category: Once Upon a Time

ships: captain swan (mainly), outlaw queen, snowing, captain charming.

genre: romance/comedy

rating: T

summary: (AU) "TiMER. The newest technology developed to countdown the days until you met your one true love." Emma Swan has had her TiMER for over 10 years now and it still remains blank, reminding her that her happy ending isn't as close as she had hoped. Having her friends find their perfect matches can be disconcerting, but perhaps the arrival of an old friend who is lacking a TiMER of his own might lift her spirits. (based off the movie TiMER)

So I was and still am a litte apprehensive about this chapter, but I'm sure it turned out fine. This was the only chapter that I didn't have an outline for. It is more of a last minute addition to this story. After I posted the first part, I realized I did the timing wrong and gave Regina an extra day before she met her True Love than I originally planned.

Also, since I know where this is going most of the time, Message me if you want to know anything or just want a spoiler :) And you have an idea that is better than what I have planned or something you want to see, let me know too!

(I apologize for any mistakes)

10:00 p.m. – Friday

Facing the door of Regina's humble apartment, with Chinese take-out in one hand and a couple of movies in the other was not the way Emma envisioned how her night was going to go.

Apparently when Regina's assistant call Mary Margaret telling her that Regina has called in sick two days in a row, there has to be some sort of intervention for the way she's been acting. And as much as it pains Emma to admit, Mary Margaret did have a point, considering not only has she miss work, but they haven't seen her since that dinner party fiasco. Only a couple of texts here there to tell them that she was still alive.

So, with that being said, Mary Margaret thought it would be better if it was Emma went to talk to Regina, considering what happened last time Mary Margaret tried to talk to her.

("How do you go to her apartment to have a "simple discussion" and come back sporting a couple of bruises?!"

"In my defense, she criticized my stickers! I'm a Kindergarten teacher, of course I have rainbow and unicorn stickers!"

And in my defense, I didn't want your stupid stickers!")

Having already knocked twice minutes ago, Emma was just about to turn and leave the premises when Regina finally swung open the door. With her arms crossed, she stood there in elegance one shouldn't have when you are wearing baggy old sweats and an old blue college sweatshirt.

"Jesus, don't dress up for my sake Regina," Emma said, poking fun at her less than extraordinary yet comfy clothes. Regina gave her a sarcastic smile, but stepped aside to let her in.

"I wasn't going to answer the door, thinking it was Mary Margaret, but I figured she'd send you instead, especially what happened last time," she admitted heading towards the kitchen where Emma was heading to drop off the food.

"Oh you mean what we in the Nolan residence call The Great Sticker incident of 2012? Yeah, she wasn't taking any chances this time, she's about to be a blushing bride," Emma stated moving around Regina's kitchen like she owned the pace, taking out plates for the food and cups for their beverages.

"So who tipped her off this time?"

"You mean instead of just noticing how you've been gone?" Emma questioned, giving Regina a pointed look, one that Regina returned in full.

"Your assistant informed her you called in sick two days straight. She knew something was up then," Emma said, bracing her hands against the counter, giving Regina a reprimanded look. "If you don't want her to know, you should get your assistant on board on this, 'we don't tell Mary Margaret everything for our own sanity" train."

Regina scoffed. "Trust me I've tried. Damn Tinkerbell and her honorable morals."

"Her name is Tinkerbell?" Emma tilted her head in astonishment. That poor girl, what were her parents thinking.

"No, I just call her thought. She's tiny, blonde, perky, and has one of those fairy noses. If I didn't nickname her Tink, I'd be missing a grand opportunity," she explained, watching Emma pile on the food in two different plates.

"Anyway, she sent me over to check up on you. And, I wanted to come anyway," Emma said looking at her work rather than at Regina, who raised an eyebrow, challenging her statement.

"Did you?"

"Look, I still haven't talked to you about what happened days ago at dinner, and I still feel really bad about it," she rose her eyes to meet her friend's. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did and put all of you in that position. It was stupid and I'm sorry."

Regina shrugged, waving the apology off. "It's fine, really. I probably would have done the same." Emma nodded, smiling at the thought. There was no doubt she would have done the same, but would have had more composure than Emma. It was nice having someone around that was like you to understand how your mind works sometimes.

"Right. So we good now?" Emma asked. Regina nodded not really meeting Emma's eyes. Emma noticed Regina's eyes drift towards her wrist, towards her purple rimmed TiMER and she remembered what was really going on.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She didn't specify what 'it' was but she knew Regina would know what she was saying. Pulling her sweatshirt sleeve down, she covered her TiMER and gave Emma a defensive look.

"If the roles were reversed, would you?" she retorted back sharply. Emma wasn't shocked at her display; that's just who they were. When things got heavy, Emma ran, but Regina would get defensive and just snap at people.

"Nope. Which is why I brought dinner and movies," she grabbed one of the pates and put it I Regina's hands, while she grabbed her own plate and the DVDs she brought. She stopped in front of Regina, who still hasn't moved from her spot by the counter, and gave her a friendly smile.

"I wouldn't talk about it, but I would want a distraction. And nothing says distraction like a couple of sappy movies that we make fun of. It'll be just like college," Emma said leading the way to the living room. Regina huffed and rolled her eyes, but followed Emma nonetheless.

"Well, I guess there's nothing better to do," Regina said simply, as if she was above the whole idea, but Emma could swear she could see her eyes get a little brighter than they were before.

10:00 p.m. – Friday

"What's the trouble mate? I got your text and dropped off Roland with John, just like you asked and rushed right over. What's the emergency?" Killian asked, walking into the bar, ducking away from the rain that just started outside.

Walking all the way to his brother in law's old/new rustic bar after dropping off Roland at a friend's house was not how Killian envisioned how his Friday would be going, but hearing Robin's voice mail and frantic about how he "needed to get to the bar right away" before cursing had a way of changing his mind. Fearing the worst, he dropped Roland off at one of their friends and quickly made his way to the bar that was a couple of blocks away.

Looking around at the place he spent most of his holidays away from school to see his sister brought about a wave of nostalgia. The place looked exactly the same when they left, but it had a more mature appeal now rather than when he was in school, but that could easily just be Killian's way of seeing it since he did grow up a bit after college.

The bar looked the same, the wall behind it held all of the fancy liquor bottles, the glass rimmed with lights making it the proverbial North Star in the whole place. The counters were wiped down, as were the tables that were all dispersed around the room, and the chairs were stacked upside down on top of them. The bar stools were left unattended, which wasn't something Robin did, unless he wasn't finished with everything.

The rest of the space looked just about like any normal bar with a pool table tucked in the corner and a dartboard adjacent to it on the other side. He could see why people would deem this bar grungy and not as fancy as other, what with their bright colors and expensive lighting, but this place had a more familiar feel to it. It was almost as if you were coming home, and to Killian, that feeling was emphasized by the rather large cork board that took its place behind the bar for everyone to see, filled with random pictures of regular laughing and having a great time.

Hearing a slam that came from the backroom caught Killian's attention and he turned towards the door leading to the back, just in time to see Robin make his way with a box in his hand. The blonde man turned and when he saw Killian, his shoulders slumped with relief under his forest green long sleeve shirt.

"Oh thank the gods you're here!" His relief came out as a sigh that made Killian curious of what was going on. But, he wasn't going to let an opportunity slip through his fingers.

"That is what most people say when I walk into a room, but do try to contain yourself mate," he smirked, pleased with his joke, not noticing his brother in law coming towards him until he felt a hand slap down on his shoulder and a clip board being thrust against his chest.

"Enough with the jokes, we've got work to do!" Robin said, walking around his brother to go back to the room he came from. Killian took a look at the words at the top of the clipboard and groaned at the words 'Inventory' at the top.

"I don't even work here! Don't you have employees you pay for this kind of awful labor?" Killian whined, but took his place behind the bar opening the box that was placed there to count the various bottles of alcohol.

"Yes, but nobody's free. Will was stuck today at his other job, Phillip took Aurora to the hospital an hour ago, looks like the baby's coming, and Anastasia and Ashley had a birthday dinner to attend," Robin said, dumping to more boxes next Killian.

Killian rose an eyebrow. "Who's birthday?"

"Their mother's. Which is why I didn't push. Lord knows the woman would blame me for keeping her daughters from her on her day. And you've seen her, haven't you?"

Killian and Robin shuddered at the thought of the shrewd of a woman. "Point taken mate, I get it. Is this all though?" Killian gestured to boxes Robin stacked next to him.

"Well this and then a double check of the rest downstairs. I just need everything down tonight so everything runs smoothly tomorrow," he said, rubbing his right wrist, taking a glance around the room, mentally checking things in his head. Killian took notice of his anxious movement and dropped his eyes to Robin wrist before catching his eyes. Robin looked nervous, so of course this brought about Killian's curiosity.

"Are you sure this is about just the reopening tomorrow night? Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Robin shook his head waking to the back room leaving his question unanswered.

"Get to work Killian then we can leave."

11:30 p.m. - Friday

After the twentieth time, Regina had pulled her eyes from the movie playing, one of her favorite 80s movies, Emma decided that maybe not talking about this problem of her wasn't going to work. 'What would Mary Margaret do?'

And with that she shut off the television and turned towards Regina, who was still staring at the clock on her wrist, watching the numbers tick by.

"Okay, if you aren't paying attention to this film, which is your favorite, there is obviously something on your mind, so come on, let's talk it out," she said leaning her head on her hand that was propped up on the back of the couch. Regina finally lifted her head to give Emma a forceful glare.

"I thought we weren't going to talk."

"Yeah, well you keep looking back at your wrist like the TiMER is going to come to life and strangle you, so you seem like you need to get whatever is on your mind off your chest."

Regina's glare turned into a mischievous smile that had Emma worried even more now than she was before. "You know, yes, let's talk. So, Emma, what is going on with you and Johnny English? During one of the thousands calls Mary Margaret gave me, I hear that you had a run in with him. Is there a romance brewing," she changed the subject and, honestly, Emma should have known it would be this topic. Mary Margaret couldn't keep a secret if the world depended on it.

"Regina…" she warned. Emma saw Regina's face harden and she knew she went back to her defensive state.

"I don't want to discuss this Emma," she all but yelled at her, her voice cracking and her eyes watering. Emma leaned back in shock, not having seen this side of Regina in years. Not since Daniel. She knew right away this was bad.

The room grew silent, the tension filling it to the brim. Emma took the silence as a chance to look at Regina's timer, the usually pristine glass smudged with her finger prints, giving away how much the woman has been skimming her fingers against the glass. She's sure that if she was in her place, she'd do the same thing, but maybe not for the same reason.

She nodded towards the TiMER, "How long do you have?"

Regina gave a mirthless laugh, her eyes on the verge of tears.

"25 minutes," her fake smile drop, showing Emma what Regina was really feeling, the troubled look taking up the space in her eyes.

After a small moment of silence, Regina's voice broke the barrier. "I feel…ugh I feel horrible." Regina confessed, crossing her legs underneath her and her TiMER wrist on her lap, her eyes following the numbers. Emma stayed quiet, knowing she wasn't done.

"When I got this … stupid TiMER, I wouldn't even glance at the screen. I was perfectly fine not knowing who was on the other side of this thing, and I was furious at my mother for making me get this. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction that she might be right, and I hated her for taking my choice away from me. So when it was blank, I dealt with it, because, honestly Emma, I didn't care. I didn't want this. And then Daniel," at his name, Regina's voice broke, softening the edge she had when she began. Her eyes brimmed with tears that she just wiped away before they could fall.

Emma knew the story about Daniel. She wasn't there when they met, but she was there when Regina got the call that he was gone. She knows the pain and the utter distraught Regina felt when that happened. She saw it and at that moment, she felt glad that she didn't love someone so much that they had that kind of power over her. It was actually from that moment on that she stopped watching her TiMER so closely.

Regina swallowed her sob. "When I met Daniel, it was the first time that I thought that there was such a thing as soul mates. And that maybe, just maybe, he was mine. He didn't have a TiMER, so every morning, I would wake up and look at this thing," she brought up her wrist to emphasize her point, "and I would just hope it didn't go off in my sleep. And it didn't, and I was relieved. After Daniel was gone, I would do the same thing for months. I would hope that it wouldn't go off, so that it wouldn't tell me that all those moments and all that time I had with him, was just a fool's dream. That he was never my soul mate and all of those dreams and wishes I had as a teenager meant nothing." Regina couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes, but she didn't care anymore. Emma didn't either, knowing her friend needed this moment.

"And now that it went off?" Emma asked tentatively, not wanting to ruin Regina's train of thought.

Regina shook her head. "I'm just angry now. I was ready to go on my whole life with it blank. I made my peace with it. And now, it's on, and someone somewhere out in this city is my true love, and I am meant to be happy."

"And you don't think you deserve to be happy," Emma finished for her, looking at the couch cushions, not at the heart broken woman in front of her.

"I know I don't. I had my time and it was ripped from me. Why is it now that I am supposed to be happy? Why should I be jumping for joy when … when he didn't have a chance to be happy?" She finished, upset her face scrunched in anger.

"Because he would want you to be happy Regina. It's as simple as that," Emma finished, her hand covering Regina's wrist, pulling her eyes to her own.

Regina rolled her eyes, her demeanor a little more relaxed now that some of the weight of what she has been feeling had been lifted from her shoulders.

"It is never that simple Emma. Love isn't meant to be," Regina said, wiping her eyes, giving Emma a small smile.

"Isn't that the truth," Emma stated, raising her wine glass to nobody in particular. She took a good sip from it and turned to her friend.

"I believe that, when the time comes, you'll realize you can be happy and the only one standing in your way right now is yourself," Emma advised, watching Regina nodding along to her words wondering if she was really listening or just agreeing to get her to stop talking.

"Oh, I can't wait for your TiMER to go off and I can be the sane one while you have a breakdown," Regina laughed, easing the tension in the room as Emma laughed with her.

"Please, the rate this is going, it won't go off anytime soon."

"Well, maybe it will be sooner than you think," Regina rose an eyebrow and a smirk took over her lips. It was Emma's turn to roll her eyes.

"Do not start Regina"

"Oh, come on! I saw the chemistry when you guys met! I thought I was going to have to hose you down," Emma through one of the couch's throw pillows at Regina while her laughter filled the room. As it downed down to a chuckle, Regina continued.

"Seriously, what happened when you ran in to him? Mary Margaret didn't get that far before your brother walked in and she automatically stopped, so I know it's good."

Emma blushed, fingering the rim of her wine glass shyly, a smile gracing her own lips. She felt like a school girl gossiping with her friends and the scariest part was that she didn't even care.

"We just talked. He asked me out and I said yes," she confessed, her face getting redder.

"Nice. So David doesn't know, I take it?" Emma shook her head and Regina threw her head back in laughter.

"Oh, I want to – no, I need to be there when he finds out his best friend wants to get frisky with his younger sister. His face will be my new wallpaper on my phone. I might even have it framed," Regina continued to joke. Emma laughed along relishing in this light moment that transpired between the two.

The sounds of Regina's TiMER was the thing to break the happy moment turning it into another tension filled one.

'Beep beep beep beep'

It was midnight.

Regina went back to looking at her TiMER, but her face held a different emotion, one Emma couldn't place, but it wasn't as somber as it was when she looked at it before.

"Congratulations. Sometime in the next 24 hours you will meet the love of your life. Are you ready?"

Regina met Emma's eyes, giving her a small, but genuine, grin.

"We'll see now, won't we?"

11:30 – Friday

"Alright, I'm all done out here! What about the back Robin?" Killian yelled from is place behind the bar, wiping his hands on a dish rag. Robin made his way from the back, taking a seat at one of the bar stools that haven't been put up yet.

"It all seems in order," his leg was shaking as he looked over the checklist he made another time. Killian gave him a confused look at his nervousness, but Robin wasn't paying any attention. "Perhaps, I should check again, just to make sure."

He stood up from the stool, but before he could leave, Killian stopped him with his voice.

"Stop. Sit down. You've done enough," he went to grab a bottle of whiskey from one of the shelves, uncapping it and pouring it into one of the tumblers he just washed, pushing it towards the blonde man.

"That's my inventory you're spending there Killian. I hope you are paying for that!" Killian gave him an 'are you kidding me' look raising his eyebrow in question.

"I'll put it on your tab. Now, talk." His tone of voice left no room for argument, leaning against the bar with the rag tossed over his shoulder.

"About what?" Robin had a bemused look. Killian just shook his head.

"About what's got you working yourself dry? Everything's in order and has been in order for day Robin, but you still think it make sense to check every other 5 minutes!"

"You can never be too careful, didn't your brother teach you that?"

Killian raised his hand, stopping Robin, whose shoulders slumped in defeat. "As I was saying; you are usually the level headed one around, so it's, no doubt, something huge. We are already here, so let's talk this out, yeah?"

Robin just stared at Killian, before he let out a sigh and rolled up the sleeve of his right arm exposing his wrist to Killian. Seeing what was on his wrist was what through Killian off, because what was new was the dark green TiMER that was now embedded into his wrist.

Killian took out another tumbler and poured himself a drink silently. "Oh boy."


"And you only have 25 minutes left?" Killian topped off his own drink. Robin took a big gulp of his, tapping the counter to have Killian poor him another.

"I didn't even know you got one. When did you get it?" Killian question, tilting his head in curiosity.

"A couple of days ago. I didn't want to tell you…" Robin trailed off, picking at the clock on his wrist. Killian looked on both concerned and confused. It finally clicked in his mind, why Robin was so secretive.

"You thought I would be upset, so you hid this from me," Killian said, speaking Robin's thoughts. Robin nodded solemnly.

"I thought about what you said, you know before, how I shouldn't keep going through the motions alone, and move on," Robin explained, keeping his head to not look at Killian who nodded along with his wording.

"And I stand by that. But why would you keep it from me?" Killian asked, crossing his arms, looking at his brother for answers. For as long as he has known Robin, he knows how much he appreciates this relationship the two men have. Sure it started because his sister was in love, but after she was gone, it grew even stronger. Robin needed someone there for him and baby Roland when Marion died, and the same went for Killian. They learned long ago that it was better to confide in each other, which only makes Robin's secrecy even more confusing.

"I didn't think this would go off. Honestly, Killian, I never wanted one of these before. I was … I was so sure that she was it for me, you know?" his eyes held the same sadness he carried around for the years she's been gone. Killian stayed silent to let him talk.

"And then, John tells me about one of his friend who got one, and I was waking by the store and I just, did it. And then, it went off. It went off and it told me I would meet my true love in a matter of days. Seeing that and wearing on my wrist the past couple days made me … I felt … guilty," Robin said stumbling over his words trying to convey what was going through his mind.

"You felt guilty?" Killian prodded, trying to get Robin to be clear about what he was saying.

Robin nodded, albeit shyly. "I just can't help but thinking that … that maybe I dishonoring her memory by getting this. That I ruined everything we had."

"What?" Killian squawked in disbelief.

"If my true love was out there this whole time, then so was hers, Killian. And she never got the chance to be happy because she was with me. And now, she will never get that chance. And … and if that's true, then was what we had nothing?"

Robin, for some reason, thought Killian would understand his point of view and give him the advice he needed, no questions asked. Because that's what brothers do right?

Apparently not when your brother is Killian Jones.

"Oh my god, you are stupider than I thought you were originally thought you were and that's saying something mate," Killian said dryly, narrowing his eyes at Robin, who just sat there confused at the attack.

"Excuse me?"

Killian groaned, jumping over the counter, which annoys Robin to no end, to sit at the bar stool next to Robin. He had the most serious face Robin has seen in years.

"Okay, you are going to listen to what I say, got it? No interrupting," He started, sternly even a bit like a father scolding his son. Robin just nodded.

"Now it is no secret that I hate these blasted things," Robin snorted, which earned him a glare. Killian continued. "And this, right here with your stupid reasoning and idiotic claims is the main reason why."

"People everywhere get these clocks and suddenly everything and everyone they have ever met or crossed paths with don't mean anything. Their first love instantly becomes just an obstacle they have overcome. They no longer remember those feelings of elation and affection because it doesn't matter it doesn't matter anymore because someone out there are the only ones who have right to those emotions. Do you realize how damaging and ridiculous that actually is?" Killian stated, giving him an incredulous look.

"Yeah, I guess," he stuttered, not sure what to say. Killian rolled his eyes, but went on to what he was saying.

"Having this kind of mentality makes those people incapable of understanding what a real relationship is and how to make one work. They brush every problem aside because it doesn't matter anyway because I'm supposed to be with this person anyway. It's stupid. It is the most absurd concept in the world, but nobody understands that.

You can't just push feelings you've had before aside because they weren't your "true love" or your "soul mate". Those words aren't meant to be used as an excuse. They aren't meant to be a salvation. They are meant for a person not an idea. You loved my sister. She loved you more than anything. You had Roland, who is a symbol of that devotion, and you are the most stupid boy of all the boys to believe that just because this thing say she wasn't it. Do not ruin it with regrets."

"I don't regret it," Robin said adamantly, looking at Killian. Killian gave him a sad smile and a small nod.

"I know. And you have no reason to. She wouldn't regret any of this because you two meant the world to her, even for just a little while."

Killian could see the tension leaving Robin's body, signaling that he's going to be fine. Even so, there were tears welling up in the young man's eyes leaving Killian to hope he doesn't break down here and now.

"What hurt the most is just knowing she wasn't my happy ending," Robin murmured quietly, afraid to say such words out loud. Killian clapped his hand on his brother's shoulder in a show of camaraderie.

"No, but you were hers. And it was a great story."

And as those words left Killian mouth, a beeping filled the room, shifting the emotions that resided there. They both looked down at Robin's wrist, the blinking numbers signifying something bigger than just the time.

'Beep beep beep beep'

It was midnight.

"Well, Romeo, this is it. The next 24 hours will lead you to your lady love. Are you up for it?" Killian asked, finishing his drink. Robin just kept his gaze on his wrist then slowly started to nod.

"I believe so," Robin shrugged, but Killian can see the light return to his friend's eyes. He's as ready as he's going to be and that's fine.

"Let's leave this place before you believe you missed something and I'm roped into staying for another hour," Killian joked, bringing out a laugh from Robin, who followed his brother out the door.

"Perhaps we should clean up a bit …"

"Shut up," and with a shove out the door and a flick of the light, they left the bar, not knowing what will transpire there in a matter of hours.

Please review :) (It motivates me to write quicker!)