This story takes place near the start of the third season. Astrid and Hiccup are 19. It is rated 16+ for later chapters, and mature themes.

All characters are owned by Dreamworks

It was a beautiful day for a flight Astrid thought to herself as Berk disappeared from view. Stomfly who was happy for the exercise squawked in warning as she tucked her wings and barrel rolled through the sky. Astrid ducked down in her saddle, laughing as the roll turned into a nose dive that ended at the ocean's surface. Stromfly evened out; dragging her talons through the water and spraying her rider with a light mist.

It wasn't often that Hiccup allowed the riders to venture away from the island on their own but today was a rare exception. Stromfly had been making leaps and bounds with Astrid in helping to tame a group of wild Deadly Nadders which the riders had discovered on a not too distant island. Normally Hiccup or Fishlegs would travel with her to the island every Thorsday to observe the training sessions. This week however, Fishlegs had come down with a feaver and Hiccup's father had decided it was "high time ye got some practice at chiefing son." Hiccup conceded to her that neither the twins nor Snotlout would serve as helpful observers; so today she was on her own.

Hiccup had cautioned her before she left, "We don't know what Dagur is planning, or where hee might turn up. Please be careful Astrid."

"You worry too much Hiccup," she teased, putting him in a friendly headlock. "I can take on any viking in Berk and come out the victor; Dagur doesn't scare me."

"Any viking ye say?" Astrid released Hiccup and whirled to see Gobber and the chief standing behind them with looks of amusement on their bearded faces,

"Maybe one day girl, but not quite yet." Stoick's face became stern, "If you see any sign of trouble in your travels do not fight them; flee."

"Understood sir." Astrid offered Hiccup a parting smile before running accross the village to fetch Stormfly.

Hiccup must have thought her out of earshot when she heard him say, "I hope she listens to you dad, she doesn't to me."

Astrid smirked at the thought; of course she listened to Hiccup, except when he was wrong that is, and she always told him when he was wrong...unless he wasn't around. In those few times she always made the best decision she could; although she could understand why Hiccup would feel differently about the issue.

Her smile dissapeared when she heard the chief's response; "Of course she challenges you son; she's a smart woman, just like your mother was. Astrid will be a wonderful match for you one day; the perfect woman for a viking chief."

"Perfect woman," Astrid spat, recalling the chiefs words to his son, "I'm a fierce viking warrior; why can't anyone see that?" Stormfly bobbed her head in agreement before regaining altitude. The truth was that only Hiccup saw her as a warrior; there had never been a time she could remember where he had treated her as anything less than an equal and she respected him for that more than anything else.

She could admit to herself that the idea of becoming Hiccup's wife was not displeasing; he was handsome, she respected him (and vise versa), and he listened to her council...but to the rest of the town she would always be "the chief's woman". She wanted more than that; she wanted songs sung about her bravery as well. Would Hiccup still allow her to fight by his side if they married? She wanted to believe he would, but she had seen marraige change a person... "I will never be any Viking's woman." she told Stormfly, "You and I are an awesome team, and we don't need a man to fight our battles for us." Her dragon squawked in agreement, and they descended into a clearing on the north side of the island.

In a small cove just east of where Astrid set down was a landing party from a single Berserker ship. From the cover of the trees they could hear the cry of Astrid's Nadder as it landed not two miles from their position. "Excellent," the most recent in a long line of captains grinned at his chief, "we will be upon them soon your Deranged-ness."

Dagur rolled his eyes at the man whose name he had forgotten- why bother remembering when he'll likely be dead in a week? "Bo-ring, let's just get this over with. Remember; if Hiccup is there, kill the rest. If he's not, we capture them for a trade." He grinned maliciously at the thoughts floating around his mind. It had been so long after all since his axe had tasted worthy human flesh. Dagur had a feeling today would be glorious.

"Alright Stormfly, feeding time." Astrid's dragon settled onto the ground beside her so she could dig the chicken out of her bag. It wasn't much; just enough to be considered a treat. After all, these wild dragons still needed to hunt for themselves. She fed Stormfly first, to remind the other Nadders that she was the top of the pecking order. The others lined up to receive theirs and took the food gently from her hand. Once they were all fed, Stormfly stood, letting out a loud call that the other dragons answered. Immediately they formed ranks to Astrid's surprise. "Did Hiccup teach you that?" she asked to no dragon in particular. They all squawked back as one. "Showoff." she muttered, but was none the less impressed. After all, she had only left a moment before him last week on Toothless when he said he wanted to "try something".

"It's only one girl." the captain grinned eyeing her over Dagur's head, "This will be too easy."

"You idiot," Dagur growled, "she has an army of dragons with her. This will be glorious! The woman and her dragon are mine, the rest of you; kill the others."

It happened so fast Astrid barely had time to react. Berserker warriors dove at the Nadders from every brush surrounding the clearing. Luckily Stormfly was quicker than her, taking to the sky she fired spines at their attackers and pinning more than one. Axe in hand Astrid flew at the nearest Berserker; Hiccup's warnings be damned, she thought, no one is harming my dragons. She struck the man with the blunt side of her axe, knocking him out cold on the ground. Whirling, she struck another in the same manner, and another... that was when she realized that none of them were paying her any heed.

"Oh pretty laaa-dy," Astrid's knuckled turned white as she tightened her grip around her axe; she knew that voice, "such ferocity in your swings. You took out three of my men before you even realized they had been ordered to ignore you." Dagur strolled out of the forest and Astrid saw his trademark grin paired with his dangerous, insane stare. "But you didn't kill them. It's a shame really," he twirled his axe in his hands as he spoke, "if you had finished them off I may have asked you to join me; I would love to have a woman with your kind of abilities." He licked his lips and Astrid felt a chill of disgust run down her spine.

Astrid called to her dragon; "Stormfly! Help the other Nadders. Dagur is mine." Her eyes were cold; Astrid was glad Hiccup was not here to see this. Dagur the Deranged was aptly named, but she had seen him fight, and she was certain she could defeat him; once and for all. "You are going to regret your decision to come here Dagur. Hiccup isn't here to keep me in line and I am ready to end this; permanently." The two were circling each other now, weapons drawn and waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Oh-hoh-hoh! So it's Hiccup who tamed the wild Astrid then." Dagur's voice sang in that mocking tone she hated. "I'm sure he will pay most dearly for the safe return of his woman."

"I am nobody's woman!" Astrid yelled as she flew at him, axe raised. She noticed too late the slight change to the grin on his face; it had become a smirk of satisfaction. Dagur reached behind his back grabbing a shield with speed Astrid did not know the man possessed. The shield bashed her in the face while simultaneously blocking her overhead blow. Astrid felt the handle of Dagur's axe hit her gut with such force that she felt sick.

Astrid dropped to the ground heaving, and Dagur secured her wrists. "You are very wrong Astrid; you are my woman now,"he hissed In her ear, "and if you're lucky I might just decide to let you live." Pulling Astrid to her feet Dagur called to his men. "It's time to go! Leave the dead and unconscious for dragon food." Grinning at Astrid he added, "Berserkers do not believe in mercy; if you're weak you die...but you; you are smart, and strong for a girl. I'm actually surprised I rattled you so easily. Despite losing to me, my offer still stands; after all that swing was meant to kill." A Nadder screeched above them and Dagur looked up to see Stormfly diving straight for them. Pulling out a knife, the Berserker chief drew it to Astrid's throat, "Call off your dragon. Better yet, bring it down here."

Astrid obeyed, her voice chill with rage, "Stormfly land. Don't fight." Her dragon heeded her call, but she snapped at the nearby Berserkers.

"Captain compose a letter," Dagur instructed, "inviting Hiccup to the Wedding of Dagur the Deranged and Astrid...?" the knife pressed against her throat.

"Hofferson," she growled. It's good that you know the full name of the warrior who will kill you.

"Very good," Dagur grinned, "attach it to the saddle. Astrid my deadly flower, if you would be so kind as to order your dragon back to Berk?" the knife pressed, and through gritted teeth the order was made.

As Stormfly dissapeared in the distance Astrid felt Dagur's hand against her leg. "Such a well toned body," he cooed, "I wonder, have you let Hiccup explore it yet?" His hand moved up her leggings, under her armored skirt. Astrid kicked as hard as she could, landing a solid blow to his kneecap. "Oww! You will regret that." Dagur hissed.

"Touch me again and I'll aim higher." She spat.

Dagur grinned fiercly at her, "So there's still fight in you. Good, I'll make a Berserker out of you yet. Take her to the ship," he ordered, "and chain her legs to my cabin floor."

I love feedback if you have any; be it on plot, writing style, whatever!