Yeah, this was on accidental hiatus. I don't own Hetalia. Etc etc.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

My large t-shirt hung loosely off my shoulders and dangled about me like an over-sized dress. The gym shorts I was wearing mostly hid the shape of my legs, something that I was going for. The binder strapping down my chest was completely unnoticeable. I brushed the bangs of my wig out of my eyes.

I still looked too feminine...

I let out a deep sigh and flopped onto the bed. Doing this sort of was much easier when I was younger. Now that I was in college...

I sat back up and fixed the strands of hair that had gone awry. Not that it really mattered since I was going to put it away soon. I slipped the wig off and pulled out the bag I kept it in.

However, just before I could completely take off everything, the doorbell rang.

I froze in place with the wig still in my hand. For a second I was scared if it were my parents, but they wouldn't ring the doorbell for their own house. Then I grew more scared of who was at the door.

Did I even time to take everything off? The doorbell rang again.

Whoever they were, they were getting impatient.

"Dammit..." I hissed. I threw the wig back on and hastily tugged at it until it hid my hairline.

I still didn't think I looked masculine, but maybe for once I could have passed. Just for a minute. If it was a mailman or something, I could just shoo him off.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. I tried to get my voice to settle into my best 'guy' voice.

I opened the door. "Hello-"

Gilbert Beilschmidt was standing on my porch.

Gilbert. Fucking. Beilschmidt.

The asshole from my astronomy class. The one who was constantly checking me out.

Of all the people to arrive on my doorstep when I'm trying not to look masculine, why did it have to be him?

I was stuck there with my mouth hanging open. I had no idea what to say. I was about to just shut the door in his face when he spoke.

"Uh... Is Elizabeta there?"

I blinked in confusion and frowned. "Uh... sorry?"

"Is Elizabeta there?" he repeated. He looked at a small slip of paper in his hand, the one I gave him yesterday, with a worried expression. "Shit, I hope I got the right house..."

"Um, no, she isn't home right now," I told him.

How did he not realize it was me? Maybe his eyesight sucked. Or maybe he was just that dumb. Whatever it was, I was grateful for it.

"You know when she'll be back?" he asked.

When you leave. "Nope."

"Well, then." Gilbert casually made his way into my house. He flopped onto the couch and pulled out his laptop. He rested an ankle on his knee then looked at me like I was the weird one for standing.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked weakly.

"Waiting," was the blunt answer I received.

"B-But neither of us know when she'll be back," I stuttered.

"Yeah, but she seems like the type to get pissy if I didn't try to stay at all."

Well, he wasn't wrong.

"So, are you her brother or something?" he asked.

And, here came the harder part.

"Uhhh... No. I'm her cousin."

"What's your name?"

"Eli-" My eyes widened in shock and I shut myself up before I could finish. Dumbass! Think of a name! "Eli... as? Elias."

He raised an eyebrow. Then he stood up and stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you then, Elias." The look on his face didn't say he recognized me yet.

I squeezed his hand firmly.

"So you got anything to do around here while I wait for Elizabeta to get back?"

"Uhhh... There's a Wii in her room."

"That'll do."

As he walked away, I looked down to myself. I let out a heavy sigh.

What had I gotten myself into?

I've been trying to finish this for 3 weeks, it's finally done but it sucks. Gaaah.

Review please.