Omake: A Familiar Face


She was lost in a realm unknown to humanity, a dimension where all existing spatial and temporal concepts did not apply.

The girl drifted along, floating in a slipstream of moments and events that were connected in neither time nor space. At the back of her mind, she knew she had to return sooner or later, but right now she couldn't really quite remember where or when she even had to return to.

Or who she even was, for that matter. Did she have a name? When did she lose it?

Did it matter?

Devoid of attachment to any human concept, she drifted between the cracks of reality. She wasn't anyone, so she could be anyone. An Egyptian queen. The lead guitarist of a high school band. A businesswoman at the top of her career.

A lonely singer on the streets of America.

She flitted behind that role, smoothly settling into her temporary body with an eternity of experience. Gathering herself, she watched as she began fluidly singing the lyrics to an old English classic with the trained vocal chords of a professional singer.

"It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by"

As she finished, she couldn't help but notice a very familiar-looking girl left starry-eyed by her performance. Alone in the crowd, clearly a foreigner lost in an unknown country, she couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship to this strange girl whose face she seemed to remember.

Ah... so that's how it is.

Putting on a wide smile, she stepped forward to speak to the strange girl who she had so much in common with.

And with that, their separate destinies were once more set in motion for the two of them.

Author's Note: Omakes are bonus chapters that have no real importance to the story, and this takes place somewhere in between Chapters 11 and 12, or the midst of Chapter 12. Please don't worry about it if you don't understand it just yet, and I'm sorry if you expected more. It was just something selfish I felt like doing.