was strange.

I was hoping it would be something like Gertrude or Minerva so I could make fun of you

My mother's name is Minerva.

... ahem

and things just got awkward...

Laughing she turned to Nico who also couldn't suppress his giggles. "Okay, maybe I do like him."

So Percy...


Why are you on here?

...dont laugh...

No promises

My friends think I sit in my room too much ignoring humanity. Maybe they dont just think it. Maybe its true. whatever

Annabeth almost knocked Nico off the bed, throwing her hands at the keyboard to quickly write a reply.



what! no way really? I just cant stand...living things

I get you Percy

i knew we'd be good friends...

"Look at that, Annabeth! It's fate!" Nico screamed with wide eyes, pointing at the computer screen. "You guys are, like, made for each other!"

She thought for a second. What was weird was that she actually did want to keep talking to him. She wanted to talk to him off of this stupid website. That kind of thing didn't happen a lot. She normally hated guys.

While she was thinking of how to respond, he messaged her again.

i really dont think you know, there could be hell below, i really do hope you know, there could be hell below

when the music is done and the lites are low, i will remember the times when love would really glow

Annabeth was struck by how much she wanted to find this guy and just...become best friends. (Right along side Nico, of course. He needed her, whether he'd like to admit it or not.) The lyrics were from Turn Blue. His apparent favorite song. She wanted to say something back that would strike his attention. Because facing it, he probably thought she was boring.

It wasn't her fault, really. She didn't know how to do the whole "People thing."

If you're any more charming, I'll have to come find you.

It wasn't her best, but it was pretty much the first time she showed any real interest in the conversation.

oh god please find me. i need new friends mine suck

Laughing aloud, she took a leap. If she embarrassed herself, she could just next him anyway.

Wanna Skype?

Nico looked at the screen, mouth agape. "What?" He looked back toward her. "What?"

She smiled and ruffled his hair. "See, I'm sociable."

Turning back to the computer, she was actually...nervous. Weird.


i mean... sure... ya know if you wanna

im desperate sue me

Annabeth laughed again. She felt light. A little relieved.

skype name? if i havent scared you off by now...



She looked to the bottom of her screen as a little window opened up. Skype request from pjcantthinkofaname

Nico was by now smiling broadly. "I'm always right, Annabeth. Get used to it."

As she fluffed her hair and wiped the runny eyeliner under her eyes, (Definitely not trying to look good for Percy. Definitely.) she flicked his ear. "Shut up, Nico, before I send you out of the room without seeing him." His eyes went wide and he shook his head.

"Oh, dear God, please no. I bet he's hot."

Breathing in deep, Annabeth clicked "accept call."

Bright green eyes lit up the screen.


And we can just assume that Annabeth made some snarky remark about Percy's face being too close to the camera to hide her surprise at his utter sexiness.


One-Shot. Procrastinating slightly on writing the fifteenth chapter of Run. Oh Well.

Reviews are appreciated, as well as follows and favorites.

I love The Black Keys by the way. Let's just take a moment to appreciate them.

