A/N I'm sorry if this is horrible. But I love Swisstria. If you have any ways you think my writing could get better, please feel free to leave a healthy review. Thanks


Alfred: Seriously? She owns Hetalia. Get over it dude!

I don't own Hetalia. It would be epic if I did though! XD ~Cookie

Vash slid a single pale finger over the dusty piano top. From above him, music drifted. He couldn't stand these 'parties' Roderich held. Too many people in one space made him uncomfortable.

"Vash?" Roderich hummed as he stepped into the unused ball room.

"Edelstein." Vash answered, a small smile forming as he turned around.

"Had to escape for a moment?" Roderich placed his hands behind his back and walked in an arc around the Swiss man.

Vash felt caught, though he had done nothing wrong. The aristocrat just smiled and tilted his head at the blonde.

"Would you honor me with a dance?" Roderich asked extending a gloved hand. Vash could hear the music upstairs changing to something slow. He nodded and placed his hand in the brunettes.

Their bodies moved with the music, flowing and graceful. Vash's head ended up resting on Roderich's chest. Roderich's hand pressed gently into the curve of Vash's back. The latter sighed in content, breathing in the Austrian's scent.

When the song was over, the two stopped dancing, but kept a tight hold; both were afraid to let the other go. So they stayed, simply lost in each other, until a voice rang out through the hall.


"Damn." Said man hissed. The pair quickly disentangled themselves and straighten clothes.

"What are you doing Roddy?" Elizabeta asked as she came into the ballroom.

"Visiting with Vash dear." He answered, turning to her. He took her arm and began to leave.

"Roderich!" Vash hissed. The man in question threw a look over his shoulder. "Meet me after the party?"

"Of course. I already planned to." The aristocrat answered.

Vash just nodded, watching them leave, a small smile etched over his features.