A/N: Sorry this is so late...got lots going on right now and I cant say when the next chapter will be up, but I will get it up eventually, I promise! Enjoy!

Donatello didn't know when, but at some point the questions slowed and they both must have dozed off. When he was woke, he was surprised to find that Bree's head was resting on his shoulder and he didn't quite know how to handle the situation. His mind was still fuzzy from sleep because it took him a moment to comprehend that the light was on and that was what woke him to begin with. By this time Bree had awoken also. She either didn't realize where she had rested her head or she purposely didn't acknowledge it, Donatello didn't know, not that it really mattered.

They couldn't have been asleep for more than a few hours from what he could tell so when hands roughly grabbed him and hauled him up, his still sleep deprived brain instinctively told him to lash out. Donatello felt his uninjured elbow connect with a rib cage and he immediately followed up with punch to the jaw. The guard dropped like a stone. The encounter only lasted a moment and in the next he was seized from both sides. The pain that flared from his injured shoulder distracted him long enough that he didn't see the fist flying towards his face and now he was sporting a similar bruise on his jaw as the now unconscious guard.

"New rules freak!" A voice dripping with disdain seethed.

Donatello spit the blood out that collected in his mouth and looked into the face of a burly, clearly enraged guard.

"Bishop gave us the go ahead. Whatever you do to us, we get to do to you!" The man had an almost gleeful smile plastered on his face.

Donatello bit back his retort and settled for glaring at his attacker.

"Now, are we gonna do this the easy way, or the fun way?" He held up a pair of what Donatello could only guess were some kind of restraints.

Donatello briefly entertained the thought of resisting but his rational side won out on this one. He made a show of visibly relaxing to demonstrate his compliance.

"Shame. I was hoping for the fun way." He handed the bracelet looking devices off to another to secure the prisoner.

Donatello didn't resist as a cuff was placed on each wrist and ankle and was amazed to see them glow a bright blue as they were snapped into place and the seams disappear. It was now one solid material encompassing his wrist. The glow was brief but familiarity immediately flooded the purple masked turtle. At the same instant his wrists were forced together in a way that he couldn't resist.

He found the guards eyes and didn't bother hiding his surprise,

"How did Bishop get his hands on Triceraton technology? Wait...let me guess. He either misappropriated it from the government or perpetuated his own felonious salvage operation after the invasion?"

Donatello smirked at the guards' incomprehension while he stood there blinking at the turtles statement. His confusion quickly turned to outrage which he took out on the terrapin captive with a punch to the gut. Donatello let out a grunt from the impact.

"I will not let you make a fool of me freak!" He spat with barley suppressed rage. "Oh and one more thing," The guard reached in his pocket, pulling out a small remote and pointed it at a hunched over Donatello.

Bree was horrified as she watched Donatello seize up and then collapse on the floor, twitching as electricity coursed through his body. She tried to go to him, but the guard holding her wouldn't allow it, gripping her so hard she winced.

It was all over in about 10 seconds, but it felt longer for Donatello. As the pain receded, he found himself gasping for breath as if he'd run a marathon. He was just starting to stand again when pain hit him once more. This time it wasn't meant to incapacitate him, but merely to cause him great pain.

"Stop! You'll kill him!" He heard Bree shout from seemingly far away.

Just as sudden as the pain came, it was gone.

"Consider that your only warning reptile! Now on your feet!"

Donatello tried to comply but his muscles weren't responding like he told them to.

"Unless you want some more electric shock therapy, I'd suggest you get on your feet!" He smirked, finger poised over the button.

"I'd like to see you stand quickly after a shock like that! You'd probably still be whimpering, lying semi conscious on the floor in a pool of your own drool!"

Bree was just as shocked at her outburst as everyone else seemed to be and she instantly regretted it. But the damage was done and the guard now had his sights set on her.

Donatello knew he had to do something.

"Bishop…needs her…intact" He gasped out between breaths.

The guard turned back to him, seeting.

"Fine. Then you get what she would have gotten."

Donatello knew what was coming and truth be told, he was glad it was him and not her. She didn't deserve to get dragged into this. She didn't even know he existed a couple days ago!

The guard's foot connected painfully with his side and it sent him sprawling. Donatello would swear to anyone who asked that he actually saw stars twinkle before his eyes. He's been kicked hard in the ribs before and it hurt, but not this much! The only thing his pain riddled mind could come up with was that the shock must have affected his nervous system.

When he could finally breathe again and the rest of his senses came back to him, he heard the guard chuckling from above him.

"Ninja huh? You're not so tough." The guard said as he roughly pulled Donatello to his feet and pushed him into the hallway. It took a tremendous effort on his part to keep on his feet and walk, the continued spasms of his muscles made his movements jerky.

A noise behind him made him look over his shoulder. Bree was also being taken from the room, although they were herding her in the opposite direction.

When their eyes met Donatello saw the same fear as before, but he also saw something different. Determination. She was scared, just as he was, but now he could see her resilience. Another shove sent him down a different hallway and he lost sight of her.

Every few steps Donatello would get shoved again causing him to stumble on his still trembling legs forward a step or two, followed by the chuckles of his escorts. It infuriated him that they found amusement in his misery and his patience was wearing pretty thin by the time they reached their destination.

Donatello was actually relieved to see the familiar face of Heidi when he was pushed in the direction of the awaiting doctor. He was confused when she purposely avoided meeting his gaze and made herself busy on the other side of the room.

"Ahem." The guard cleared his throat and got the turtles attention.

"If you would please take a seat, the doctor will be with you soon." He said in a mockingly nice tone and a sinister smile while he gestured to the exam bed with the remote.

Donatello rolled his eyes but complied. As soon as his shell hit the mattress, his cuffs glowed and released only to be pulled up above his head. The sudden movement sent pain shooting through his injured shoulder and a hiss escaped his lips. He also felt his legs move as his ankle cuffs were each pulled to a separate spot on the bed itself. When that was done the guard placed his remote in a pocket and approached the bed, reaching for some leather restraints. He fastened one across his chest, hips and one over each thigh.

Donatello started to get nervous as the last strap was tightened, almost to the point of cutting off circulation. Even without trying, he knew he wouldn't be able to budge a millimeter.

The guard patted his leg in a teasing manner, "I'll be just outside if you need me." He turned, laughing as he left the room.

Even though he knew it was futile, Donatello tested his restraints and as predicted no movement was allowed.

At this point, Heidi returned, pulling a machine behind her. She didn't engage in any conversation as she placed electrodes on his head. When she was finished he risked breaking the silence,

"Is Bishop coming to witness this session?"

He couldn't keep all the disdain from his voice or avoid narrowing his eyes. No matter how nice she has been towards him, she still worked for Bishop and has had a hand in some of the pain he has had to endure.

Her eyes flicked to his before going back to the screen of the machine he was now hooked up to.

"He will be observing both procedures from the security room."

'Both procedures?' He didn't think she would tell him if he asked what they were doing to Bree so he didn't bother.

Donatello kept his eyes on the doctor as she walked around the bed to the other side and pushed a button. The bed lowered about a foot and then the bottom half split and his legs were forced apart.

He knew now what the procedure was and his heart started pounding and his breaths came fast as he again struggled in his restraints, this time earnestly trying to get out of them. He heard Heidi telling him to stop but he didn't listen. He wouldn't just lie there and let her do this to him!

Donatello continued to struggle, growing frustrated when he couldn't even loosen the restraints. The familiar pain of electricity forced him to stop his efforts. The shocks lasting only three seconds this time, just enough to get his attention really. When the pain stopped, he turned surprised eyes to Heidi, who was pointing her own remote at him with a sad look on her face. She flicked her eyes up to a corner behind him, which he knew held a camera that he spied as he entered the room.

Bishop was watching, she had to shock him. This helping/ hurting relationship with Heidi was getting old. She needs to pick a side!

"Now that I have your attention, you have a couple options. One, you could fully cooperate and this would be over with sooner. Option two involves the paralyzing formula. The third is me forcing it out and the last option is I decide for you. I will get your sperm one way or another."

"You can't be serious!" He nervously exclaimed.

"Option three it is."

"Wait! Why can't you just knock me out to get the sample?" Donatello swallowed his panic as he tried to find a way out of this situation.

"Bishop wants to measure you brain activity during the extraction."

'Of course he does!' He thought sarcastically.

Donatello wracked his brain for anything that could help him. There was one thing that might work, or at least delay it long enough for him to find another way out.

He looked straight into her eyes with his most sincere expression,

"Did Bishop tell you I'm only 15 years old?"

Heidi paused in her preparations, utterly shocked. She read nothing of age in the file Bishop gave her so she had no reason to doubt his statement. Bishop wanted her to do this to a child? She didn't have a lot of time to contemplate this new information, because her ear piece crackled with static.

"You will continue doctor."

Bishop's impatient tone brokered no argument. She had no choice.

"I assume you are going to be uncooperative?" She tried to keep the guilt from her voice but wasn't sure if she was entirely successful.

"No, I am totally willing to let you violate me!" Donatello spat vehemently.

Inwardly that statement shook up the doctor, but she couldn't let it show on the outside or Bishop would take her off this project and she knew none of the other doctors would be as considerate of this…unique being. So she decided on the option that she thought would be the least psychologically damaging. After Heidi got her gloves on, she went to the cupboard and retrieved a vile of bluish liquid and a syringe.

Donatello couldn't think of anything to help him escape and his restraints wouldn't budge. Heidi came back and sat on a stool between his legs. He hissed at a sudden cold sensation on his tail and knew it was an alcohol swab. A tiny prick soon followed. Donatello knew in a few minutes he wouldn't be able to hold his tail over the slit that held his manhood.

It wasn't long before Heidi saw the tail relax its position. As a scientist she was fascinated at the anatomy. It wasn't completely human nor was it that of an ordinary turtle. But as a human being she was disgusted with herself for what she was about to do.

When Donatello felt her fingers brush against the sensitive skin around the slit, he instinctively tried to pull away but the straps kept him firmly in place. He kept up the struggle as she grasped his penis and gently pulled it all the way out. He automatically tried to pull himself back in but the muscle relaxant must have reached that muscle too because nothing responded.

Donatello let out a growl of frustration as he felt Heidi start to stroke it. The action sent an involuntary shiver through his body. His mind was reeling with thoughts of violation and desperation while his body was responding against his wishes to the coaxing. He felt his member harden and become erect.

Without any word, Heidi left the coaxing behind and started vigorously rubbing his shaft.

"N-no! S-stop!" Donatello gasped out as another wave of pleasure rippled through his body.

The feelings continued to intensify as his efforts to to escape continued. He tired to stop it, he really did. He thought he could just shut out the automatic reaction, to disconnect from what was being done to him but he couldn't. His pleads for Heidi to stop went unanswered. He was so disgusted with what was happening and his inability to do anything about it, that tears of frustration leaked from his eyes.

He soon reached his climax ans the sample was collected and he was left panting and totally exposed.

A/N: Okie dokie that's the chapter!