Author's Note-I own nothing from Marvel. All the OCs are mine.

Ending of Captain America: The Winter Soldier

"So, when do we start?" Sam asked, ready to help.

Steve's head snapped up, "We just did."

Ch. 1

It was supposed to be an easy first step. Take the information on Bucky that he had gotten from Natasha and match it with any current S.H.I.E.L.D. agents working in the area. Sam and Steve first went to Moscow and had limited success. It took them nearly a week to track down an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that they could get some useful intel from. He gave them a few leads that sent them to Buenos Aires to track down some of the original Hydra agents.

Steve contacted Natasha once again and she had suggested a current level six agent, Alma Iglesias, that was assigned to the area. Natasha had worked with the operative before and knew her to be a reliable agent. Since the essential dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha was scrambling to find her own place in the world and wasn't able to help them. Steve was just glad to get any information to help him find out what had happened to Bucky and track him down.


It took Sam and Steve over a week to find Alma. Steve's primary focus when working for S.H.I.E.L.D. had been planning raids, not collecting intelligence. Luckily, Sam's Army experience gave him a more well-rounded background and he was able to finally pinpoint her location based on the intel from the S.H.I.E.L.D. documents they had access to. When they finally did find her, seemingly wandering aimlessly in the La Boca neighborhood of the city, Steve was shocked. She didn't appear like any agent he'd ever seen before. She looked a mess, like she was homeless.

Her long, lank, greasy hair obscured her face. With her caramel colored skin and dark hair, she blended into the crowds that frequented the famous colorful neighborhood a lot better than Sam and Steve did in their hoodies and baseball caps. She looked too old to be a runaway, probably in her late 20s. She wore ripped, faded jeans and an over-sized stained blue sweater that hit her mid-thigh and scuffed black combat boots, the kind bought more for fashion than utility. However, she walked with a cat-like grace that belied the idea that she was someone who slept on the streets.

As they began to follow her at a respectable distance, she abruptly turned down a corner into a narrow alleyway and Steve looked over to Sam, who nodded. They followed her as she walked on, not bothering to look back at them.

She stopped in front of a high, chain link fence, blocking her exit. She turned and Steve tensed to see the Glock in her hands, pointing at him.

"Boludos, you so chose the wrong girl to mug," she snarled.

Author's Note- This is a little plot bunny that was born after watching CA:TWS.

Rough Spanish translation-

Boludos - Idiots