Hey everybody, so I loved the Divergent series and was thrilled with the movie, so I decided to do some writing! :) Also, how f-ing hot was Eric in the movie?! So yea, please read, review and enjoy!

Myra Valdez lay in the sunshine, eyes closed, reveling in the feeling of the sun warming her skin. As an Amity, she instinctually enjoyed nature and all of its beauty. She was supposed to be harvesting, but she had instead snuck off to the edge of the fields, away from the others to be by herself and think of the testing she would be facing the next day. At sixteen years old, she was now eligible to take the test. She knew it would make her face her fears; make her try to overcome them. She had spoken with her father about the test, asking for advice on how to do well. He had simply told her, "Stay calm and use your intellect. Think." Myra sighed, throwing her arm over her face. She should get back, help the others with harvesting. She wanted to lay on the outskirts forever. Sighing deeper, Myra stood, brushing off her pants. She walked slowly back to the others, wishing she could sprout wings and fly away, free from everything.


Hours later as the sun was setting, Myra and her parents sat down to dinner. They talked of their days, of the things they had done and accomplished. Her father spoke of his day assisting in planning the new farms out past the wall, happiness in every facet of his face. Her mother spoke of her day teaching children, shaping their minds. Myra sat quietly, offering a word here or there. After dinner she climbed up to the roof of their house, laying down, watching the last light leave the sky and the stars begin to show their faces. She heard a noise off to her left and was surprised to see her father climbing up to join her. He sank down to the ground beside her, "Hey pumpkin." Myra turned her head and smiled at her father, "Hey dad." They lay in silence until her father spoke, "Faction before blood is bullshit. I want you to choose what makes you happy." Myra turned to look at him, shocked. He sighed and then rolled up his sleeves. Myra was shocked to see tattoos on her father's arms. She had never seen him without long sleeves, even in the summer. "I was Dauntless. I left because I met your mother in the fields while on guard duty. After meeting with her and talking for months on end, I came to realize that I no longer felt at home in Dauntless. When it came time for me to take the test and choose, I chose her." Myra and her father lay looking up at the stars after he stopped speaking. Her father reached out and took her hand, "We will love you no matter what faction you choose. We will always be your family." Myra nodded, "Thank you dad." He smiled at her and squeezed her hand softly, "Come on kiddo. You need a good night's sleep if you want to be ready for the test tomorrow." He stood, pulling her to her feet. They walked to the edge of their house and climbed down together.

As Myra climbed into bed, her mind was racing. She hoped that the test would give her an answer on what to do.

The next day

Myra sat in the hallway out side the testing room, waiting for her turn. The door opened and a man dressed in all black called her name. Myra stood and entered the room, looking around, seeing there was just one chair. The Dauntless man indicated for her to sit, and began placing electrodes on her. He spoke very little until he held up an injection gun, "This will initiate the test." At Myra's nod, he injected it into the crook of her left arm. Myra closed her eyes, breathing deeply, and reopened her eyes.

She was standing in the middle of the harvest fields, watching as a storm front moved towards her. Lightning cracked, sparking to the ground, lighting the field on fire. Fear sparked in Myra, and she remembered what she had been told about lighting striking tall items. Seeing no trees around Myra ran from the fire, lighting striking around her, igniting more flames. Myra came to a halt at the edge of the field, which had suddenly turned into a cliff. She felt the flames licking closer, pushing her towards the edge. Myra looked over the edge, hoping there was something over the edge to save her; but saw only a deep dark chasm. Gritting her teeth, Myra turned back to the flames, seeing that they were moving closer. Myra took a deep breath and covered her face, running into the flames…

Myra broke through the flames and stood in the city, looking wildly around. She was alone, the city quiet. Myra moved quickly through the city, calling out, "Hello?" never hearing an answer. Worry gnawed at her stomach. Something awful must have happened for the whole city to be gone. Myra walked to the city center, where she was stopped short by the sight of her mother and father, being held at gunpoint by a man in a mask. He looked up to her, "Choose." Sick realization hit her, she had to choose one to live. She shook her head violently, NO. The man laughed and pulled the trigger, one rapidly after the other. Myra screamed as she watched her parents die.

Myra sat up violently in the chair, her breath panting. The Dauntless man pushed her back down, "Breathe, it'll pass in a second." He began to remove the electrodes; Myra's heart began to slow its wild rhythm. Wiping a hand over her face she asked, "What did I get?" The man smirked, "Dauntless." Myra sat, unable to process. He walked to the door and opened it, "You're done with this part. Go home and rest. Take your time in choosing." Myra nodded, already her mind was racing. She arrived back to her house awhile later, and both her parents were gone. Myra climbed to the roof, lay down and closed her eyes. Amity or Dauntless? Where did she belong? Myra sighed, it was going to be a long night.

Ok, so let me know what you think, more is on the way!