Hello everyone, AnimeKing here with a new chapter to this story of mine. Now before we continue I would like to say that in this chapter this is going to show what happened with Laxus, Rogue, Gajeel, Cobra, Pantherlily and Frosch. Oh and another thing I wish to discuss you guys, many of you have been telling me about the pairing, so I decided that all the pairing the same except NatsuXRias, I decided that I'll change it to NatsuXSerafall. If you're wondering why Serafall you ask, well I thought about it and it would be funny with her childlike personality to be with Natsu, also I have some news about the poll. The winner is

Laxus- 21

Natsu- 12

So Laxus will be the King of the Dragon Slayers peerage.

Now let's continue one with the story.

Laxus slowly opened his eyes, feeling a massive headache he placed his hand over his head. "What the hell happened?" Laxus then slowly started to get up and looked around his surroundings and saw Gajeel, Rogue, the Oración Seis Cobra and two of the Exceed who were all unconscious. He slowly got up and went to go and wake them up. Now normally, if he were a regular person he would have just gone up to them and try to wake them up gently. But that wasn't his style, so he just snapped his fingers causing a lighting attack to come from above, hitting the Dragon Slayers.

"Ahhh!" The Dragon Slayers all shouted from the lighting attack. Laxus couldn't help but let out a small smile, seeing how their reactions were.

"Hey, what's the big idea Laxus?!" Gajeel shouted as he was the first one to recover from the attack and grabbed Laxus by his collar.

"I had to wake you up." Laxus plainly said.

Gajeel grew a tick mark on his forehead. "But you didn't had to use your lightning to wake us up you bastard!"

"Tch." Laxus said as he was ignoring Gajeel protest.

Rogue and Cobra started to get up. "I agree with Gajeel Laxus I think that was a bit dramatic." Rogue said.

"Yeah I agree with the other two." Cobra said as he wiped his coat from the dirt.

Gajeel looked up at Laxus and was about to give him an angry retort, "Don't think that you're off the -whoa…"

The Dragons realized slayers that their surroundings had changed exponentially.

Rogue's eyes grew wide, "What is this?"

The Exceeds started to wake up from the shouting. "Ow what happened?" Pantherlily said.

Laxus as well as the other Dragon Slayers looked around their surroundings. As they looked around they notice that they were all healed of their injuries and they saw that they were around a forest at night. But they also notice that Natsu, Wendy, Sting and the other Exceeds were not here.

"Oi where is Salamander and Wendy?" Gajeel asked as he look around for them.

"And where is Sting and Lector?" Rogue asked.

"Frosch doesn't know!" Frosch happily said.

"Maybe they got separated from us?" Cobra said.

"We'll find them sooner or later but still," Laxus said as he looked around their new surroundings.

"Gotta admit I thought we be dead since we used that Dragon Slayer technique like the dragon said before." Gajeel said as he cross his arms over his chest.

"Perhaps this is what the afterlife looks like?" Rogue suggested.

"Frosch thinks so too!" Frosch cheerfully said.

Laxus looked around their new surroundings trying to figure out if they really are dead. Laxus then started to walk off deeper into the woods.

Gajeel notice this quickly. "Hey where do you think you're going?"

Laxus kept walking not even bothering turning. "I'm going to look around, if you want to follow then knock yourself out."

"Tch" Gajeel said as for some reason he started following Laxus as well as the other Dragon Slayers and the Exceeds.

As they were walking through the woods Cobra notice that Laxus would turn to him. "What are you looking at?"

Laxus turned his head forward. "I'm amazed that you're following us, I thought that you would take this opportunity to run away."

Cobra shook his head. "I see no point in that, we're stuck here with no idea where we are so I rather take my chance with you guys."

As the Dragon Slayers kept walking no one spoke until Rogue broke the silence. "We've been walking for quite a while now and we still haven't found anyone, could we possible be the only here?" Rogue question

"I don't think so," Cobra said getting everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" Laxus said as he turned around.

"I can hear it…Scream and terror someone is crying for help." Cobra said.

"What?!" Laxus shouted "Where is it coming from?!"

Cobra then pointed towards where a hill was easily seen along with what look like a building. "That's the source of the scream."

"Let's go!" Laxus ordered the other Dragon Slayers as they ran towards the scream. As they kept runningtowards the scream they saw that there was a house on top of the hill. The Dragon Slayers then started to walk towards the house until Cobra stopped causing the other Dragon Slayers to look behind him.

"What is it?" Laxus asked.

"The screaming it stopped…we're too late." Cobra simply said. "But there's something else in there, it must be the one who harmed to person."

Laxus clenched his fist as he turned back to the building and he finally had reached the front door, by the way it looked, they could tell that this place had been abandon for a little while. He pushed the door opened as he walked in and the other Dragon Slayers soon followed.

While they were inside the house they began to look around but all stopped when they smelled a foul stench in the air, one they were all too familiar with. "Blood." Their thoughts were soon interrupted when they heard a voice.

"Oh lucky me a bunch of humans I can feast on, how wonderful."

They all tried to see where the voice was coming from until they looked above them and saw a massive spider like creature stalking around on the ceiling.

Everyone was slightly surprised when they saw the creature but glared at the creature.

"What is that monster?" Pantherlily asked as he took his sword out and switch to his battle mode.

Rogue, Gajeel and Cobra got into fighting position while Frosch hid behind Rogue's leg.

"Was there another person here?" Laxus asked with a menacing tone.

The spider creature just chuckled. "Why yes there was a human here early and she tasted delicious!"

Laxus then gritted his teeth as he surrounded his body with lightning. "You're going to pay for that!"

The creature could only laugh. "Hahaha what are you going to do-!" The spider creature eyes widen when he saw the blond right in front of him with his fist reared back "Lightning Punch!" Laxus envelops his hand in an orb of lightning and then punches the creature.

Meanwhile outside of the house a few minutes ago

The ground beneath began to light up. A large circle about a meter or so in circumference appeared on the ground glowing a deep red color causing three people to appear near the abandon house. One was a buxom young woman, with long black hair with violet eyes. As her hair is tied in a long ponytail, that reach all the way down to her legs with two antennae sticking out from the top and sloping backwards, with an orange ribbing keeping it in place. The other was a young man with short blonde hair and grey eyes. Beside him was a petite loli with white hair.

"Well here's the location of the stray devil." Akeno said as they started walking towards the building.

"So the president wanted us to handle the devil on our own?" Kiba asked.

Akeno nodded. "Yes, she said that she had to attention to something important but while she was gone she wanted us to handle the stray devil."

"The stray devil is over there." Koneko said while pointing towards the abandon building.

The three devils then started walking towards the abandon building.

"So how should we-" Kiba was unable to finish his question when an explosion suddenly appeared from the rooftop resulting a massive black smoke that caused temporary blindness but once they were able to see what happened they saw the stray devil they were supposed to terminate dead with a massive hole through its chest.

"Well looks like somebody did the job for us." Kiba said while observing the body.

"But who?" Koneko questioned but the three of them soon heard footsteps heading towards them.

They saw four people two of them seem to have two creatures that could be familiars.

"Who are you?!" Kiba question them as he brought out his sword out.

""Ara, ara… Looks like things just got interesting." Akeno-san said with interest

Each figure had their own appearance the one on the left end they saw a tall and muscular young man with long, spiky black hair, which is kept slicked back, the person next to him was a slim man of average height with tanned skin and spiky, upward-styled crimson hair; aside from a tuft covering his forehead and two bangs framing his facesporting a scar across his right eye, and his ears are noticeably more pointed. On the far right was a slim young man of average height with rather messy black hair, very tall and muscular young man with. And in the middle of the group was a young man whose hair is slicked back, its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, though some of it falls down on his forehead. He has a distinctive lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye.

"Geehee" Gajeel chuckled as he looked at the new groups. "Look at this, look like we got more company."

"Who are you?" Laxus asked.

"I suppose we can ask you the same thing." Akeno said as she steps forward.

There was a moment of silence between them not a single one of them made any move.

"What should we do Laxus?" Cobra whispered to Laxus as he faced these new people.

"They may be the people who summoned the monster." Laxus replied "It be best to tell us who you are before we force you to."

"Oh my, what a threaten person you are." Kiba said. "I guess we got no choice but to fight as well."

The iron mage chuckled at what Kiba said. "Sounds like fun. So give it a shot!" Gajeel shouted as his right arm was morphed into a long, sharp black blade and swiped it at Kiba, forcing him to jump back. Kiba then ran deeper into the woods with Gajeel following him.

Koneko then charged towards the crimson haired man and rushed in to attack him. Cobra saw her coming towards him and he tried to grab her by her neck but she ducked under the arm before springing back up and trying to strike him in the chin with a strong right uppercut but much to her surprise he was able to dodge the attack. When Cobra dodges the attack he saw an opening and he grabbed her arm and threw her towards the forest and he heard a crash and he decided that he was her opponent, he then towards her direction only leaving Laxus, Rogue and the Exceeds alone with the Thunder Priest.

"Ufufufu so which one of you boys is going to be my opponent?~" Akeno said as she placed her hand on her cheek.

Laxus then looked to Rogue. "You think you can handle her?"

Rogue then nodded. "Yeah but please take care of Frosch while I fight her."

Laxus nodded back. "Of course."

Rogue then charged towards Akeno with great speed but she stepped to the side and spark of electricity appeared on her hand and she tried to strike Rogue but he was able to dodge it and he ran into another direction of the woods.

Akeno saw this and she had a smile on her face as well as a blush. "Oh we're going have fun together Rogue~" Akeno said as she licked her lips and imagined the battle that was going to happen. She wrapped her arms around herself. "Oh my body is getting so hot just thinking about it~" With that she then followed Rogue.

As soon as she left the other three couldn't help but shudder at what Akeno just said.

"Oi, oi" Pantherlily said. "Do you think we just sent Rogue to his doom?"

Frosch nodded in agreement. "Frosch thinks so too."

Gajeel VS Kiba

As soon as Kiba saw that he gotten far away enough from the others he stopped running and turned around only to see his opponent staring at him. Kiba then brought up his sword and stared back at Gajeel.

"Now since we're going to be fighting I think that we should reveal our name to one another. My name is Kiba Yuuto, what's yours?"

"Gee hee, well I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Gajeel Redfox or also known as the Iron Dragon Slayer."

Kiba was a little bit confused for a moment. "Dragon Slayer? If title means what I think it is then…" Kiba pondered at the moment but spoke once again. "So you're claiming that you have the power to slay a dragon?"

Gajeel nodded. "That's right well not just me but the others as well."

Kiba then took this new information in. "He could be just some cocky person who thinks he has the power to slay a dragon." Kiba thought to himself as he raised his sword and charged towards Gajeel. "I'll just have to put him in his place." Kiba then jumped up and brought his sword only to be blocked by Gajeel iron sword causing Kiba to jump back.

"That's a pretty interesting weapon you got there." Kiba commented.

Suddenly, spikes began to grow out from the edges of the blade, which gave it the appearance of deadly looking saw blade.

"This is the Iron Dragon Sword. Anything it touches is cut to shreds!" Gajeel responded. Without warning, the spikes started to spin around the blade much like a chainsaw. "Why don't I show you!" he leaped high toward Kiba, his sword reared back and his sword clashed with Kiba's.

The Iron Dragon Slayer slashed left and right and then vertical, forcing Kiba to jump back. He then brought his sword and charged towards him, when he got close enough, Kiba unleashed several quick strikes with his sword. Gajeel didn't bother dodging; instead he blocked all of Kiba's attack with his own sword. Kiba then jumped away and once he got far enough he used his speed to try and do the damage.

Gajeel's eyes widen at the speed the kid was going at and he tried to hit him but he was too fast for him. Kiba manage to launch multiple strikes on Gajeel body. Once Kiba stopped he thought that he took Gajeel down until he heard a chuckled.

"I'll give you credit for being such a nimble kid." remarked Gajeel.

Kiba eyes widen and he turned to Gajeel. All of a sudden, a bright mint green magical seal appeared under Gajeel's feet; however, it was the next development that really shocked Kiba. Gajeel's entire body was suddenly coated in thick, iron reptilian scales, sharp talons grew from his fingertips and toes, and his teeth became more serrated.

"Gee hee I think I should end this fight now." Gajeel inhaled deeply as well, letting his cheeks expand. "Iron Dragon…" Gajeel placed both of his hands over his mouths like trumpeters as he shouted, "ROAR!" A blast of iron particles shot out from Gajeel's mouth.

Kiba saw the attack coming and he brought up his sword and tried to block the attack but the force was too great and he was pushed away and crashed into a tree. He struggled to get up and once he did one of the demonic swords Kiba created a whirlwind of fire, while the other created an icy blizzard. He attacked with great speed but Gajeel evaded all attacks with simple movements.

Kiba had birthed half a dozen of his swords to impale Gajeel. Kiba hoped that attack would stop his opponent but he was wrong and saw something that even surprised himself. He first saw that Gajeel iron armor wasn't even scratched the next thing that surprised him was that Gajeel was eating his swords, he never heard of an ability that'll allow a person to eat metal.

Once Gajeel had finished he wiped the crumbs of iron and had a smile on his face. Gajeel summoned a magical circle as he straightened out his arm and aimed it at Kiba. "Iron Dragon Lance…Demon Log!"

Suddenly, a volley of sharp iron projectiles fired from Gajeel's magic seal and bombarded Kiba. Kiba cried out in agony as the iron lances struck his body. He fell to the ground and was breathing heavily. "Man this guy he's a strong opponent…Could he really have the power to slay a dragon?" He knew that he couldn't give up so as he tried to get up but he saw Gajeel in front of him with a smile on his face.

"You know kid you put up an interesting fight but," Gajeel brought back his fist and punched Kiba in the gut causing him to go unconscious. "I'll be the one who won this fight." Gajeel then grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up and walked back to the abandon house.

Cobra VS Koneko

Koneko got back up from the attack she just received and she saw her opponent across from her.

Cobra finally found her and stared at her. "So mind telling me what you're name is? Mine is Cobra."

Dark eyes met hazel, but when Koneko didn't speak immediately, Cobra just waited patiently. Finally, the girl spoke up.

"…Toujou Koneko." She said as she jumped in the air towards Cobra. Koneko then came down and brought down her leg to deliver and axe-kick but Cobra was able to dodge her attack again. She then lunged forward and zigzagged towards Cobra hoping that he couldn't dodge this attack, she jumped into the air and when she got close she launched a spinning kick at his head.

Cobra brought his forearm up and braced for impact as Koneko hit it. He grimaced at first but smirked as he grabbed her leg and spun her around and threw her towards a tree causing it to fall down.

He thought he took her down but he was wrong when he see that a large chuck of a tree had been thrown by the small girl. "Gotta admit the girl got some strength." Cobra thought to himself as he dodges another tree.

Koneko approached, cocking a fist back. As soon as she was about to launch her attack it was stopped when Cobra grabbed her fist.

"I gotta admit you're quite the strong one," Cobra stated as he gripped Koneko's fist tighter. "Normally I could still beat you the way I am but I thought I should show you the power I possessed." He laughed. Cobra's hand suddenly grew claws and scales appeared on his arms. Koneko's eyes widened "Wh-what is that?!" She asked herself but soon snapped out of it when her fist started to burn. She pulled herself away from the poison mage with a questionable look on her face.

"By the look on your face you're confused so allow me to explain it," Cobra grinned at her. "People like me are known as Second Generation Dragon Slayers. My power was gained by implanting a lacrima in my body. Now then…" The Poison Dragon Slayer took a deep breath.

Koneko recovered from her shock and got ready to move.

Cobra let loose his attack with a yell. "Poison Dragon's Roar!"A twister of poisonous air flew towards Koneko but she was barely able to dodge it. Cobra followed up by holding both arms out and creating a Magic Seal.

"Let's see you dodge this! Poison Dragon's Scales!" he roared and the Magic Seal generated a huge number of poison darts in the shape of dragon scales, which flew in all directions. Koneko tried to dodge the attack but still got hit by a few of the scales.

Koneko coughed from the force of the attacks. "What's with his attacks?! Those attacks did almost nothing damage related, but the pain is unbelievable…"

Cobra saw her confused look and decided to explain his magic to her "Remember what I said? This is Poison Dragon Slayer Magic. That poison in my attacks will continuously weaken your bodies over the course of the battle, until you can't move at all. And that was just a small dosage. Let's see you take one of my bigger attacks that well."

Cobra pulled his arms back, before he brought them forward in a cross formation, yelling. "Poison Dragon's Twin Fang!"

Two blades of poison ripped through the air towards Koneko. She dodged the first, but the second blade caught in her chest. The Rook gasped in pain at the force of the blow, she fell to her knees and started breathing heavily and soon fell unconscious. As Cobra was walking closer to Koneko he was able to see his poison around Koneko body, normally he would have left her like that but for some reason he couldn't. He then dug into his pocket and took out a small packet; he opened the packet which seemed to have four syringes. He took out one of the syringes.

"Tch I can't believe I actually listen to that guy." Cobra thought to himself as he remembered that one man from the Magic Council.


As Cobra was looking down at the city that the dragons were destroying, he heard the message that Natsu just sent out. "I can hear you, Natsu." Cobra said as he cracked his knuckles and just as he was about to head down towards the battlefield he was stopped by Doranbolt.

"Hold it Erik." Doranbolt said as he took out a small packet and tossed it to Cobra who caught it. Cobra then looked at the packet with confusion.

"What's this suppose to be?" He asked

"In that packet contains four syringes which contain the antidote of your poison in case your poison magic accidently harms anyone else beside the enemy."

Cobra only stared at packet and made a 'Tch' sound. "Why should I have this? It's not like I'm going to attack anyone else beside the dragons."

Doranbolt sighed. "Just take them, got it?"

Cobra saw that he had no choice but to listen and he put the packet away and he headed towards the battlefield. 'Like I'll ever need to use those things.' Cobra thought to himself as he ready to take the enemy down.

Flashback Ended

Cobra then took one of the syringes and pulled the cap of which showed a small needle. He then got closer to Koneko and gently raised her arm and inserted the antidote, a minute had passed and he saw his poison mist was starting to disappear. Once his poison was gone he gently picked up Koneko and placed her over his shoulder and started walking towards the others.

Rogue VS Akeno

Rogue was currently standing across from his new opponent. "Before we fight I would like to know the name of my opponent." Rogue said causing Akeno to giggle lightly.

"Well since you want to know my name is Akeno Himejima, and what would yours be?"

"I am known as the shadow Dragon Slayer Rogue Cheney."

Akeno was a little surprised by what Rogue called himself. "Oh a Dragon Slayer you say, well then that must mean you're quite a strong one if you claim to have the power to slay a dragon."

Rogue nodded. "Yes that's right I do possess the power to slay a dragon."

Akeno the raised her hand as sparks of electricity surrounded it. "Well let's see about that, shall we?"

Dark storm clouds began gathering in the sky, causing Rogue to look up. There was a rumble of thunder, then lightning lit up the sky and descended upon Akeno, lighting her up. Rather than get hurt, however, all it seemed to do was change her clothes. Her clothing seemed to dissolve, leaving her completely bare causing Rogue to blush at the scene. Then, thick ribbons of energy gathered around her body. Her breasts became bound in a white kimono shirt with long, voluminous sleeves appearing on her arms, and her hips and legs were hidden by red hakama pants. Her appearance changed and she now looked like a Miko Priestess.

Rogue then saw that she was about to fight and he knew he had to as well so he charged towards Akeno with his hand engulfed with a shadow. "Shadow Dragon's Slash!" Rouge shouted as he was about to strike Akeno but she was able to dodge and she decided to counter by releasing a large lightning attack towards Rogue resulting in an explosion. But once the smoke cleared up she saw that Rogue was no longer there, she looked around trying to see where her new play toy had gone.

Akeno's hand started sparking. She then called out, "Oh, Rogue~" She then threw her hand forward, launching a bolt of lightning towards one of the tress. The forest exploded from the attack. "Come on out. I really want to play with you~."

Her smile turning sadistic, Akeno fully entered her S-mode. She then sent another attack to blow up another tree, laughing gleefully at the destruction.

Rogue who was hiding behind the tree saw the destructive power that Akeno posses. "I have to try and beat her without using the Shadow Drive or Dragon Force." Rogue then jumped from his hiding spot and inhaled the air "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" Rogue bellowed.

The black breath tore through the air towards Akeno, Akeno saw this and launched three more attacks before the last one was nullified by an explosion. Akeno's smile widened as she turned to see her opponent moving from tree to tree.

"Ufufufu, I'm so sorry. I was just so excited to have a battle with you," Akeno claimed. She then let out a shiver as she added lustfully, "I'm shivering just from the thought of hearing your pained cries."

When Rogue heard what she said he couldn't help but shiver. "What's wrong with her?" Rogue asked himself but soon snapped out of it when he saw her launching another lightning attack.

Rogue took a deep breath before shouting, "Shadow Dragon's Roar!" and releasing a burst of shadows from his open jaws, crashing the sparks of lightning and detonating them in the air. The blast wave sent the Dragon Slayer and the Thunder Priest flying in opposite directions. With a wave of her hand, Akeno created a multitude of thunder strikes. They came from all directions, surrounding the Dragon Slayer completely.

Rogue cursed he knew that he couldn't dodge all of the attack. With a wave of his hand, he constructed a series of shadows. They formed a box around him. The constructed barrier endured the thunder that attacked it from all sides.

As soon as it ended, Rogue took a deep breath and shouted, "Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

An attack which Akeno met head on, thunder formed around her hand. Throwing it forward, a large thunder bolt went shooting forth to meet the shadow attack. The two attacks distorted each other, trying to gain dominance. They then exploded when neither gained the advantage, nullifying each other.

"Ufufufu, this is so much fun, Rogue. Don't you agree?" Akeno remarked, a blush on her face. She even licked her lips sensually, showing the battle was arousing her.

Rogue stayed quiet, not letting his opponent's actions get to him. But he couldn't hold back the blush on his face.

"Ara ara, Rogue. This is fun, don't you think?" Akeno asked in a joyful voice. "But I think it is time to finish up this duel."

Lifting her hands into the air, a large yellow magic circle formed above Akeno. The demonic power was palpable. Akeno was clearly putting everything she had left into this attack.

Rogue quickly reciprocated. Rogue leaped up, sucking in more air. "Shadow Dragon Roar!"

The magic circle itself moved to meet the thunder bolt. As soon as they collided it created a powerful shockwave but after a few moments later Rouge shadow roar was able to overpower her attack overpowered. Akeno then crossing her arms and trying to focus her rook attribute, she waited till the shadow connected.

She screamed in pain as the surrounded her entire body. Blasted out of the sky, she wasn't capable of recovering in time to prevent hitting the ground. Her body dug a trench in the ground before she came to a stop. Letting out a pained groan, she sat up. The attack had hurt her, but she had survived. "Ara, ara. I must say Rogue you're doing so well~," Akeno spoke up and she licked her lips. "This fight is making me so hot!~"

With the last of her strength Akeno darted out of it, heading towards Rogue. Her hands were sparking from her power. Pressing her hands against her opponent's stomach, Akeno announced with a beatific smile not fitting the situation, "Bye bye, Dragon Slayer~"

And with that, the full power of the attack struck. A massive ball of electricity engulfed Rogue. Screaming in agony, he was helpless as the attack kept hurting him, before finally ending. Akeno thought that she had won until she heard a scream.

Rogue wrapped his hands in shadows and swung at the Thunder Priest with a shout, "Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash!" Rogue turns his body into shadows and then wraps himself around Akeno, assaulting her with a torrent of shadows generated from his hands.

Akeno screamed as the shadow attack had consumed her, once the attack ended Akeno was about to fall until Rogue caught her. Seeing that she was knocked out he decided to carry her bridal style and he walked back to meet the others.

With Laxus

Laxus had waited for the others until he saw the other Dragon Slayers returning each with an unconscious person.

"So what do we do now?" Rogue asked not knowing what to do with them.

"I believe I can help you with that." A new voice said.

Each of the Dragon Slayers and Exceeds heard a new face and quickly turned to the source of the voice and they saw who it was.

They saw the young woman who appears to be in her late teens with a buxom figure, a light skin tone, and blue-green eyes. Her most distinctive feature is her long, crimson red thigh-length hair, with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face, which consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks.

"Allow me to introduce myself I am Rias Gremory. I believe that you each fought with my servants and interrupted our assignment."

"Assignment?" Laxus repeated. "And what would that assignment be?"

"Well we were order to take out the monster that you had fought in the building but it seems that you already taken care of that."

Laxus then sighed. "Well we're sorry for interrupting your mission and harming your servants."

"Well I could forgive you but you must come with me and discuss something important." Rias said

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Laxus asked cautiously

"Well you don't but I do believe it be rude if we kept Natsu, Sting and Wendy waiting."

Laxus and the others eyes widen by what Risa had just said. They all looked at each other and they nodded and they walked closer to Rias. Rias then moved her arms down causing a red symbol to appear below them and they all soon disappeared.

Well I guess I'll end the chapter here hope you guys enjoyed it and here is the new pairing list hope you like it. See Ya!



Gajeel X Xenovia



