
I screamed as I was dragged into a cold room, I didn't know where I was or who I was with. All I know is that I am carrying a child and mama has taken me to a "special" doctor. I was taken to a room which was occupied with a blonde girl who was about my age, she was probably in the same situation as myself. He took the girl back to what he called his "Examination Chamber". After a few minutes I heard the most terrifying screams anyone could ever produce. With all my bravery I decided to walk down the hall to see if could get a look at what was going on. Soon I discovered something I thought I would never ever see. It was the same girl who I was just sitting next to moments ago, she was cut open below the abdominal, blood gushing out of her draining the peach color of her skin to a sickly green. She was unresponsive, I knew she was dead. I soon had left her side and decided to explore more of the room. I noticed a table full of tools, freshly used that were stained of blood. Then I saw something that would horrify me for probably the rest of my life, it was a baby. A very tiny grey baby that eyes were closed shut, it's lifeless little body all shriveled up and skin turning grey just like its mother. It soon had hit me that I was about to suffer the same fate. The only thing to do now was run, run as fast as I could. I quickly ran out of the room and down the dark hallway to find some way of escape. After searching through many doors I had finally found a room with a window inside of it. All of a sudden I heard footsteps, I quickly gathered a few chairs to stack and climbed out the window safely. Once I was safely on the ground I began to run. I took a quick glance behind me to see if anyone was following me and then I saw her. It was mama, she had guilt look on her face. Why would she be doing that? Unless she knew what my fate would be, now it all hit me like a ton of bricks. How could you raise a child for 14 years, then decide to kill them off like that. Her own child, I felt my heart tearing out of me as I ran into the dark wood leading outside of town. I could hear yelling

"WENDLA?! WENDLA CHILD WHERE ARE YOU?!" My mother and the doctor were the ones calling for me.

But no more was I a mama's girl, now I know my fate,this was the path I am choosing. Now all that was left is to find Melchior.


All I know was I had escaped, I had finally escaped that never ending nightmare. I could hear the guards and dogs not to far from me my trail, I did make a lot of noise with my grand exit over the fence. I really couldn't think about myself right now all that was on my mind was Wendla and our child. Knowing Frau Bergerman that women had a trick up her sleeve. I never liked her even as kids she would forbid Wendla from playing with us,afraid I was a bad influence on Wendla and well I was. I turned to catch a quick glance behind me and saw lanterns and dogs. With quick thing I made my way up the nearest tree I could climb. As I tucked myself between branches I could see those idiot guards and their menacing dogs. It was kind of funny seeing them confused and panicked thinking they lost me, even though I am only about 10 feet above them.

"Herr Gabor we know you here, come on out now and receive a far less punishment" They called out. Like I would come out of hiding for a "Far less punishment", these guys are complete morons. After about 20 minutes they had given up their search and left. What a bunch of lazy bastards. Now that I was able to be back on foot I could get to town sooner before something bad happens. As I began to run in the direction of town a million thoughts began to race around my head. What are we going to do? We were both only children ourselves, we couldn't raise a child ourselves. Why did I do that to her to take her innocence away from her, she had no clue what was going on and I took advantage of her. Then I began to felt a rush of anger towards me and my parents were the cause of it, I began to develop a form a hate I have never felt before. I don't think I could ever forgive them for the hell they put me through. Now I know I can't go back,they'll send me back if they do and I'll never see Wendla or my child again. My mind turned to Moritz another reason I was sent there, I shouldn't have given him that essay. I should of been there for him when he needed a friend the most, he would still be alive today and I hold that on my shoulders everyday. As I saw the sun rise I could feel my body begin to shut down, Wendla was the only thing that was pushing me through the exhaustion my body was feeling. Soon I could see a stream through the trees, the same stream that was a mile away from the town border. With the last of my energy I ran towards the stream, soon collapsing right near the shore line. I took a hand full of water and try to clean my face of all the dirt and the blood that I had on from the previous night. After washing my face I looked up from the water and saw someone. A girl, in a ripped dress lying about 20 feet down the stream. As I splash my face again, I knew it was her. It was Wendla.