(A/N: Hey guys. Sorry for being late. Like really late. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on this story. I was just being lazy and this week's been a bit hectic. This is the honest to goodness truth. Anyways, like always, enjoy!)

Jiraiya gaped,"Wha-what!?" He looked at the toads and ran to them. Jiraiya touched Gamabuta's skin and frowned,"How can you be real?! Please tell me this is just a joke!"

A tick mark appeared on Gamabunta's head, causing him to step on Jiraiya. "You, Jiraiya! What have you done?! Everything in Mt. Moyoboku is messed up!" Gamabunta looked behind him and looked at Naruto,"Or was it you, Gaki?"

Naruto jumped and shouted out,"Yikes! I wasn't the one that called you obese!"

Gamabunta narrowed his sole eyes dangerously slow,"Obese?"

Gamabunta's tick mark grew more deeply as Naruto shot her hands up to point at Jiraiya. Jiraiya gave Naruto a look of betrayal as he was lifted by Gamambunta. "Yer lucky that I'm in a good mood today, Jiraiya," he said thinking about the upcoming all-you-can-drink-sake buffet.

Jiraiya squirmed in Gamabunta's grip, only to be let free by a throw to the floor. Naruto held in her laughter with a red face. Gamahiro was first to speak after the violence,"Jiraiya-san, do you possibly know the shift of time in the human world?"

Jiraiya frowned with a serious face,"A shift of time in the human world? You mean our world?"

Gamaken nodded and then croaked,"Did you not notice?"

Gamabunta narrowed his eyes at his summoner,"I knew it. It was you, ya unpredictable brat."

Naruto gaped as the giant toad leaped right in front of her. She scrambled to her feet, only to be stopped by Gamabunta's foot. "What do ya want, dattebayo!?"

Gamabunta narrowed his sole eye on Naruto while repeating,"Gaki, did you do it?"

Naruto shouted out,"I don't know what I did!"

Gamaken frowned while dragging Gamabunta and Gamahiro into a talk. Gamaken's booming voice whispered,"I don't think they know."

Gamahiro whispered back,"Maybe they didn't do it."

Gamabuta hissed,"But the Great Toad Sage said someone shifted the time in this world. He said it was someone we had associated with."

Gamahiro stressed out,"Had."

Gamabunta glared at him as Gamaken said,"I'm sorry to say this, but, I think Jiraiya-sama is calling you, Gamabunta."

Turning his head, Gamabunta faced Jiraiya,"What do you want?"

Jiraiya frowned,"What do you mean as in shift of time in the human world?"

"I don't mean anything by that—it was just a mistake. Nothing, me and the others are still a little tipsy." Gamabunta waved his enormous pads in front of Jiraiya. Gamabunta then noticed,'Is this the time when the brat first summoned me?- but where's the abyss?'

Gamabunta looked at his fellow toads,'How did she even summon them?'

Jiraiya analyzed the confused look on Gamabunta's face, coming into a solution of confronting this situation to him later in the future.

Right then, Gamabunta, Gamaken, and Gamahiro summoned back to their home place. Jiraiya stood there in shock as he looked at Naruto. She stared right back at him and grinned,"Beat that, Ero-sennin!"

Jiraiya shouted out,"Don't call me that, Gaki!"

Naruto put her arms behind her head and said,"Whatever, Ero-sennin. But, since I summoned those toads, does that mean-"

"Yeah, yeah."

Jiraiya sighed as he took one last look at the river. He then turned around and walked down the trail. Naruto screamed And ran up to him,"Hey, wait up!"

"Tsunade-sama! Wh-," Shizune was interrupted by Tsunade.

"Be quiet, Shizune. We can't let the loan sharks hear you." Tsunade poofed out of her older looking image, now, taking on the look of a twenty-year-old. Today, Tsunade just didn't want any trouble to happen.

"HEY! What are you do-," the loan shark was shut up by Tsunade's 'light' punch in which knocking him unconscious.

"There goes the trouble." Tsunade then smirked gleefully,"That should do it." However, her triumph was half-lived when another loan shark saw the pair.

"YOU!" He ran with a blade in his right grip. Tsunade saw easy prey and dodged his blow. Right next to Tsunade, Shizune got into action having the only mindset of protecting her master.

Shizune activated her chakra scalpel and cut the loan shark on his right tricep. He writhed in pain as Tsunade took Shizune and made a run for it. Some other people saw them, but made no action to stop the two women seeing that they had just defeated their bosses in only a few movements.

"Tsu-Tsunade-sama! Please don't tell me that you're going to gamble with that money."

Tsunade only smiled at her pupil,"Of course I am, Shizune. And I know just the place where."

"Wow! Just in time for the festival." Jiraiya told his student.

Naruto just squinted her eyes and saw the festival with glee manifesting inside her. "Man, I've never been to a place like this before! So what are we gonna do, dattebayo?" Naruto asked her mentor.

"Just the thing you do in festivals!" Jiraiya opened his arms wide.

Naruto grinned, curving her whiskered birthmarks. She then showed Jiraiya her fat lump of a change wallet. "This is Gama-chan!" She held the toad close to her face, caressing it with her cheek.

Jiraiya saw an opportunity and took the toad out of her hands. "Wha-? What are ya doing, Ero-sennin?!"

Jiraiya clicked his tongue and lectured Naruto while giving her only a small wad of cash. He then told her,"Remember the three taboos from now on, Gaki."

Naruto gritted her teeth rebelliously,"I don't even-"

She was cut off when Jiraiya turned around and waved his hand,"Just keep a toad with you, Naruto. I'll contact you when it's time to meet up again." He then smiled sunnily while saying,"Oh, and here is my backpack, hold it for now. Because you know what they say—holding your master's backpack..." He then had a confused face while handing Naruto his backpack,"keeps the perverts away?"

Naruto retorted,"But you're the only pervert around."

Jiraiya smirked,"Not pervert—SUPER pervert." He then added,"See, the backpack works like magic." He then started stalking away to the most high quality brothel.

Naruto glared at the back of head as he giggled,'That perverts gonna...' She stopped thinking of just what he was going to do. She shivered and walked to the food stands.

After spending almost all of what Jiraiya had given her, Naruto was startled by the booming crowd near a local gamble house. "Huh? What's happening there?"

The crowd screamed. Naruto widened eyes with a grin plastered on her face,"Is it a fight?" She asked herself.

Naruto squirmed into the gamble house and smiled at the liveliness inside of it. She then saw what was the center of attention of everyone. There was a blond lady and a big tan guy playing poker.

Naruto scanned through the crowd and saw another lady with a pig in her arms saying,"Tsunade-sama! Please don't gamble off of what's left of money you have with you! We still need to pay off our debts to the other loans!"

Tsunade ignored her and continued to play her game.

Naruto frowned a bit and thought to herself,'Tsunade? Isn't that the old hag's name that Ero-sennin was talking 'bout?' Naruto then recognized that Jiraiya also said that she has several disguises that changed her appearance.

Naruto couldn't believe her luck into finding Tsunade in only two days since leaving Konoha. After several minuets, the big tan guy finally won and asked,"Who wants to get beaten next?"

The people around the house didn't say a word. The big tan guy then said,"Fine, ya losers. Be cowards while I soak into my cash." He laughed out cockily to Tsunade who was next to him seethed in anger.

Shizune knew that her master still wanted to play poker and beat the guy, but it would be of no use because of their lack of money and the lack of Tsunade's gambling skills. Shizune bowed her chin down on Tonton's head, causing Tonton to be a bit worried for Shizune.

Tsunade gripped her fingers to her palms as she gritted her teeth.

In the crowd, Naruto finally got through the crowd and declared,"Hey, Fatlump!"

The big tan guy narrowed his eyes to where the nickname was heard from,"What did ya say, little girl?"

Naruto smiled with a little cockiness showing through her face,"The name's Naruto and I want to gamble with you, dattebayo!"

The big tan guy smirked dangerously to Naruto and said,"Don't ya think that yer a little to young to be playing poker with the adults?"

"Shut up! The day I got this head protecter was the day I became an adult! Cause I'll be Hokage one day!" She shouted out to the confused crowd.

Tsunade turned around to the commotion and said,"Hokage?"

Shizune widened her eyes as she thought about her uncle. "Tsunade-sama? Why would a Konoha shinobi be here?"

Tsunade shook her head as she sat on a nearby chair. "Let's see how this will all play out. I wanna see if that brat even has a chance."

The big than guy suddenly laughed aloud with the rest of the crowd,"140 ryou!" he then smirked at Naruto,"Fine, tell ya what, brat. I'll put in all my money for all your money. Deal?"

Naruto smirked at him underestimating her,"Deal. That was what I was hoping for anyways."

They shook hands and then the cards were distributed. After picking up his last card, the big tan guy laughed with glee as he shouted out,"Straight flush!"

The poker dealer looked at the high than guy's cars and widened his eyes,"It's true! 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 clover!" Everyone who witnessed the pair playing poker muttered about how the older of the two was bound to win, leaving Naruto to lose.

A small grin was painted on Naruto's face as she slid her next card. The big tan guy narrowed his eyes at her behavior. Naruto then slammed her cards on the green table while shouting out,"Royal flush!"

A deep silence lapsed around the walls of the gamble house until the big tan guy shouted out,"You're lying, little kid."

"Try me, loser. Or are you just so much a coward that finding out that a little girl beat your thick butt up will break your already nonexistent ego?" Naruto recited the words back at him.

The crowd laughed at him. Tsunade frowned to the little girl who had just partially beat the guy up for her. Tsunade smiled, as well did Shizune, laughing out loud.

The big tan guy told the dealer to check for any flaws that Naruto had. The dealer's eyes went even more wide,"It's-it's true! A royal flush!"

The dealer then showed the cards to the whole crowed who cheered on for Naruto.

The big tan guy shook in doubt as he bellowed,"That's a lie! You cheated!" He pointed to Naruto.

Everyone 'oooohhhhhhed' as Naruto had a serious look on her face,"Humph, you just can't get over the fact that I beat you up, dattebayo."

Now, everyone's 'ooohhhs' were directed to the big tan guy. The crowd shouted out,"Fight!" They repeated the same word over and over again until the bug tan guy took the first swing.

Shizune widened her eyes worriedly to Tsunade,"Tsunade-sama, should we help her? Actually, we need to stop this fight before things get out of hand." Shizune stood up.

Tsunade shook her head,"No Shizune," Tsunade grabbed her hand,"Didn't that same little girl call herself an adult—having the same dream as them?"

"Tsunade-sama..." Shizune bit her lip.

Tsunade shook her head and brought Shizune down to sit in the chair again. "Let's just see how this plays out. I mean, we can't underestimate her now after her Royal flush."

Shizune smiled weakly to her master and petted Tonton.

Naruto dodged the first blow she was supposed to get. The big tan guy tried to kick her, only to get stopped by a hand. He looked upwards and saw that there were now eight Narutos. Everyone in the crowd cheered for Naruto.

Then the Narutos jumped upwards with a stance that was predicted by a kick. The first clone was followed by another, almost all saying one syllable.









Everyone witnessing the fight were now surprised at the last knockout blow Naruto had given. A silence elapsed the room until one person clapped, followed by another. And then, in seconds, everyone in the room started clapping at Naruto's victory.

A smile lifted on Naruto's face. Her right hand was lifted to scratch the back of her head—she was embarrassed. Everyone laughed and even some complimented her.

After some time, the crowd dwindled, leaving the gamble house to be quiet deserted.

A feminine, but firm voice echoed to Naruto,"Oi, Gaki."

Naruto turned around and found the person she was supposed to retrieve and another unknown woman. "That's a lot of money you got there."

"Sure is, dattebayo."

Shizune frowned,"Don't say it, Tsunade-sama."

"Tch, Shizune. I just wanted to say thank you." Tsunade frowned while walking out of the doorway.

"Wait!" Naruto bit her lip,"Why?"

Tsunade turned around as Naruto walked up to her,"Nothing much, Brat—just for beating up that brute. But one word of advice—give up that dream of yours. Hokage wannabes and Hokages themselves tend to die off easily." She thought about Dan and Nawaki.

Naruto grew angry at that point,"Nuh uh, ya old hag!"

Shizune screamed at the killer intent Tsunade gave off. Even though the KI was intended for Naruto, the dark aura still engulfed the room.

Naruto withstood the killer intent until it stopped. She had a confused look on her face until Tsunade said,"The next time you make me angry, I'll be using my pinky to beat you up, Gaki."

"Your pinky?! How? Aren't you just an old granny?"

"That's it." Tsunade punched the floor directly towards Naruto. Naruto screamed curses to Tsunade.

Tsunade was about to come over to Naruto herself until Shizune held her in place and dragged her the opposite way to prevent anymore bodily harm. "My-my gambling house!" The owner of the house cried out.

Naruto struggled from the debris and smirked,"I guess the old hag also underestimated me huh, Gama-san." She looked at the minuscule toad on her palm,"Now go and follow them, Gama-san. Oh, and make sure to not get caught or anything, kay?"

The small toad croaked in agreement and quickly went it's way towards the medic pair.

Naruto sighed and struggled to her feet as she trudged with her now money-filled backpack and her white-haired mentor's backpack.

"Hmm, maybe I'll get some more food," she told herself.

Jiraiya giggled with the three girls surrounding him. Having never been to this brothel before, Jiraiya saw girls he had never seen before. It was always the best to 'sample'.

After his giggling stopped, Jiraiya remembered his other mission problem. He then asked the ladies,"Hey, girls? Have you ever seen an overly developed female maybe at her early to mid-twenties?"

One girl said,"Go on?"

"Hmmmm, blond hair, hazel eyes... oh, and a green kimono top that has the kanji of gamble on the back. She also goes around with her pupil who is the complete opposite of her. And I think they have a small pig or animal of sort."

A young brunette said,"Hey, the people you're talking about are ladies right?"

Jiraiya nodded.

"Then why are you talking about other women when you have us?" The same brunette said sensually.

Jiraiya laughed out loudly until a familiar voice shouted out,"You Ero-sennin! You just broke all of the shinobi taboos!" Naruto looked on the table in front of Jiraiya,"Gama-chan! What have you done to my Ganma-chan?!"

Naruto glared at Jiraiya. Jiraiya just smiled sheepishly to her until another loud voice spoke up,"Ladies, let's get on to it or else we'll attack."

Jiraiya and Naruto looked towards the doorway, looking at a small gang of five holding on a couple of sharp slasher knives. Naruto looked up at Jiraiya with an angry look on her face.

The ladies that were once hosting for Jiraiya were now cowering in fear behind him. Jiraiya just stood calm and asked the small group,"And what would you mean by that, little man?"

The head of the group stepped up and pointed his knife towards Jiraiya's face,"Lookie here boys. This old guy thinks he can beat us up."

Naruto was about to strike at the leader until Jiraiya held her down and whispered in her ear,"Just wait, Naruto. I'll take care of these wimps." However, Jiraiya's voice was loud enough for the gang to hear.

"Who you calling wimps?" One of the gang members said.

Jiraiya ignored him until the leader finally snapped and lurched towards Jiraiya. Jiraiya smiled and threw the leader onto his followers, making them tumble to the floor. "Now this is what will teach you to respect your elders.

Jiraiya then formed a perfectly round blue sphere and thrust his right palm into the group, causing them to all be completely knocked out.

Naruto looked in awe at Jiraiya. A sudden newfound respect was formed for Jiraiya. She smiled brightly and complimented him,"Ne, Ero-sennin! That was a pretty cool technique you did there, dattebayo."

Jiraiya boomed with laughter,"Of course, of course!"

Right then, Naruto finally remembered what happened before,"Hey, Ero-sennin? I found that old granny."

Jiraiya widened his eyes,"Then what are you doing here, Gaki? Why didn't you bring her?"

Naruto shook her head with a smile lighting up her face,"She kinda beat me up first of all, but, I made that tiny frog you gave me follow her."

A boom of laughter exited from Jiraiya's mouth again,"I knew I could count in you, Gaki!" He then looked at her confused,"Wait, how'd you become so smart?"

Naruto smiled,"Kakashi-sensei taught me to look underneath the underneath and tracking; I didn't know that I would use tracking so early." Then, Naruto's smile faltered when also remembered about her own Gama-chan. "You! You- argh! Gama-chan!"

Jiraiya shook his head,"Never mind, you're still dumb." He continued,"You're still complaining 'bout that?"

"Of course! Do you know how many D-ranks I had to complete in order to fill Gama-chan up?!"

"A lot?"

"Exactly, Ero-sennin." Naruto then threw Jiraiya's backpack onto the floor. She then felt the weight of her own backpack then smirked.

Jiraiya looked at her facial expressions weirdly,'What a weird child. One second she throws a tantrum, the other, she looks like the devil.'

Naruto opened her backpack, making Jiraiya's eyes glow. "These here are my winnings."

Jiraiya looked at the stacks upon stacks loaded inside the backpack. There was more than enough money in there to buy three large homes. "What were you doing while I was here, Gaki?"

"Playing poker, Ero-sennin."

"You know how to play poker?"

"Yup. And I don't even have to cheat in order to win. I just win no matter the reason."

"And I'm guessing that's how you met Tsunade?"

"Mmmmm-hmm. I wasn't actually playing her exactly, I was playing this dumb fake. But the best part was that I only gambled in something hundred ryou while he gambled in his whole profit." She then laughed menacingly,"That guy underestimated me! And he even dared to try to beat me up, but I was the one that knocked him off of his socks!"

Jiraiya sweatdropped,"Yeah, Gaki," he said awkwardly. "Why don't we go and find Tsunade now?"

With a nod, Naruto agreed while filling Gama-chan up with money.

Kakashi sighed the seventeenth time that day. Sakura frowned, as well did Sasuke, as she said,"Kakashi-sensei? What's wrong? That's like the fiftieth time you sighed today."

Kakashi looked at Sakura and said,"You'll understand when you're older."

Sasuke and Sakura both raised an eyebrow. Sasuke looked at Kakashi,"Will this affect our training?"

Sakura narrowed her eyes when Kakashi sighed again. "Kakashi-sensei? Are you depressed?"

"Huh?" Kakashi looked at Sakura again.

"I've been reading some medic-books in the library and you seem to be depressed." She thought for a remedy,"Do you need a therapist?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes,"Tch. So this will affect our training."

Kakashi shook his head lazily,"No, we'll just go on missions today."

Sasuke held in his whine while Sakura did so openly. "Wait, Kakashi-sensei, shouldn't we wait for Naruto to come back before presuming missions again?"

Kakashi held in his sigh at the mention of Naruto's name,"Nope," he said cheerily with an eyesmile,"let's do some D-ranks!"

Sasuke was on the verge of distress while Sakura complained,"I wish Naruto was here to convince you otherwise, Kakashi-sensei."

At the this mention of Naruto's name, Kakashi sighed one last time.

"There they are, Gaki." Jiraiya pointed the two people for Naruto.

"I know, Ero-sennin. I'm not blind, dattebayo," Naruto whispered back.

Jiraiya was about to smack her head until Tsunade said,"Shizune, I think someone is following us."

"Freak. Gaki, let's get out of here. I have a feeling that if she sees me now, I'll be getting it," Jiraiya worried.

Naruto nodded until Tsunade said,"It's more people I owe." Shizune nodded as both women henged into looking in their eighties.

A voice yelled,"Hey you two!"

Tsunade turned around weakly,"Yes, Sonny?"

"Have you seen two women with a pi- wait a minuet."

Shizune took quick action and knocked the man to the ground unconscious. "Phew, that was a close one, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade frowned,"He wasn't the one I was sensing, Shizune. It was the two behind those bushes." Tsunade pointed to the bushes to her left. Shizune frowned as they henged back.

The bushes ruffled as Jiraiya and Naruto walked out from the bushes. "Hey, Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya waved his hand,"Shizune, and Tonton."

Tsunade widened her eyes,"You! You were the one who beat that brute up!" She pointed to Naruto. Naruto waved back to her with a sunny smile. "I knew there was something weird about you, you brat! There wouldn't be any Konoha shinobi walking around freely around a festival for nothing!"

"Whatever, Baa-chan," Naruto said disrespectfully.

"I thought I told you that the next time I hear you calling me that, I'll annihilated you?" Tsunade cracked her knuckles, then added,"With only my pinky."

Naruto snorted until Jiraiya covered her mouth with his hand. He whispered in her ear,"Shut up, Gaki. I don't want to bring a dead body back to Konoha."

Naruto glared at him, but kept her mouth shut. "Okay, let just get to the deal here, Tsunade. Konoha needs you," Jiraiya said.

Tsunade rolled her eyes,"Pfft, like I've never heard that before."

"It's Sarutobi-sensei who's pleading this time around, Tsunade. It's uncertain to me what he needs you for, but I think it's for something important."

"Really? This predicament is so repetitive."

"Tsunade, I'm being serious here. You know, if they were still here, they wouldn't like what you are doing."

That broke Tsunade's last straw,"Jiraiya, I'm done with Konoha! You should know better than most to why I did! I was done with Konoha when-when-" she shook her head with anger,"I'm not coming back any time soon." Tsunade walked away alongside Shizune.

"Well that went well," Naruto said sarcastically.

Jiraiya shook his head,"No, I have a feeling that Sarutobi-sensei wants me to complete this mission no matter what." Jiraiya thought of what Hiruzen told him quietly that day,'Sensei did say that Tsunade would be great support for the future. But why? What am I missing?'

"I don't know how that woman doesn't even sense Gama-san yet." Naruto wondered out loud.

Jiraiya answered her question,"That's cause Gama-san has such little chakra—even less than your average civilian—that even feels nonexistent at times." He sighed,"I just don't know how I'll persuade her to come back."

"Naruto," Jiraiya said,"let's get some more training done."

"Huh, really?"

"Yes, really. What I'm going to teach you today is the Rasengan."

"The Rasengan?" Naruto questioned.

"Yup. Remember that blue sphere that I hit on those thugs?"

"Oh yeah! Wait, you're gonna teach me that?!" Naruto had a hopeful look on her face,"Cause if you are, did I ever tell you that you are the best Ero-sennin ever?"

Jiraiya rolled his eyes but smiled anyways from the compliment,"Thanks Gaki. Well, I gotta also tell you one thing." He waited for Naruto to nod her head,"Well, the Yondaime himself created this technique. Only a few people know and master this technique, Naruto."

At the mention of her most favorite Hokage's name, Naruto looked awe inspired towards Jiraiya. Jiraiya just nodded his head sagely,"You just remind me of the Yondaime. I also think you have the potential, Gaki."

Naruto's face literally broke in half as she tackled Jiraiya into a bear hug. "Thanks Ero-sennin! You're the best!"

"I've already been told that today, Gaki," he laughed.

Orochimaru's lair

"Kabuto," Orochimaru hissed,"did you find anything interesting going on in Konoha right now?"

Kabuto smiled sinisterly to his master,"Hmm, well, I heard Jiraiya-sama and another little brat are going to find Tsunade-sama for the purposes of Konoha. I get the feeling they might just get her back."

Orochimaru laughed,"Do you really think that fool's going to get Tsunade?" He smirked,"This might get interesting."

Kabuto's smile drew bigger,"Jiraiya-sama's not the only interesting subject. I heard that the brat he's taking is the kyubi Jinchuuriki."

"Really?" Orochimaru thought out loud,"This might be like killing two birds with one stone."

"How so, Orochimaru-sama?"

"If Konoha is in such a need for Tsunade, why don't we sabotage this ploy. We can kill or even kidnap both Tsunade and that apprentice of Jiraiya's."

Kabuto said worriedly,"Yes, but wouldn't it be dangerous the two other sannins? And there could be a chance that the kyubi container could get loose."

Orochimaru closed his eyes,"Don't have fate in my strength, I see?"

Kabuto frowned,"No, it's not that."

"Fine then, we'll head in three days."

(A/N: Bye, and thank you for reading.)