A/N: Thank you for all of the reviews and faves! I'm so glad you like it so far! This chapter should explain a lot, hopefully, and, clear things up. Sorry for the wait! Please review, and tell me what you think. That really does help me, a lot.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Finder Series.


The expensive suit jacket had not been washed for days, and despite it's growing stench, and soiled fabric, it didn't look like it was getting washed anytime soon.

Takaba went berserk whenever any of Asami's guards tried to approach it, and went crazier when Asami himself tried to remove the jacket from the photographer's curled form.

The jacket was Asami's, or had been, until the photographer got his hands on it.

Asami was always at work, and Akihito was getting closer and closer to his due date. Takaba wanted Asami, yet he hated being so dependent on someone else.

It wasn't like Takaba to cling on to another like a life source, but since he'd been rekindled with Asami, he couldn't bear to be alone.

So he kept the jacket with him at all times, despite the nauseating cologne, though Asami switched his body spray later on.

At first, this thievery caused problems for Asami, as it was one of his most expensive suits jackets, and It belonged to a set. The fabric was rare, the color even more so, and Akihito had managed to snag It right out of Asami's hands.

And he wasn't giving it back.

"It's either you or the jacket, Asami," the younger man offered a negotiation, "either way, one of you is staying."

Asami did want to stay, and he reminded the photographer of that daily. Asami was a businessman, he needed to bring in the money, especially if there was going to be another mouth to feed in the family.

So reluctantly, Asami allowed the jacket to remain with Akihito.


The photographer had been zapped completely of his energy. He slept longer than a sloth, and was ten times lazier as he approached his due date. He didn't get up unless he absolutely had to, and spent most of his days nuzzled in the thick sheets of Asami's bed.

Occasionally, he spoke to Akachan, but as of recent, he'd grown irritated with the unborn child. Akachan made it a daily goal to constantly kick, or sit atop of Takaba's ribs. Not only was the alien sensation uncomfortable to him, it was painful. Very painful.

It was so painful in fact, that at times, Takaba was rendered motionless for hours.

Asami helped when he could, as his touch and voice seemed to sooth the crazy worm inside of Takaba's belly. He calmed him down, oddly, called the child's attention from Takaba's ribs and to some other area of the photographer's abdomen. Takaba craved Asami's touch like a cat in heat, and whined like dog whenever the older man had to leave for work.

He blamed the hormones.


Asami lay behind Akihito on the large bed, dragging his hand across the younger man's swollen stomach. Takaba purred as the sensation sent shivers through his body, and eased the internal pain just a little bit.

With Asami's warmth enveloping Takaba, the pain caused by an energetic Akachan seemed like nothing but a mere scratch. The older man had a strange way of calming the vermin inside of Akihito, and bringing the small, unborn child to his senses.

"Have you decided on any names yet?" Asked the older man, as his hands worked wonders along Takaba's abdomen. The photographer loosely wrapped his thin fingers around Asami's large hand.

"Not really, I haven't given much thought to it. Shouldn't that part be easy anyway?" Takaba responded.

"A name means many things," Asami explained, "I believe it warrants some type of consideration. It sticks with you for your entire life."

"But we address each other by our family names in Japan, so it doesn't really matter what his first name is...can I ask you a question, Asami?"

Takaba sighed, and closed his eyes. Any thought rejection, or backlash Asami may hurl at him after his question, he forced to the back of his mind.

He breathed, "Can Akachan take your last name?"

The older man chuckled, and pulled Takaba into a soft hug. Akihito blushed.

"You really have to ask? Am I doing that bad, Akihito?"

Takaba paused. Had he insulted Asami? What if he hurt his feeling!

"B-bad! You're doing just perfect...i mean, you're pretty famous and well known...and I just thought that-that...I-it would r-ruin y-your image..."
He hated the hormonal imbalance. Tears leaked from his eyes, without his knowledge. His voice cracked before he could finish his sentence, and he went into a fit of sobbing.

How inconsiderate had he been to even ask! No doubt in illegitimate child would ruin Asami's name! People would call it scandal! Asami would be embarrassed...Takaba and Akachan would ruin Asami's life!

"Hey, Akihito," the older man's smooth voice pulled the photographer from his self pity, "why are you crying?"

The younger man sniffed, "B-because, Akachan and I will r-ruin your image in the public eye be-because h-he's i-illigitmate and I-"
"And dealing with illegal fire arms underground doesn't ruin my image?" Asked Asami sarcastically, as he resumed his circular massage on Takaba's smooth skin.

"Y-you won't be mad?" Squeaked the crying photographer.

"No, in fact," Asami pulled the photographer in, closer then before, "I want you to have my last name as well."
"But Asami! We can't! We'd have to get married!"

The older man chuckled, "I have my ways. Don't worry about it, just be concerned with you, and your health. Since we're on the subject of health, why don't we schedule you a visit to the doctor. You're quite small for your seventh month."
Takaba groaned, "I hate the doctor!"

"I know, but that doesn't change my decision on the subject." The older man placed a kiss atop of Akihito's head, and pushed himself off of the bed.

Takaba turned towards him with a grunt.

Asami adjusted his suit jacked, and straightened his tie. With a sigh, he looked at his wrist watch.

"Oh, an hour late already?" He smirked, and looked at the flushed photographer, who stared at him with a pout. Takaba hated when Asami had to leave for work. But childish facial expression, in additional to the swollen baby bump, and his Kitten's cuteness, made Asami want to pounce on the younger man, and free him of his clothes, just as a rapid dog did to the tasty meat of a bone.

He wanted to pound into the boy's entrance, and bury himself deep into Akihito's intoxicating warmth. And if he had the time, he most certainly would. Sex with a pregnant Akihito lasted for hours, and hours on end. It was more...exotic? Exciting? Thrilling?
It was new, and as much as Asami loved it, he didn't have the time.

"Be ready by the time I come back this afternoon," He forced himself to ignore the throbbing in between his legs, and hoped that Akihito had done the same, "We're visiting the doctor-no buts!"
Takaba groaned, and pulled the pillow over his head.

Asami smirked, and hurriedly made his way to the door.

"Hey! Your jacket!" shouted the blond, "Leave your jacket!"


Asami was fidgety in the office. Akihito's condition was in the forefront of his mind.

So many things needed to be done before the photographer had his baby, but time was never on Asami's side.

Firstly, he wanted to move Akihito out of the Penthouse. It wasn't a safe place for Takaba anymore, Tadame was still out there, and his motives were still unclear to Asami.

And in addition to that, the Penthouse didn't seem like the proper setting to raise a child in.

To his surprise, however, Takaba put up a protest about moving. He did not want to leave, and would not leave. He claimed that the building held memories that could not be replaced, and refused to speak to Asami for an entire hour after the older man suggested it.

And when he decided to speak again, he said something slightly disturbing to Asami.

"I'm not letting this thing get in the way between you and me."

In an attempt to calm his nerves, Asami sighed at the memory of those words. Takaba's voice had dropped, and he whispered the phrase with venom.

That thing was Akachan, and Asami wasn't afraid to admit that he'd become attached to the ball of light. And up until recently, he believed Takaba was too. Besides, why wouldn't he be?

"Sir...the reports." Kirishima's voice had called him to attention. With weary eyes, he looked at the Secretary, who stared at him with a hint of disapproval.

He hadn't even opened the report booklet that Kirishima had given him over an hour ago. His mind was to occupied with his budding family.

He cleared his throat, and opened the thick, leather binder. Kirishima nodded in approval, and made his way to leave the room.

"Kirishima." His Boss' command called him to a sudden halt.

The secretary turned around to face the desk, "Sir?"

Asami sighed, "Do you think that...Has Akihito been showing any hate towards his child?"

Kirishima tilted his head, "What do you mean by that, Sir?"

"When I'm not around him, and you and Souh happen to be, how does he act?"
"He's mostly asleep," the bodyguard replied, "Always hugging your jacket."

Asami smiled, and leaned back into his chair, "Good. Just keep an eye out."

"Will do-Asami," suddenly said Kirishima, gaining his Boss' attention, "Have you seen any malicious tendencies growing within Akihito?"

Asami shrugged, "I don't know."

"Then be on the look out, Asami. Keep in mind that he did not want to be pregnant, and this...child was forced upon him without his consent or consideration. So any ill feelings towards the baby would be understandable, but his choice to keep the child rather than destroy it is a gray area in itself. Perhaps you should consider counseling of some sort if you believe that he harbors mal intent towards his unborn baby."

Kirishima said so much in so little time. Asami could only nod as he allowed his secretary to leave.


Takaba looked at himself in the body length mirror. Underneath the large suit jacket, he wore one of Asami's old, worn out t-shirts, and a pair of oversized, baggy pants. They nearly slid off of his slender hips, as his pregnancy had left him weak and thin. He brought a hand the the hem of the cotton shirt, and lifted it slightly, just enough to reflect his stomach in the mirror.

He was growing, but not at an incredibly fast rate.

For the most part, the clothing provided to him by Asami had hidden the small bump, and allowed him to walk freely into public.

He just looked like a kid who had too many clothes on. It wasn't worth it to draw any unnecessary attention to he, and Akachan.

He took in his ghostly features. His eyes were sunken into their sockets, his skin was a pasty white, and his the bones were profound on his thinning face. Letting go of the white fabric, his shirt once again covered his swollen abdomen.

He looked like a ghoul. At that moment, all blame went to the most nourished part of his body, his stomach. Akachan could sense that Takaba was angry with him, as he began to thrash seconds after the unspoken accusation. Takaba ran a nervous hand through his hair. Thankfully, it hadn't fallen out, and if anything, had gotten a lot thicker, but that didn't account for his malnourished state.

The baby thrashed again, hitting Takaba in the ribs.

Gasping at the pain, the young man doubled over, and put a hand on the cool mirror for support. He brought a hand to his stomach, and grabbed it with a lethal force. His breathing was erratic as he squeezed the area, earning another violent swing from the baby.

"Stop it already, won't you!?" he shouted to himself, as he fell to his knees. His hand slid off of the glass, and joined the rest of his body in a crumpled position.

The pain lasted for a few minutes, and Takaba shut his eyes tightly. Suddenly, guilt washed over him.

As of recent, he'd been getting very angry at Akachan, and he hated himself for it. Often times, he tried to think of what the little bundle of joy would look like, but every innocent image morphed into the cruel, horrendous picture of Tadame.

Even in his sleep the man's insane eyes haunted him. He could practically feel Tadame crawling on top of him, removing his clothes, touching places that weren't meant to be touched, tasting skin that wasn't meant to be tasted...salvaging him thoughtlessly...

Would the baby have the same eyes Tadame had? Would he have the same, curly brown hair? What about his eyes? What wold they look like? And would he grow up to be a psychopath like his...father.

He squeezed his stomach tighter. He didn't want Tadame growing inside of him...he just wanted Akachan!

The child continued to wriggle in him for a few more seconds, until he came to a sudden halt. Takaba's grip on his stomach loosened.

"I'm sorry, akachan..." he whispered silently, "you don't deserve my anger...it's not your fault."


He decided to call Kou and Haku. After Asami had taken him back in, he managed to stay in contact with his two friends. They had objected his choice to move back in with Asami at first, and their reasoning was justified. They truly believed that Asami wanted to hurt Takaba. Only after a while did they trust him again, when Asami actually showed caring tendencies towards their friend, and allowed him to leave the penthouse.

They were good people, Kou and Haku, and whenever he felt bad, talking to them usually made him feel a lot better.

He had relocated to the bed, and dialed the digits...


Asami scheduled the doctors appointment directly after work, and was on his way to the Penthouse to escort Takaba to the hospital. When there, he would personally ask the doctor to check for the gender, as Akihito continuously insisted that the baby was going to be a boy. When questioned about it, Takaba simply said that he knew, because the baby was growing inside of him.

Screw that logic. Asami's mother and father were positively certain that he was going to be a girl, and went as far as purchasing girls clothes. Obviously, Asami was not a girl, and he had half the mind to believe that Akihito's child was not going to be a boy. Not to say that the photographer was wrong...but he was.

Akihito's weight loss was another problem as well. He was shrinking drastically, and growing weaker and weaker by the hour. He also had questions about Akachan's actual birth, and the way in which it would be conducted. Asami himself didn't fancy cutting Akihito open, but whatever it took, he would pay for.


As usual, Takaba was sound asleep when Asami came to pick him up. The phone rested beside his head, and the boy lay curled like a tiny kitten on top of the large comforter. Asami's suit jacket nearly ate the boy up, and the other large clothes made him look extremely small.

Asami walked over to the bed, and gently shook the younger man by the shoulder. Takaba groaned as he waved the man's hand away.

He just wanted to sleep! Why couldn't Asami see that?

The older man dragged his hand to Takaba's stomach, and placed a gentle finger on the T-shirt.

Slowly, he pulled it up, but stopped at what he saw.

The shirt fell, and Asami's hear skipped a beat.

Bruises...their were bruises on his stomach, as if someone had been grabbing at the skin entirely too hard. He grabbed the shirt again, and lifted it up higher. More forming bruises welcomed Asami, and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach.

Who would do this?

"Akihito." He whispered, loud enough for the photographer to hear him.

"Mmm..." Replied the tired man.

"Was someone else here while I was gone?"
Now that caught Takaba's attention, and quickly, he sat up. Asami was hardly worried, but at his question, the tone in his voice changed drastically.

When Takaba turned to him, Asami released the shirt, and allowed it to fall over the swollen stomach.

"No, I was the only one here. Why?" Takaba tilted his head.

Asami debated on telling him his finding, and telling him that it looked like someone had hurt Takaba...but Kirishima's words came back to him instantly.

What if Takaba had done this to himself?
"No reason," the man attempted to sound recollected, but the worry still laced his tone, "I was just concerned."

Takaba looked frightened, but decided to drop the subject. Asami wouldn't tell him even if he asked.

The older man stood.

"Get ready, we're leaving in five minutes."
Takaba blinked. Asami's tone changed again, though this time, he sounded angry. The photographer gulped, and nodded. Something was up with Asami, and he had no intention of angering the man more than he already was.


The car ride was silent. Asami stared out of the window. Takaba stared at his clenched fist, that rested in his lap.

Neither said a word to one another.


If the silence hadn't been enough to upset Akihito, atop of the utter negligence, Asami had taken a call in the middle of the doctors appointment, and left Akihito in the room by himself with the doctor.

Akihito felt like crying. What had he done to anger Asami, why wasn't the man speaking to him? Had he grown annoyed of him, was he second guessing their relationship?
How much longer would it be until Asami kicked Takaba out again?

"How have you been feeling?" The doctor's voice cut into his thought process, and Akihito raced the answer the question.

"He's hurting me...whenever he moves, it hurts..." Replied the photographer, as he looked towards the door to see if Asami had decided to grace him with his presence.

He hadn't.

"That's completely normal," responded the doctor, as he moved to the hospital bed, and began to press down on Takaba's stomach.

The photographer winced.

"Sorry." Replied the doctor, as he lifted the fabric.

He gasped suddenly.

"Takaba-san, there are bruises on your stomach. Why?"
The photographer paled...it must've been from earlier." He needed to make up an excuse, a good one.

"I...um, my stomach was itching...I just had to."
The doctor raised an eybrow, "Did Asami-sama_"
"No! No he's not doing anything! I swear," in his sudden defense, he realized that he made himself look slightly suspicious, "Just please...he has nothing to do with the bruises."

"Then who is it?"
Takaba inhaled sharply, and closed his eyes, "It's me," he whispered, "It's my fault...just don't tell Asami."

The doctor looked at the bruises with mild concern, "Has he seen them yet?"
Takaba shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't even know they were there until you pointed them out."
The doctor closed his eyes and nodded.

"Well then, why not check the babies heart beat, and then we'll almost be finished," the doctor's critical voice had shifted to a rather optimistic one.

Yeah, he was defiantly telling Asami.

Takaba opened his eyes, and adjusted his position, "Oh...okay."

The doctor smiled, and began to remove his tools from the suspend able rack on the wall.

The doctor proceeded with the rest of the check up quite swiftly. Still, Asami had refused to show.

Maybe he left,thought Takaba, he's probably annoyed of me...I should just leave after this, and never come back. He'd like that, I bet you, he wouldn't eve-"
"Hey!" Takaba yelped as the doctors hands wandered down to his nether regions, and groped around his private area, "What the-ow!"

The doctor had forced two gloved fingers into an area that wasn't there to begin with, and continued to dig deeper.

"H-hey! That hurts! Cut it out!"

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a very nervous looking Asami. However, upon realization of the scene, his worry dropped into a scowl.

The doctor only smiled.

"Don't worry Asami-sama, it's standard procedure, especially for this case. I've concluded that whatever method Tadame-san used on Akihito resulted in bodily changes, in order to accommodate the birth. That includes an opening for the baby to pass through, it should disappear shortly after birth, though..."

The photographer paled at the mention of the name Tadame, though he turned his head to the older man...he needed to push negative thoughts out of his mind.
Asami sighed, and looked towards Takaba. He offered a weak smile, and an unspoken apology. Takaba returned it with forgiveness.

They would talk later.

Meanwhile, Asami now held the doctor with minimal suspicion. He referred to Tadame as "Tadame-san" like he was a distant acquaintance. Not to mention, he was incredibly familiar with the technique used on Takaba. How on earth did he know who the father of Takaba's baby was anyway?

Asami glared at the man. He was hiding something, and Asami had been foolish not to suspect it.

"Anyway, it looks like you're up to par...by the way, have you experienced any bleeding, or any discomfort since your miscarriage?"

The atmosphere changed.

Takaba's heart dropped to his stomach, and his breathing sped up slightly. Miscarriage? What on earth was he talking about? The mere mention of the word chilled the photographer to the bone.

Perhaps this was some mistake?

"Excuse me?" he kept his voice calm and leveled, "Miscarriage?"

"Ahh...you must have forgotten...that friend of yours brought you in after you fell ill. You suffered a miscarriage, and in the process, lost a twin that. That's why you've been on different medication, would you like to see the reports, I have them right-"
"Stop it," Asami's stern voice cut the optimistic doctor off, but not fast enough to stop the tears that were now steaming down Takaba's face.

He remembered that hollow sensation he felt after he had woken up in the hospital after Kou had taken him to the ER. There was a vacancy in soul, and in body, yet his friend had assured him that all was okay.

But the bleeding, the fever...it all added up now. He'd read about it before, but never thought that he had been subjected to one...why the hell didn't Kou tell him!?

He brought a finger to his mouth, and began to bite down hard.

He was already a terrible parent. He got mad at Akachan for moving. He was a jerk to Asami! He didn't even let Asami wear his own jacket.

The scream went unnoticed to his own ears, yet he was oddly aware that he was bawling madly. He'd bitten into his finger hard enough to draw blood.

He could hardly feel Asami's arms around him, as he was too concerned about thinking what kind of terrible parent and person he was.

At that very moment, the optimistic doctor became Public Enemy Number One in Asami's eyes. After this was over, he would kill the damn bastard. But he needed him now.

And all the while, Takaba's agonizing cries continued to fill the room. Not even with Asami around him, did he feel any better than he had seconds ago.

Akachan deserved much better. Asami deserved much better!

He cried until he pased out from exhaustion.


It's been found out O.O! Kou's response will be in the next chapter, so hang on for that. What about the call Asami took, what do you think that was about? You'll find that out in the next chapter too! Obviously, they won't find out the gender until the baby is born (if it's born...jkjk, i'm not that cruel. The circumstances will be unpleasant, though).

I also wanted to add a touch of reality in this chapter, by playing on Takaba's anger at Akachan, and his anger at Tadame. That will come into play later, and will make a lot more sense as well.

Anyway, I had planned to make this longer, and hoped to add a little bit more of Tadame in, as well as his past with Asami, but it couldn't fit in this chapter, and would ruin the flow, so you'll just have to wait a little longer. Sorry for the wait, i'll try to update faster next time. Btw, please tell me what you think about this by reviewing, I want to know how i'm doing, and your reviews are one way of telling me that. Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors.

Now that i'm done with this, I can get back to my Algebra assignment (it's so stupid). I'm working on happier works, and i'll try to post that later this week.

Anyway, have a woderful weekend, and God bless!