A/N: I wanted to post this yesterday for 4th of July, but I just couldn't write that quickly. I'm both sad and relieved that I am finally wrapping this up. The last bonus chapter will be posted separately on my profile as Tough Choices. I'm kind of afraid to write it though, haha.

Snowflakes drifted softly to the ground outside the abandoned boy's dorm at True Cross Academy. The atmosphere inside was festive, and a warm fire burned in the corner of the room. The sound of laughter and the aroma of spice cake drifted in the air.

Ryuji was sitting on a plush couch, with his boyfriend Rin snuggled up to his side. He absentmindedly reached out and pet the boy's fluffy tail, yet again marveling at it's softness. Rin twitched it in pleasure and snuggled closer to his side, reminding Ryuji of a cat. As if summoned by his thoughts, Kuro jumped up onto Rin's lap. Ryuji watched as Rin pet the small demon cat until he started purring contentedly. Feeling oddly jealous of the attention Rin was giving his familiar, Ryuji leaned over and kissed the smaller boy.

Rin parted his lips, allowing Ryuji to slip his tongue in. He slid it around Rin's now very familiar mouth, feeling soft pricks from the half-demon's fangs. He pulled Rin up into his lap, dislodging Kuro. The cat shot him a look, but Ryuji hardly noticed, his attention fully on Rin and the small sounds he was making. No matter how many times they kissed, he never got tired of the way the other boy felt in his arms.

He started to slip his hands up into the boy's shirt. His fingers explored the tight muscle of Rin's stomach until a soft cough interrupted him. "It's almost time to open presents," Yukio said, looking at the pair.

"We can continue later," Rin whispered as he slid off Ryuji's lap. The tree sat in the middle of the room, green and dripping with decorations. Mountains of presents in all shapes and sizes sat beneath it. Ryuji gazed around at all his friends surrounding the tree. Shima, Konekomaru, Shiemi, Izumo, Yukio, and even Shura were all there at the party, joking and hanging out. Next to him, Rin's eyes lit up as Yukio reached under the tree and pulled out the first present. It was for Izumo, who couldn't help the small grin that spread across her face at the little fox figurine Shiemi had gotten for her. It made Ryuji notice how close the group had gotten since the day they first met. Especially himself and Rin.

A present thrust into his face by a beaming Rin jolted him out of his thoughts. He took the small package and carefully untied the little green bow. Rin was bouncing with impatience as he tugged of the wrapping and Ryuji shook his head at how much energy the half demon had. He turned his attention back to the little box and pulled open the cardboard.

Inside were two small but thick metal earrings. Ryuji picked one up, noticing that it wasn't smooth inside. He glanced in and found the words I love you engraved in fancy lettering on the metal.

"Do ya like them?" Rin asked, face glowing. Ryuji just hugged Rin, not able to say anything. He hadn't been expecting something that personal from his boyfriend. When he let go, Rin jumped up and ran quickly to the tree, routing through all the piles of presents. He came back looking satisfied and holding what Ryuji recognized as his gift for Rin.

The boy tore into the wrapping as if the world would end if he didn't see what was inside in the next 30 seconds. He finally had it undone, and he looked inside. Ryuji began to wonder if he had somehow offended the boy because of how long Rin just stared into the box. He started pulling it out, and Ryuji's eyes jumped to all the little mistakes in the scarf. He had spent the last few nights putting it together. It was light blue with I believe in you embroidered in a darker blue on one of the ends. He had wanted to make something that would encourage Rin to work on controlling his flame and keep him warm.

Face reddening, he was about to take the present back and say he had wrapped the wrong thing, when Rin looked up at him then back to the scarf. A huge grin spread over his face. "Thanks, Bon, I love it," he gasped, putting the scarf around his neck before pulling Ryuji close. "It's so soft!" Ryuji started blushing even more as he saw Shima walking up to them.

The pink haired boy chuckled slightly at the scene in front of him. "Merry Christmas guys," he said, holding out two presents wrapped in pink paper. Rin let go of Ryuji so he could grab his present. He set it on the tabled next to him and hurried over to the tree. Shima watched him for a second before turning back to Ryuji.

"Hey Bon, I just wanted to apologize for how I acted in the beginning. With your relationship, I mean," he said, turing away slightly and raising his hand to the back on his neck. Ryuji watched him silently, not sure if he liked where the conversation was headed. His relationship with Shima had been strained since he and Rin had hooked up, and he still wasn't sure if his friend accepted that he was dating a boy. "And, uh, I really am glad you guys proved me wrong. You make a cute couple." He glanced back at Ryuji to see if his apology had been accepted.

Ryuji shrugged. "'T's not a big deal," he mumbled before smiling at Shima. Shima grinned back and relaxed, and everything was normal between them again. Rin got back from the tree then with a present in each hand. He seemed slightly confused at what had happened between the two while he was gone, but appeared pleased that the tension that had been following them had disappeared. He quickly handed both presents to Shima.

"Merry Christmas, Shi-chan! The big one's from me and the smaller one is from Bon," he explained, eyes glowing. Shima turned his smile onto Rin.

Shima tucked the presents under his arm. "Thanks, Rin-chan! I'm going to go give this to Okumura-sensei now," he said, waving a small box in the air before walking away. Rin was just sitting down next to Ryuji again when Shiemi walked over.

"Hey Shiemi," Rin greeted her when she got close enough. Ryuji gave her a smile as she handed a big present to him. "That's for both of you," she explained. "It's from myself and Nee-chan." Her face was flushed with excitement as she smiled earnestly at them. "It's so fun to celebrate with everyone. I never really had friends before I came to the academy."

Ryuji watched as Rin smiled back at her, surprised when he didn't feel jealous at all. Shiemi had supported his dating Rin form the beginning though, and now he was just as much her friend as Rin was.

Drunk laughter came from the doorway, and all three of teens looked over to see Shura laughing as Yukio and Shima stood under the mistletoe. Yukio was red and flustered, but Shima just leaned over and kissed his cheek before handing him his present and walking away with a smile.

Ryuji laughed, and he could hear Rin and Shiemi cracking up as well as Shura put an arm over Yukio's shoulder and teased him loudly about how much he acted like a virgin. Ryuji looked at Rin, trying to memorize his laughter. It was clear and friendly, and Ryuji never wanted it to change. Rin noticed him looking and smirked at him before grabbing his arm and dragging him to the mistletoe.

Ryuji's face was scarlet when everyone turned to look at them right as Rin reached up and planted a kiss on Ryuji's mouth. Yukio, who had finally shaken off Shura's arm, walked over as everyone else giggled about "the happy couple." He was opening his mouth to talk, but was interrupted by a shout of "Fantastic!"

A pink, pointed-toe boot appeared in the doorway. It was soon followed by the rest of a person, one with a rather peculiar fashion sense. Mephisto Pheles stood in the doorway with his usual creepy smile plastered across his face. "What a party! But it seems you have forgotten to invite me," he announced and strolled over to the table covered in sweets Rin had made. "However, I will forgive you because you set all this food out for me."

Half the people in the room rushed over to defend the food from Mephisto, who was now aided by Amaimon. Ryuji wasn't sure when Amaimon had gotten there, or why either demon was there in the first place, but Yukio and Rin seemed unbothered by their presence. He turned back to Yukio and greeted him.

"Merry Christmas, Okumura-sensei.

"Merry Christmas, Suguro-kun," Yukio responded with a smile. "Here's something to thank you for taking care of my brother," he held out a smile package that Ryuji politely accepted. "He really has been doing better on his tests since you began tutoring him. He's less impulsive in battle these days as well.

Rin scowled at that. "Why are you talking about me like I'm not here, Yukio?"

Yukio pushed up his glasses at Rin. "You, nii-san, need to be studying even more. I'll give you your present when you pull a C or higher." He walked away, ignoring all Rin's pleading and shouts of, "That's not fair!"

Watching his small, hyper boyfriend, Ryuji felt himself smile. He wanted to give something special to Rin, away from everyone else. He walked over to the boy. "'T's kinda hot in here. Ya want ta go outside?" he asked, hoping Rin would agree.

Rin did, and very enthusiastically. "Race ya!" he shouted as he started sprinting outside. Ryuji started after him, running as fast as he could. It reminded him of when they were both in the physical training class running from the Reaper. Knowing it was pointless as he had never outrun the boy before, he put on as much speed as he could. Despite his best efforts, the small figure in front of him burst out of the door seconds before he could catch up.

"Cheater," he gasped as soon as he was outside. "Ya had a head start." Rin was panting too hard to reply. Instead, he fell back into the snow and started waving his arms. He looked crazy and Ryuji laughed when he started waving his feet as well. Rin looked at him and laughed too before standing up. He walked closer to Ryuji, who took a step forward.

Rin put his arms out as if he were about to hug Ryuji, but instead shoved him back into the snow. Ryuji grunted as he hit the ground, noting how cold the snow was without a jacket on. Rin smirked above him and bent over to put his hands on Ruji's chest to block his escape.

"Rin," Ryuji complained. "What're ya doin'?"

Rin had a mischievous look on his face. "Make a snow angel," he commanded. Ryuji knew he looked like an idiot as he waved his arms and legs, but he had to admit it was fun anyway. He soon found Rin helping him up and instructing him how to walk away without destroying the snow angel.

When he finished, he looked over to Rin. The boy snuggled close to him and partially unwrapped the scarf, putting a bit around Ryuji's neck. "You were shivering," he explained. They looked at the snow angels. One was small and delicate, while the other looked almost macho.

"I should work on that," Ryuji said, gesturing to the snow. Rin gave a quiet laugh before snuggling closer into Ryuji's side and putting his tail around Ryuji's waist. It bumped Ryuji's pocket, reminding him why he had brought Rin out in the first place.

"I've got another present for ya. It's for your birthday." He reached into his pocket and brought out a small parcel, which he handed to an intrigued Rin. "It's not much," he said as the boy pulled the wrapping off.

Inside was a little Mepphyland snow globe, with a miniature version of the Mephisto statue and the ferris wheel he and Rin had ridden. Rin shook it up and watched the white flakes flutter down. "We never did get souvenirs on our first date, did we?" he said, looking at Ryuji. Ryuji shook his head before leaning in for a quick kiss.

"Merry Christmas and happy birthday, Rin. Let's spend all our Christmas together from now on.


A/N: I did it! I reached my 10,000 word goal, and this chapter had the most I'd ever written! I'm giving a giant invisible four layer cake to anyone who read through this whole thing. And please tell me if you notice errors- FF didn't like this story and kept giving me "p style="margin: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: arial; font-size: small;" I have no idea what it meant but I did what I could to fix it *Sweatdrop*

I still can't believe it's over. Thanks so much to everyone who stuck with me! *Cries tears of joy*

For anyone who has read the first chapter of Prince of Gehenna, I'll be working more on that soon!