AUTHOR'S NOTE: Last chapter, guys. Please let me know what you think!

The next morning was a bright and sunny one. The three were excited about going home and everyone was in a wonderful mood. The Doctor was preparing to go and speak with the landlords, Rose was at the table eating breakfast, and Jack was engrossed in a text conversation.

"Who're you talking to?" Rose asked teasingly.

"No one." He said, still looking down at his phone.

She yanked it out of his hands and the Doctor lunged at Jack, landing on his lap and bracing him to the chair.

"I can't wait to see you, my love." She read. "As soon as I do, I'm going to-oh my." Her face flushed and she set the phone down on the table.

"Serves you right, reading my phone." Jack said, his voice muffled by the Doctor's body in front of him.

"Doctor, let him up."

The Time Lord did as she said and climbed off of Jack, laughing.

"What did you see, Rose?" Jack asked casually, knowing full well what the answer was.

"I didn't see anything!" She squeaked, and the Doctor cocked his head.

"Yeah, Rose. What DID you see?" He chimed in.

"You know, Doctor. I believe she saw a picture of my boyfriend's junk." Jack replied conversationally, reaching for Rose's plate.

"Did you now?" He chuckled.

"I'm going to pack!" She squealed, and ran toward the bedroom.

The Doctor sat across from the Immortal at the table, knotting his tie. "I never got a chance to truly thank you in person."

"Don't worry about it, Doc. I came here to help, and I did."

The Time Lord stood and pulled on his coat. "Still. Thank you. Alright, when I get back, we'll head to the TARDIS." He walked out the door and pulled it closed behind him.

Two hours later, the Doctor returned home. Jack and Rose were curled up on the sofa soaking in one last bit of American television.

"All set?" He asked them, and they both nodded. They gathered their bags up, and the Doctor locked the door one last time. Then he led his two companions down the street and into the alley he had parked the TARDIS in almost a year before. After fussing with the lock for a few moments, the door swung open and they filed inside.

"Oh, hello, Sexy!" The Doctor exclaimed, bounding up the steps to the console. "Did you miss me?" He asked her, slowly stroking the bar.

"Um, Doctor? Shall we leave you alone?" Rose giggled.

"Hmm? Oh, no, sorry!" He turned and leaned back, resting against it. "So, Jack. I know you're eager to return home, but I need to drift in the vortex for a little while before I try a trip with a real destination. I want to make sure she's up and fully functional. Alright?"

The Immortal nodded, but The Time Lord could tell he was crushed. "I'm sorry. As soon as I'm sure she's fine, I'll get you back."

He nodded again. "I'm going to grab a few hours of sleep. Something tells me I won't be getting much once I'm home." With that, the man turned and went to go find a spare bedroom.

Rose climbed the steps and walked over to her lover. He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

"Welcome home." He whispered in her ear.

"It's good to be home, Doctor."

Rose had just reached her room and started unpacking when she felt the floor begin to vibrate under her feet. The familiar whooshing sound brought a smile to her face. Before she knew it, she was on her old bed, lulled to sleep by the sounds of time travel.

A few hours later, there came a knock at the door, but still she slept. The visitor knocked for another minute or so before cracking the door.

"Rose?" Jack poked his head in.

"Go away. Sleeping." She mumbled from under the covers.

"I'm heading out." He moved to the bed and sat down next to her.

She peeked out. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we're in Cardiff. Have been for a few hours. I went and said my hellos, took care of some work, and came back. I wanted to say goodbye."

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Rosie." He ruffled her already messy hair. "But Ianto has shared me long enough. I need to get back to him." He leaned over and encased her in a warm hug. "Be good. Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"Okay, Jack. Text me?"

He chuckled. "That sounds so wonderfully human. Goodbye, Rose."

Her eyes slipped shut as he closed the door behind him.

When they opened again, the first thing she noticed was the still-steaming mug of tea on her nightstand. There was a note, written in surprisingly elegant handwriting propped up in front of it.


You've slept a long time. Hope you're feeling okay. I took care of some repairs and am most likely in the media room. I couldn't sleep. I hope to see you tonight, but if not, I'll just see you tomorrow. Sleep well.

The Doctor

She climbed out of bed, changed into a pair of silky red pajama shorts and a black vest top, grabbed her mug, and padded down the hallway to the media room. Just as the note had said, the Doctor was sprawled out on the sofa, watching a movie. Upon seeing Rose, he paused the video stream and patted the next cushion. She curled up next to him and placed her feet in his lap.

"What are we watching?"

"Donnie Darko." He answered, reaching for her feet and massaging them gently.

"Ah, that feels good. And I love this movie." She settled herself into the cushions and glanced over at the screen.

"Hey, Rose?"


"I was thinking, the TARDIS is moving a bit slow. I may need to jettison a few rooms."

"Like what?" She looked back at him.

"Oh, just random rooms. And a few bedrooms as well."

"You mean mine." Her voice turned cold. "Damnit, Doctor. If you want me to go home, just say so!" She pulled her feet out of his lap.

"Wait, Rose! I'm an idiot. I was trying to be romantic, but I didn't set it up right! I want you to move into my room!" The words tumbled out of his mouth quickly, before he had a chance to filter them.

"Oh. Well, duh." She giggled.

"You will?"

"If you keep up the foot rub." She grinned and her feet found their way back to his lap.

"Anything for you, My Rose."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, I didn't get too many prompts. I was so sad to see this story end, and I hope that you all were too. I'm offering again...Anyone that would like a story written for them, let me know :) I love prompts and challenges. Please, though. Review? :D