Okay, just saying... I had NO idea what was going on in my head when I wrote this, honest.

And its a kinda short story... not too long, maybe a couple of chapters... meh


Pweeeeease review and enjoy! ^w^

Marshall's POV

I stare down at my apple, examining it. It's bright red, with a touch of green. "Very interesting…" I say to myself, before stuffing half of it into my mouth. I have to say, its quite delicious, just the perfect mixture of crunchy and juicy. I stare back down at the half eaten apple, noticing its every crevice, every little bump. "You know" I say, once again out aloud, and to myself "This apple sorta reminds me of a bunny, you there are its ears" I point to somewhere on this apple "And the legs" pointing to somewhere else "And look, a little poofy tail!"

"WAIT. Am I seriously talking to myself, about an apple, that looks like a bunny?!" I stuff the rest of the apple into my mouth, and swallow the last of it "I guess I really am crazy"

Well what did you expect? I'm a 20 something year old with all the free time in the world. With all my friends at school, or not at school exactly, I would say I have gotten used to talking to myself, and I can't blame anyone, I am pretty damn interesting.

I wonder how they're doing, my friends… I shrug it off, and slump on the couch flicking through channels. "Nope, nope, never, nope, seen that"

"Ugggg" I grumble, turning the television off. I'm just laying here, on this cou- oh god damn! This couch is horrible! I *literally* spring off the couch and land on the floor with a THUD.

"Now I see what everyone means… this couch is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever sat on in my entire life"

Glancing down at my phone, I realize that its really late. "So I wasted today, by looking at apples and talking to myself… what a day well spent.."

I drag myself up stairs and into my room, looking at posters of every kind of band you've probably never heard of. I slump down on my bed, at least this is slightly more comfortable.

At some point I must have drifted off to sleep, because I woke up with a jolt. My phone was buzzing next to me. "Who the bloody hell is calling me at this hour?" Staring down at the buzzing screen I see its 4:23am "Fuuuuuuuuuuu- Hello?" I answer, trying not to sound as though I was just in a deep slumber.

"Um, hey Marshall… sorry if I woke you" says a familiar voice

"Hey bunny, why exactly are you calling me at 4 in the morning? Don't tell it was another nightmare…"

"That was one time!"

"Still not a answer"

"Look, can't you just pick me up?"

"Another hard night of partying? My dear bunny, you are one bad little girl" I sit up, still holding the phone close to my ear.

"Where then?"

"At the…" she pauses "police station"

"WHAT?! Why the fuck are you at the police station!? Does Kate know?! Why?! When?! How!?"

"Calm down! I explain everything on the way back.. just please"

I could practically feel the tears running down her soft cheeks

"God dammit… fine!"

I hang up.

I stand up, realizing that I had slept in my clothes. Shrugging, I grab my jacket and keys and run out the door.

So yeah...

Please tell me if you liked dis, or did not like this... just tell meh anyway, and I'll see you on the next chapter ;D

(Look, the reveiw box is right there, so go and leave a reveiw!)