Prompt: Write a short Akakuro fic each day.

Day 1: Kuroko is Akashi's personal tutor, and the dreaded day came when he had to teach Akashi about the concept of… well, sex.

NOTE: Akashi will be called Seijuro in this chappie and his father will be called Akashi to avoid confusion, and Tet-chan's name would differ on the character's point of view.

Warning: Mild suggestive scenes, underage Sei-chan (but who cares, Sei-chan doesn't -3- )

Disclaimer: For some fucked up reason I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, you can cry with me. TAT

2016 update: due to the past maturity of a certain reviewer and my lack of toleration for flames, this story crashed. I've blocked them and edited the story so you don't have to read arguments that you did not cause. Thanks for everything - Rem

The sun was shining and birds were chirping in the fresh morning air, it was a perfect day.

But not in the Akashi household.

"I'm afraid I do not know what you mean, Akashi-san," said one pale Kuroko Tetsuya. His normally pale skin was a shade whiter and his hair was messier than usual. Milkshakes and salary be damned, he was not going to do this. Gingerly placing the fragile porcelain cup in his hand down, the man stared at his employer with shaky eyes.

"You know very well what I mean, Tetsuya," replied a middle-aged man, the grey in his scarlet hair was starting to show, though it only gave him a cold, superior look. The leader of the Akashi household sat facing Kuroko, his lips set into a strict, harsh line. "I want you to teach Seijuro the concept of sex. Or what some idiots call 'the birds and the bees'." His eyes flashed threateningly.

Kuroko did not back down, "Sei is only ten, Akashi-san," he protested, "I believe that it is too soon for him to know such things at such a young age." He frowned, forehead crinkling. Oh no, even though he was one of the best tutors in the country, no man liked to teach a young child of 'the-taboo-word'. The blue-haired man sighed mentally, rubbing his temples at the incoming headache, he knew that Akashi was going to win this round as he was his employer, but the more time he wasted the less time he would have to spend awkwardly trying to explain to about how to… reproduce.

Akashi only smirked, "What you believe does not matter in this argument, Tetsuya," he said, "What matter is my opinion, as I am your employer," he finished with a flourish of his hand. He had won and he knew it, standing up, he shot one last smug look at poor Kuroko before walking off, dismissing the man. He remembered to set up cameras in his son's room, he wasn't going to miss this for anything in the world, after all, who wouldn't grab the chance to see the emotionless man known as Kuroko Tetsuya blush?

The said man could only sit helplessly in his chair, staring at the half-empty cup of tea before him. Oh, he was so dead.

The sound of knocking announced the arrival of Seijuro's beloved tutor; Kuroko Tetsuya. The red-head smirked when he saw the reluctant expression on the bluennett's face as he opened the door. He knew what today's lesson will be about and he was not going to hesitate to use this opportunity to tease his cute little Tetsuya.

Pasting onto his face a mask of innocence and sweetness, he smiled the smile that he reserved for only Tetsuya, and tilted his head cutely. "Why, hello, Tetsuya," Seijuro almost purred, opening the door fully. "Come in."

Kuroko could only shiver; he somehow felt that today was… off, and that by walking into the large room of Seijuro he was walking into a deathtrap. If only he knew. Setting down the books in his arms onto the desk in the room, he straightened his back and bowed low, his forehead brushing the carpet of Seijuro's room. "Good morning, Sei-kun," he said, smiling slightly at the sweet boy standing in front of him. No matter what, he would always love his Sei.

The said boy hid his smirk with another smile, "What will we be learning about today, Tetsuya?" He asked as the addressed man tensed, Bingo. Deciding to play with his beloved for a bit longer, he plastered onto his face a mask of innocence. "Is something wrong?" He placed his hand on Tetsuya's cheek, pretending to not notice the small blush blossoming on the man's pale cheeks.

"It is nothing, Sei-kun," Kuroko sighed, pulling away much to Seijuro's irritation. Now, how in the seven hells was he going to come out of this alive? The poor tutor hoped that he would get to drink his precious vanilla one last time, at least. "Sei-kun," He started, pausing slightly to find his next words, "Do you know where you came from?"

Seijuro smirked inwardly, this was so much fun. Outside, he only tilted his head, smiling like he didn't know what porn was, and said "From mother?" His Tetsuya only nodded slightly as he avoided Seijuro's eyes, blushing even more.

"Is that all?" He asked, glancing to Seijuro. If this was so then he had a long, unpleasant way to go. To his horror, the other nodded, sealing his doom. Kuroko died three times in his head. "Well… he trailed off, not knowing how to continue. "Uh… do you know how you… got inside your mother?" he asked, trying and failing to push his blush down.

Seijuro shook his head.

Kuroko could only stab himself with a knife in his head. "I see…" he trailed off, praying for forgiveness for tainting such an innocent (not) boy with the truth of the cruel world, before he launched into teacher mode.

"So," Kuroko started, "When a female and a male feel attraction towards each other, they start a relationship. And when the two sides think that their relationship had gone on for a long time and that they could dedicate to each other for the rest of their lives, they have…" he swallowed painfully, "Sex." He finished, releasing a sigh of relieve. He could feel the redness of his face and how Seijuro simply stared at him. Oh lord, he was going to die. Please let a hole swallow him or lightning strike him down. Anything to get away from this humiliation.

Seijuro decided to torture his precious Tetsuya for a bit more, as he was very cute blushing like that. Smiling sweetly, he dropped his second bomb. "How is sex done, Tetsuya?" Oh, he could almost certainly see the soul draining out of Tetsuya's body, floating up to heaven. He could feel the heat radiating off the blushing man as he blabbered, trying to explain. How cute.

After a while, Seijuro got tired of his Tetsuya's rant and stopped him by pressing a single finger onto the other's oh-so-soft lips that he was yearning to kiss and violate, silencing him. The red-head could feel the other staring at him in question and he smirked, imaginary horns appearing on his head. His Tetsuya gulped, only making him cuter. Inner Seijuro cooed at the sight.

"Instead of explaining, Tetsuya, how about you show me?" Seijuro licked his lips, smirk growing wider at the cute look on his Tetsuya's face.

Screams echoed through the Akashi household, alongside with the evil laughter of one Akashi Seijuro, also known as the Devil himself.


Rem: And Sei-chan was only ten ._. I'm sorry, Tet-chan. I promise that I put vanilla lube into Sei-chan's desk though… I swear… *evil faisu*

Thanks for reading, minna-san! Please tell me if you want me to continue this! As always, ideas and prompts are welcome and reviews keep me going! 3