Helen Rider sighed and glanced at the computer, her son would have a terrible future if she had read right, and she had.

She and John would die, Ian would die as well and leave her child family less, and that wasn't what she wanted, so Helen wanted to change the Future.

Line Break.

Helen had ran away, she had been stupid and ran, ran from her fears and from the future and she had left a note for her husband that had been to be..

Dear John.

I am Helen Rider, I am your Wife, I received news from my family and I have gone to visit them, don't look for me, I will come when the time is right, you will get letters from me, but when the time is right, you will get to see him or her. If it is a he he will be named: Alexander, and if it is a she, she will be named: Alexa,

Love Helen.

A/N: YES! i have been hooked on Percy Jackson, but slowly i have been coming back to Alex Rider