Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt or any of its characters. :)

[Chapter One]

Mai was bored. Even though Naru asked her to file a lot of papers, which she had been doing for the past two hours, she only ended up doodling random song lyrics on the bottom of the pages. She knew Naru would get mad at her, again, for slacking off. The weather wasn't helping either, as it was raining heavily outside the office. She tried bothering Naru a few minutes ago, but he only shut the door upon learning that she wasn't going to say anything important. And Lin was, well, being Lin. And so, having nothing else to do, she just finished filing the last of the documents.

"Mai, tea,"

"Ugh, finally!" Mai stretched her arms and legs, and for the first time, she was glad to make tea for narcissistic boss.

After a few minutes, she handed Naru his tea.

"Naru, why on earth is your office so dark? Haven't you heard of lights?" Mai asked him, feeling scared upon entering his office with all the lights off. The only source of light was his laptop, which cast a faint glow on his face.

"Afraid that you won't be able to see my handsome face?" Naru smirked at her, knowing that those simple words would make her blush.

"As if! I don't even like your stupid face!" Mai spat back, all the while blushing.

"Ah, Mai, you're not a good liar at all," Naru said as he stood up to turn the lights on.

And indeed, Mai was sporting a lovely shade of red on her cheeks.

"You look like a tomato, Mai," Naru pointed out as he leaned casually on the table.

"Don't you know that I was a tomato in my past life?" Mai quickly countered as she covered her cheeks with her hands.

Before Naru could make another witty remark, a knock was heard, signifying the arrival of the client they were waiting for.

"Good morning! Please have a seat, ma'am. Would you like some tea?" Mai greeted as she ushered the client inside the office.

"Yes please, that would be nice," the client gently smiled at her.

"Please state your case," Naru asked the lady as Mai set down four cups of tea. Lin was seated beside Naru, probably taking down notes.

"My name is Hitsuga Yusaki and I own a resort not too far from here. The thing is, some of our female customers would get dragged down on one of the pools, and it had been happening almost on a monthly basis, which is not good for the reputation of the resort. There had already been three female customers who died; all of them drowned. Also, inside the hotel, there were sightings of a woman drenched in blood who seemed to be looking for someone. Sometimes, the woman would be seen in a honeymoon suite, and when she would vanish, the suite would be left with markings on the wall," she said while she glanced down on the teacup she was holding between her hands.

Mai involuntarily shivered.

"What kind of markings?" Naru asked her, looking even more interested.

"Writings on the wall that said 'He'll cheat on you, because you're not worth it' or 'Go to hell'. And the customers say that it was written with blood," Hitsuga-san answered while directly looking at Naru.

"Please help us, Shibuya-san. My children as well have experienced being attacked by these...entities," she practically begged him.

"What happened to your children, Hitsuga-san?" This time, it was Mai who asked her with a gentle tone.

"You see, I have a seventeen year old son and a twelve year old daughter. While the two of them were helping out in cleaning the hot springs, my son was suddenly hit against the wall by an unseen force, and when my daughter tried to help, the woman appeared right in front of her, then told her that she will soon be betrayed by someone she loves. Fortunately, my son got away, but with a hand print on both of his arms," Hitsuga-san explained further.

"And as for your daughter?"

"She told me that she would live with my sister for a while. I believe that the event traumatized her," she sadly answered.

Naru managed to steal a glance on Mai, who was looking absolutely terrified. He finally sighed and said, "We'll take your case. We would need a large room to serve as our base, and two other rooms for our male and female members. Please expect us at around nine in the morning."

After Hitsuga-san left, Mai sprawled out on the couch, suddenly feeling tired.

"Naru, thank you for taking that case," she said as she looked at Naru, who just grunted in response before entering his lair/office then finally shutting the door. Lin too, entered his own office, leaving Mai alone.

The next day, the team was assembled inside SPR, except for Mai. She was late again. It was four in the morning, and they had to leave within the next twenty minutes to be able to make it to the resort at nine. Naru already looked pissed off, Lin was typing on his laptop while sneaking glances at Madoka, Ayako and Bou-san were arguing over something, and John and Masako were having a polite conversation, while Yasuhara and Madoka were talking about Naru's love life, which was one of the reasons why Naru was so annoyed. After a good ten minutes, the door finally opened, revealing a breathless Mai.

"What took you so long, Mai? We're going to be late thanks to you!" Naru pinched the bridge of his nose as he raised his voice at Mai.

"Mai! Thank goodness you're here!" Ayako and Bou-san said in unison as they hugged Mai at the same time, ending up with another argument over who should have hugged her first.

"Ayako! Bou-san! I missed you guys!" Mai exclaimed, totally ignoring Naru, which caused Madoka to giggle.

"Mai!" Naru's tone silenced the room.

"I'm sorry the rain got inside my house and I had to keep it out somehow!" Mai answered in a tone similar to Naru's.

"What? Mai-chan, you live alone, right?" Madoka asked her, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Mai nodded. Due to this, Ayako and Bou-san hugged her tighter, while the others looked at her with concern. Except for Naru, of course.

"I can't exactly control the weather now, can I?" Naru said before heading out.

"Did something happen between you two?" Yasuhara asked her.

"It's just Naru being Naru," she answered with a small smile.

The ride to the resort was awkward. Mai was forced to sit between Naru, who had the window seat, and Lin, who was driving. Masako looked eager to take her place, but Naru shrugged her off, leaving Mai with no choice but to go with him. The sky was dark and the rain fell in heavy drops. She wasn't feeling well, having only an hour of sleep. She forced herself to stay awake, but after a few seconds, she finally gave in.

Mai found herself suddenly standing in front of a window, with the numerous pools as the view. Her view then focused on one particular pool, where there were two people arguing.

"I told you, I don't know her!" the man said to the woman, who seemed to be seething with anger.

"Don't even think of lying to me, Shiro! I saw everything!" the woman snapped back.

And then suddenly there was darkness.

"Mai, you better be careful here, okay?" Gene spoke from behind her.

"Gene! What's going on? Who were those people? Why were they arguing?" Mai turned around to face him and asked.

"That's for you to find out. I'm going to show you one more," he told her.

The scene changed, and Mai found herself standing in a doorway leading to a bedroom where two people were lying on the bed.

"Who is she? She's not the one from the previous vision," Mai whispered to Gene who was beside her.

"Just watch," he answered gently.

The man slowly sat up, revealing the fact that he was not wearing a shirt, and apparently, the woman too, was naked. The woman looked up at him, and Mai could see the guilt present in her eyes. Although the man seemed to not care about a thing.

And then a scream resonated through the walls of the room.

"Gene, why did you cover my eyes suddenly?"

"Do you smell it?" he asked her.

And then it hit her. The smell of blood.


At the sound of her name being yelled, Mai woke up with tears flowing down her face. Naru was holding her shoulders while Lin was looking at her with concern. Mai wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, although the smell of blood was still very fresh in her mind. She noticed that she was also breathing heavily, and tried to regain the normal pace of her heart.

"Good think you finally woke up. You were screaming a while ago," Naru let go of her as he glanced out the window.

"Another case-related dream, Taniyama-san?" This time, it was Lin who asked her.

Mai nodded.

"You kept on screaming for someone to stop," Lin added, looking very curious.

"Might as well tell us what you saw, Mai," Naru told her in a monotone.

Mai frowned at this, but nonetheless told them what had happened in her dream.

"I see. Then it's safe to assume that there would most likely be three spirits haunting the resort," Naru responded with a tone that ended the conversation.

After two more hours, they finally arrived at their destination. The rain was still pouring hard, so the team had to be extra careful with the monitors and cameras. Hitsuga-san was waiting for them at the entrance, and without further delay, led them to the room that would serve as their base.

"If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask," Hitsuga-san said with a smile then left.

"Hitsuga-san sure is beautiful!" Yasuhara exclaimed while placing a monitor on the table.

"What are you saying? She's married for heaven's sake!" Ayako answered as she hit him with her purse.

"She's married? Too bad. I'd have to go for the lovely Mai, instead then!" he cheerfully said as he sauntered over to where Mai was.

"But Mai's already taken!" Bou-san said, making Mai blush and aggressively shook her head.

"Mai, stop being childish and handle that camera with care!" Naru reprimanded as he sat down in front of a monitor and set up his own laptop.

"At this rate, Naru, you'll easily grow gray hair!" Mai shot back, making the others laugh.

"And finally you learn just how useless and hardheaded you are," Naru commented which made Mai fume with anger.

"Calm down now Mai, you know he's not being serious about it," John and Bou-san had to restrain Mai from physically attacking Naru.

"I'm going to bite his stupid head off and feed it to the sharks!" Mai yelled at Naru, who didn't even look at her.

"Excuse me, but may I speak with Mai? I heard that she's in this room and I..." a voice asked, making everyone look at the doorway.

"Kaname? What are you doing here?" Mai asked in an excited tone, leaving the others to wonder who he was.

"Well, my parents own this resort and I heard that the SPR was going to investigate. You mentioned at school before that you were working part time, so..." Kaname shyly told her.

"Oh, then, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Mai moved aside to let him inside the base.

"I was just going to tell you to be careful. And, I would like to ask if it's okay with you to...um...have a picnic with me later on. Although I understand if you're busy..." Kaname trailed off while looking down.

"I'd have to ask Naru firs-"

"Do whatever you want," Naru suddenly answered in a cold tone then left the room.

[Author's Note]

So here I am again guys, with a new story! I was inspired since I watched Ghost Hunt again and got struck with Naru's handsome face to the point that the feels came back and somehow I just had to let it all out XD I do hope that you would comment though, since this was rushed and hasn't been edited yet :) Have fun guys! =))