
April 14, 02:48 UTC

Darkseid was in his palaces looking down from his balcony at his army. Behind him stood Desaad, Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness and what looked like a mix between a man and gorilla wearing medieval armour.

"By soldiers the time had come to add Earth to our empire and then we'll continue my search for the Anti-Life Equation, so I can bring order to this universe!" Darkseid said to the army below.

Then everyone began to roar in cheer and shaking their fists up into the air.

Darkseid then turned to the man and gorilla. "Kalibak, tell our allies on Earth that we are ready," He said.

"Of course Father, but can we trust them?" Kalibak asked.

"No!" Darkseid said. "But like me they will stop at nothing to get what they acquire. That's something I like about humans."

"As you wish father," Kalibak said walking away.

Darkseid turned back to face the army below and smiled.

New York City

April 15, 18:14 EDT

G. Gordon Godfrey had just entered the studio and faced the camera.

"Hello folks, and welcome to another show with me, your old friend G. Gordon Godfrey," Godfrey said in a cheerily voice. His face then turned sour. "And let's say hello to your guest from the so called 'Justice League', Black Canary, and the Question."

The camera then turned to face Black Canary and the Question, who were sitting on chairs. Godfrey then sat on the chair opposite of them.

"It's great being here, Gordon," Black Canary said.

"Yes, I'm sure it is," Godfrey said with resentment.

"I have to admit I'm surprised that you wanted us as, guest stars, on your show," Question said curiously.

"Well, it gives me a chance to ask you questions?" Godfrey said. "Like how did you know that Queen Bee was invading Qurac before it even happen or how did you know that the Ion Cortex was about to be stolen?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you," Black Canary said plainly.

"Oh, is that so or is it just another secret that you don't want to share with the people you are supposed to protect?" Godfrey asked.

"If you're talking about the Watchtower we kept that a secret just for this reason," Black Canary explained. "And as for our black ops team, we had to keep that secret in order to protect its members."

"You'll pardon me if I don't believe you," Godfrey said getting onto his feet.

"Whether you believe us or not that is the truth," Black Canary said crossing her legs.

"The real question is, is who are you?" Question asked plainly.

"What are you talking about? I'm G. Gordon Godfrey!" Godfrey yelled.

"And yet, there has been no record of G. Gordon Godfrey in any school, college or university," Question said.

Godfrey started to look a bit nervous, but remembered he was on TV and regain his composer. "You're talking nonsense. I have birth certificate and diplomas."

"Which can be faked," Question pointed out.

"Is this some kind of trail?" Godfrey asked. "Because last time I remembered you were guest stars on my show!"

Many people in the audience yelled in agreement.

"Then who come there are on records of your parents?" Question asked.

"What's this, twenty questions?!" Godfrey yelled.

"There just some simple questions."

"You listen and listen good," Godfrey said angrily as he pointed a finger at the both of them. "I'm speaking on behalf of all of my fellow human beings when I say that we can all agree on that you and the rest of the Justice League have been keeping secrets from us, and we won't stand for it anymore."

Black Canary then, secretly, placed a finger on her com-link and whispered, "Cyborg that your cue."

In the audience, Cyborg was sitting there wearing baggy jeans and a long sleeved hoody, with the hood on his head.

Without anyone in the audience knowing he raised an arm and sent a sonic pulse straight towards Godfrey. The sonic pulse hit him and his watch sparked and began to smoke.

The next moment, Godfrey's face began to change. It was now darker skinned with several scares across his face and his eyes were now blood red.

Everyone in the audience gasped and stared at him. Some of them even screamed.

"You say your human, but I don't see that in your eyes," Question said, even though he had no face, Black Canary was sure he was smirking.

Godfrey realised what had happened and pulled out two Apokoliptian guns from out of nowhere. He pointed them straight at Black Canary and Question.

"For Darkseid!" He yelled.

But before he could pull the triggers, Black Canary used her Canary Cry to knocking him back across the room.

She then looked at Question and said, "I think that G. Gordon Godfrey show is going to be cancelled now. Don't you think?"

"Good, I never liked his show," Question said.

The Watchtower

April 16, 13:28 EDT

Oracle and members of the Justice League, and the Team were discussing about upcoming advents.

"Well, at least Godfrey is in prison," Wonder Girl said.

"Yes, but that's not much of a victory when Savage and Luthor are still around, and in less than twenty four we'll have to fight of an invasion," Blue Devil pointed out.

"True, but we might have slowed them down," Superman said.

"We can't take that chance," Oracle said. "Not with the fate of the world in our hands."

"At least we've had a head start, thanks to Wally," Tigress said.

"And we have every one of our allies on standby," Nightwing said.

"Then I guess nothing can surprise us," Beast Boy said.

Then suddenly a boom tube opened behind them and exiting out of it was a guy wearing a red bodysuit, blue briefs and boots. On his head he wore a helmet that covered everything apart from his mouth. He was riding what looked like harness, with lasers, which warped around his waist, shoulder and slung over his feet.

"You had to say it," Raven said.

Everyone pointed their weapons at the stranger.

"Who are you?!" Superman demanded.

"I'm an Orion from New Genesis," The stranger said getting off his harness.

Nobody lowered their weapons. Superman looked at Wonder Woman, who nodded, and warped Orion with her lasso.

"Did you just speak the truth?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Yes," Orion said who did look happy about being interrogated. "And I would appreciate if you remover this lasso."

"Sorry," Wonder Woman said removing her lasso from him. "We had to check with the Apokoliptian invasion approaching."

"I suppose I'll do the same," Orion said.

"What brings you here?" Batman asked.

"To tell you that Highfather will being support," Orion said. "But this war has reached its height and we believe the outcome will be decided on Earth."

"So, your saying is that the Battle of Earth will decide on who will rule this galaxy?" Nightwing asked.


"Who did this war even started?" Wonder Girl asked.

"Mother Box can explain it better than me," Orion said and walked over to his harness.

He then took a Mother Box from it. The moment he held it out towards them the scene changed into what seemed like a battle field and they saw people fighting one another.

"A few hundred years ago both New Genesis and Apokolips were in a bloody war," Orion explained. "Then one day a truce was formed when Highfather and Darkseid exchanged their infant sons."

An image of Darkseid and an old man holding a golden cane wearing clothing that resembled that of a roman emperor appeared. They each were holding a baby boy in their arms.

"Is that Highfather?" Tigress asked pointing at the old man.

"Yes," Orion answered.

"Is that him?" Wonder Girl asked Starfire pointing at Darkseid.

"Yes, I'll never forget that face as long as I live," Starfire said as a tear ran down her cheek.

They then saw both Highfather and Dardseid handed their baby boys to each other and walked away.

"Is it just me or does this gesture of peace sound weird?" Beast Boy whispered to Raven.

"No, it sounds weird alright, even to me," Raven whispered back.

"Wait a minute, if your two worlds are at peace, how come you're at war again?" Nightwing asked.

"Because Darkseid wants nothing more than complete control over the universe," Orion said as his eyes began glowing red and his skin turning slightly grey.

"You sound like you know him?" Raven noted.

"That's because I'm his son," Orion said as his eyes and skin returned to normal.

"The one that has given away?" Superman asked.

"The same."

"So, what are we going to do?" Beast Boy asked.

"Well, if the information Wally got was right they should be invading tomorrow in Metropolis," Superman said.

"Sooner actually," Oracle said. "There invading now."

She then pulled up a holo-screen of Metropolis that showed a mother ship hovering over the Daily Planet. Smaller ships were flying all over the city firing lasers. Parademon were landing on the streets below and people were screaming.

"It's started soon than we anticipated," Batman said.

"No doubt with our recent victories over the Light they decided to attack early," Oracle guessed.

"Then we have to stop them," Nightwing said.

Superman looked at Orion and said, "We could us the help."

"To stop Darkseid from enslaving a planet, I would jump into a black hole," Orion said.


April 16, 14:12 EDT

The Apokoliptian mother ship and cruisers were blasting everything in sight and Parademon were flying around like flies.

Every member of the Justice League and the Team, along with ex-members, Eduardo, Asami, Tye, Jay Garrick and Orion were standing in the streets.

Black Carney then looked at the Team. "The Justice League and the other adults distract the Apokoliptian forces, the Team, Sphere, Wolf and younger members will deal with their leaders."

"Are you sure these children can defeat Darkseid and his lieutenant?" Orion asked.

"Trust me they can handle it," Batman said.

"But how are they going to get into the mother ship without a boom tube?" Orion asked.

"I can teleport everyone straight there," Raven said.

"But have you teleported this many people," Beast Boy asked gesturing to huge number of people behind him.

"Yes," She lied.

Just then the mother ship fired a shot destroying a building.

"We don't have time to discuss this. Go!" Batman said.

Raven casted a dark shadow around all of them and they vanished.

"Do you think they can do it?" Wonder Woman asked Batman.

"We've trained them the best we could," He said looking up at the mother ship. "They are their own heroes now."

"Well, let's not have our young heroes have all the fun," Superman said.

They all nodded and charged at the enemy forces.

Meanwhile in the mother ship, Raven has successively transport them outside the door to the bridge.

The moment they appeared Raven fell to the floor panting heavily.

"Are you alright?" Beast Boy asked walking up to her.

"I'm fine… ju-just need to rest," She gasped.

"I'm afraid we don't have time for that," Aqualad said.

"Then I'll stay with her and we'll join up with you guys later," Beast Boy said.

Aqualad nodded. He then looked at everyone around him; like this was going to be the last time he was going to see them.

"I'm not going to lie to, there is a chance we'll fail and that some of us won't make it back alive," Aqualad said sadly. Everyone looked at him knowing that he was right. "So, I'll say this. It's been a honour fighting a long side you all."

"The feeling is mutual, Kaldur," Nightwing said.

Then Lagoon Boy entered into his puffer mode and Tye went into his astral form. Together they opened the door wide open.

Then all of them, minus Beast Boy and Raven, entered the bridge. There they saw Darkseid, Kalibak, Desaad, Steppenwolf and Granny Goodness.

"Hey, who's the gorilla?" Lieutenant Marvel asked.

"Kalibak, Darseid's first born son and his second in command," Starfire said as her eyes glowed green. "We fought against each other on Tamaran."

"Ah, the Tamaranean princess here to fall at my feet again?" Kalibak asked in a mocking tone.

"I'm the queen now," Starfire said glaring. "I lost my old home. I won't lose my new one."

"So, this is the team of children that Savage told me so much about," Darkseid said looking at them like they were something he just scraped off his boot. "I'm not impressed."

"We didn't come here to impress you," Supergirl said.

"No, then why did you come?" He asked.

"To kick your butt," Flash said.

"You dare speck to the great Darkseid in that tone," Steppenwolf said pointing his energy axe at them. "The nerve."

"Didn't we already beat you last time?" Static asked.

"Indeed you did," Darkseid agreed. "And that's something most distasteful. Steppenwolf, if you lose to these children then you shall feel pain greater than anything you felt before."

"Yes, master," Steppenwolf said.

"And the same does for you Granny Goodness," Darkseid said glaring at Granny.

"As you wish my lord," Granny said pulling out her rod.

"And please let me join the battle, father," Kalibak said pulling out an energy mace.

"Of course my son," Darkseid said. "But remember if you fail you show suffer the same fate."

Kalibak, Steppenwolf and Granny Goodness then matched towards them.

"They do realise that there are way more of us than them," Blue Beetle said firing several plasma shot at them.

"I think there boss expects them to lose," Miss Martian said using her telekinesis to send a computer monitor at them.

"Your right this is nothing more than a punishment for them," Starfire said shot several starbolts. "This is how he rules."

"Then let's show him what the people of Earth can do," Kid Flash said zooming towards them.

"Right behind you kind," Flash said running next to him.

They both then began to deal several punches to Kalibak, but then he slammed his mace to the ground sending them flying.

"Ha, no human man can defeat me," Kalibak bragged.

"Then it's a good this I'm neither a human nor a man," Starfire said before punching him hard in the face.

She punched him so hard that he flew across the room and slammed into the wall, creating a Kalibak sized dent in it.

"That was for Tamaran," Starfire said.

Aqualad was busy fighting Steppenwolf with his Water-Bearers, in sword form.

"You have no hope to defeat me," Steppenwolf growled.

"Alone maybe, but it's a good thing I'm not alone," Aqualad said and ducked.

Steppenwolf then saw Green Lantern flying towards him with a mace construct. He had no time to dodge and got slammed by it, knocking him out cold.

Granny was trying to blast Troia with her rod, but then Arrowette fired an arrow knocking it out of her hand. Then Asami slammed into her using her chi slam, knocking her out cold.

"Uh, master maybe it would be best if you fight these children," Desaad advised.

"Are you telling your master that he should fight children?" Darkseid asked his eyes glowing red.

"N-no master… I just—" He never finished because he got blasted by laser eye beam from Darkseid.

Everyone just stared, not believing what just happened, because all that was left of Desaad was a scorch mark on the floor.

Darkseid then turned to face them. "Anyone how questions me will feel the wrath of my Omega Beam," He said. He then began to walk towards them. "Though it annoys me, it looks as if I'll have to finish you myself."

"He just killed on of his own," Tempest gasped.

"That's just sick," Static said.

"Just remember the plan," Aqualad said.

They then all charged at him.


April 16, 18:32 UTC

In Superman's Fortress of Solitude, Superboy was still floating in a glass sphere being healed by a miniature sun.

Then suddenly his eyes opened.


April 16, 14:40 EDT

The Justice League was outside the mother ship still fighting Apokoliptian forces.

"I hope the Team are alright," Superman said as he blasted an Apokoliptian cruiser with his heat vision.

"They'll be fine," Wonder Woman said warping a Parademon with her lasso and tossed it at another. "We need to focus on our part of the mission."

"We've done everything we can for them, now it's up to them," Captain Atom said as he blasted a Apokoliptian cruiser with an energy blast.

"I guess you're right," Superman said punching a Parademon in the face.

Then suddenly he got blasted in the back, he turned around and saw Luthor floating behind him wearing green, and purple armour. His wrist gauntlet was smoking, making Superman guess that he just blasted him with a laser.

"Showing the world your true colours now are we?" Superman asked filling a little weak.

"Being UN Secretary-General had its uses, but now it's time for everyone to see the Light," Luthor said before blasting him again with a green ray.

Wonder Woman and Captain Atom turned around to help, but then got shot by a couple of lasers from the ground.

Standing on a roof top were Mercy and Metallo they were shooting lasers at any member of the Justice League they could find.

Down on the ground Batman was standing with Green Arrow and Black Canary looking at his holo-pad seeing members of the Light began to attack the Justice League.

"So, you've brought every member of the Light," Batman noted looking up.

Standing in front of him stood Savage with the Terror Twins standing behind him.

"This is our chance to show the world the Light and we'll stop at nothing until we succeed," Savage said.

"And the War World?" He asked.

"In a safe part of space," Savage said. "Once the invasion is successful we'll us the War World and all of Earth resources to conquer the Milky Way."

"But the Green Lantern Corps will stop you," Green Arrow said pointing his bow and arrow at him.

"The Green Lantern Corps is still busy fight the Sinestro Corps and by the time they finish our mission would have succeed."

"Enough talk boss, let's just crush them," Tommy Terror said.

"Yeah, I want to crush some skulls," Tuppence Terror said.

"Then have your fun," Savage said.

The Terror Twins then charged at them, but Black Canary used her Canary Cry making them to cover their ears.

While they covered their ears, Batman dealt a few jabs in Tuppence Terror's chest, while Green Arrow fired a Foam arrow at Tommy Terror trapping him.

But then Savage dashed towards Green Arrow and swung a fist at him. Green Arrow tried to use his bow to block it, but Savage fist broke right through it and slammed him hard in the chest making him fall to the ground.

"Ollie!" Black Canary yelled.

She then charged at Savage and began to deal a series of kicks and punches, Savage dodged everyone with ease.

"You're good," Savage said before slamming his elbow on to her back, knocking her out. "But I have centuries of fight experience."

"Then try me," A voice said.

Savage turned around and looked at Batman who had taken a fighting stance.

"Then so be it," Savage said with an evil smile.

The two then charged at each other and began trading blows to one another.

Up in the sky Superman had recover from his attack from Luthor and the two were fighting it out.

"No alien can beat me," Luthor said as he fired several missiles at him.

"Except for me," Superman said using his heat vision to destroy the missiles.

He destroyed all of them, except one which slammed into him sending him backwards. Before he could recover Luthor flew out of the smoke and punched him in the face.

Superman then fly back towards him and was about to slam him with a punch, but then his chest plate opened up reviling a chunk of Kryptonite. He suddenly felt weak and could barely fly.

Luthor then grabbed his throat and smiled evilly at him. "And so it ends," He said getting ready to deal the finally blow.

But then Mercy's voice said, "Sir—"

"Not a good time, Mercy," Luthor said in an annoyed tone.

"But sir, satellites show something heading towards us at mach speed," Mercy said.

Luthor stopped and turned around and he saw something heading towards him. "What is that?" He asked as he squinted his eyes.

Then suddenly a red laser his him in the chest making him drop Superman and destroyed the chunk of Kryptonite in there.

Luthor looked back at the object heading towards him and his eyes widened. "No! It's not possible," He said in horror.

Meanwhile on the ground Batman was still fighting Savage and was losing.

"Nobody has lasted this long before," Savage said as he dealt his a right hook. "I'm impressed."

Batman looked at him with blood running down his cheek and said, "You'll lose."

Savage chuckled and pulled a knife out from nowhere ready to deal the final blow. "Famous last words."

Before he could plunge the knife into him, Luthor landed right on top of him his armour covered in fist like dents.

"Thanks for the save Clark," Batman said over the com-link.

"Wish I could take the credit," A voice behind him said.

Batman looked behind him and saw Superman walking towards him still weak from the Kryptonite.

"If it wasn't you, then who was it?" He asked looking up into the sky.

Meanwhile in the mother ship, Darkseid was looking at all the fallen heroes around him.

Some were knocked out, including Beast Boy and Raven who had re-join them; others were injured, including Green Lantern who had his arm in green arm sling construct, while others were barely standing.

"You are nothing more than insects under my foot," Darkseid as he tossed a weakened Supergirl aside. "So, why do you defy me? It's pointless."

"That's the thing about this world, we'll fight until our last breath," Nightwing said getting up.

"And we don't care if your stronger than us," Aqualad said getting up as well.

"We won't stop until we defeat you or die trying," Flash said getting up.

Soon the other members of the Team got up despite their injurers.

"This is foolishness," Darkseid said not showing any emotion.

"Maybe, but people would rather die fighting then live crawling," Starfire said.

"Then I'll put an end to it," Darkseid said as his eyes began to glow.

Then suddenly the bridges window smashed and something slammed into Darkseid's back sending him across the room.

Everyone looked up to see who sent Darkseid flying and gasped. Floating in mid-air, wearing blue and dark red costume with a blue and red jacket of matching design, red gloves and boots with yellow accents, was Superboy.

"Sorry I'm late," He said floating down on to the ground.

"SB, you're… flying," Flash said.

"I guess being exposed to that large about of yellow sun energy have me the rest of my Kyrptonian," Superboy asked.

Miss Martian then gave him a big hug. "I'm just glad you're alive," She said as tears ran down her cheek.

Then Superboy saw that Darkseid was getting up. "We can celebrate later once we defeat this guy," He said gesturing to Darkseid.

"He's right," Aqualad said.

"We have to give him everything we've got left," Nightwing said.

"Then let's show what these 'children' can do," Flash said.

Darkseid finally managed to get up, but before he could do anything else, Nightwing flew several Batarangs that exploded in his face. Aqualad followed up slamming him with his Water-Bearers, in hammber form. This was followed by several quick jabs from Flash and Superboy. Then Miss Martian lifted his throne and tossed it at him.

"You can't win," Darkseid said getting angry about to fire an Omega Beam.

"We bake to differ," Tigress said before firing an arrow in to his right eye.

Darkseid yelled in pain as placed a hand over his eye as blood trickled in-between his fingers.

Then Wolf bit down hard on his shoulder and Sphere fired several lasers at him. He grabbed Wolf and tossed him straight at Sphere knocking the both of them away.

He was then slammed with a huge about of water coming from Tempest. He was about to charge at him, but was stopped when Troia warped her lasso around his neck. He was about fire another Omega Beam from his left eye, but Red Hood pulled out his pistols and shot him in the left eye.

He yelled in pain once again and fell to knees placing his hand over his eye again. Before he could recover, both Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel slammed two electrical fists into him.

"I refuse to lose to mere children," Darkseid said getting up panting.

"You really need to lean to give up," Bumblebee said before blasting him with her stingers.

Lagoon Boy then charged at him in his puffer mode and began to deal with several punches. He was then slammed into the wall by Beast Boy who had taken the form of a rhino. Robin then somersaulted out of nowhere and stuck him with his electrified Bō, making him yelled out in pain.

He was about to grab him, but Wonder Girl slammed into him and was followed by Blue Beetle's plasma cannon.

Darkseid was now bruised and battered, and would barely stand. "No matter how many times you attack me, I won't stop," He said as blood poured out of his mouth.

"Then let me change your mind," Guardian said slamming his shield into his face.

Before he could grab him, Kid Flash grabbed him and ran to safety. He was then hit by Arsenal's laser and then got pounded into the ground by Tye's astral form creating a huge dent in the floor. When he tried to get up, Asami then slammed into him with her chi slam.

Somehow he managed to grab her before she could jump out of the way. "Now I'll crus you," He said as he squeezed her making her scream.

He was about to finish her off, but Eduardo teleported right above him with Static alongside him. He then tossed him towards Darkseid.

"Not if I have anything saw about it, dude," Static said landing on his back and a massive surge of electricity through him.

This made him release Asami. Eduardo then teleported again and grabbed her before teleporting to a safe distance.

Supergirl then came flying in and dealt a series of powerful punches, Darkseid then swatted her away. He then came face to face with Green Lantern, who created several missile constructs and fired them at him. Arrowette then fired a bola arrow at his feet, making him trip, before Starfire dealt him a right upper cut.

He fell to the floor and tried to get up, but Cyborg fired his cannon at him sending him towards the other side of the room. He looked up in time to see Raven firing a massive about of dark energy that ponded him deeper into the floor.

All of them looked at the unmoving, smoking, bruised and battered Darkseid before them.

"We did it," Flash said.

Then suddenly red armour and someone speaking Apokolipties could be heard.

"Oh, that can't be good," Bumblebee said.

"Oracle, can you hear us?" Aqualad asked over the com-link.

"Loud and clear," Oracle said. "And before you ask, I know the answer. Your little fight with Darkseid has really damaged the ship and it's about to blow!"

"We need to get out of here!" Miss Martian said.

"No kidding, but how? I'm too weak to teleport us out," Raven said.

"And my ring can't carry all of us," Green Lantern pointed out.

"What are we going to do Kaldur?" Nightwing asked.

Aqualad had an unsure look on his face.

Outside the mother ship, the Justice League had managed to destroy most of the Apokoliptian forces and rounded up the Light's members that took part in the battle.

"Is that everyone?" Orion asked.

"Everyone that I could see," Superman said.

"Then let's help the Team," Batman said.

But before they could do anything else the mother ship exploded. They all looked up in horror at the explosion.

"No!" Flash gasped.

"J'onn… are they—?" Wonder Woman asked looking at Martian Manhunter hoping that it wasn't the answer she was expecting.

"I can't ready anyone," Martian Manhunter said in a sad tone.

"No, it can't be," Aquaman said broken hearted.

"I'm sorry," Orion said looking at them.

Then suddenly a boom tube opened up behind them. They all took their fighting stances ready to fight whoever came out of it.

Then exiting out of it was the entire Team looking bruised and battered, but alive. There were cries of relief and joy all around.

"What happened?" Batman asked.

"Bats, give the kids a brake they just escaped certain death," Green Arrow said. He then looked at the Team. "What happened?"

"Our battle with Darkseid damaged his ship causing it to explode," Nightwing explained.

"Then how did you escape?" Aquaman asked.

"Ask him," Aqualad said looking at Superboy.

"So, it was you how to down Luthor and saved me from Savage," Batman said not surprised at all.

"Well, I didn't have time to introduce myself," Superboy said smiling.

"So, don't keep us in suspense. How did you escape?" Green Arrow asked.

"I just thought to have Cyborg use one of their Father Boxes to open a boom tube," Superboy explained.

That's when they noticed that Cyborg was holding a Father Box in his hand.

"Good work… son," Superman said placing a hand on Superboy.

Superboy just looked at him not sure if he was shocked or happy that Superman had finally called him son.

Washington, D.C.

April 16, 17:30 EDT

Cat Grant was standing outside the newly constructed Hall of Justice.

"This is Cat Grant reporting in front of the newly constructed Hall of Justice, on this wonderful Easter Sunday," She said. "As you have probably heard that earlier today Metropolis was invaded by an alien invasion. But with luck would have it the Justice League and their black ops team stopped the invasion."

"In other news former UN Secretary-General Lex Luthor was shown helping adding invasion and was shown to be head of a criminal organisation called the Light. He and the other members of the Light have been arrested and sent to life imprisonment, apart for a Vandal Savage who turned out to threatened the whole galaxy; he'll be taken to planet named Rimbor for his crimes."

"As for who will be taken the post of UN Secretary-General there has been a lot of support for either Wonder Woman or Aquaman whose people have joined the UN. Also the Earth has now allied itself with two planets called New Genesis and Tamaran who's queen it a member of Justice League black ops team."

"We are now waiting for, Superman, the new leader of the Justice League."

In front of the Hall of Justice stood Superman and behind him were the Justice League and the Team, minus Kid Flash.

Superman then walked up to the podium and began to speak. "Firstly I would like to thank for all those people who helped us during the Apokoliptian invasion and to Bruce Wayen, who sadly could be here today."

As he talked Superboy noticed that Beast Boy and Raven were holding hands. He looked at Miss Martian and said, "Did Gar get a girlfriend when I was out?"

Miss Martian chuckled and said, "No, they became a couple when they kissed when Raven was recovering after teleporting us into the mother ship. Also there not the only ones, both Nightwing and Koriand'r are a couple too."

"It's a shame that Bart had to return though."

"He said he had to or he could create a paradox that would have destroyed two thirds of the universe."

"Then it's a good thing that Wally was able to get Flash's cosmic treadmill working."

"So, I take it that Red Hood, Arsenal, Eduardo, Asami and Tye still didn't want to join the Team," Miss Martian noted.

"No, Red Hood and Arsenal decided to work on their own, and the others just wanted out of the hero business."

"Well, as long as their happy," Miss Martian said with a smile on her face.

They stopped talking to hear the rest of what Superman had to say.

"And finally I would like to welcome the newest members of the Justice League Orion of New Genesis, Aqualad, Nightwing and the Flash," Superman said as the four heroes stepped up and were given id cards. "And to welcome the new leader of the Team that has been renamed, by popular vote, Young Justice, my son Superboy."

People then began to clap as Superboy stepped forward and walked to the podium and began to speak. "I just want to say this to any villain that might be listening, you better watch out because both the Justice League, and Young Justice are here to protect the people of the Earth and beyond, so you better watch your backs because we'll be here to stop you."

Then the entire crowd began to cheer even louder.