Another story comes to an end and I'd just like to thank everyone for reading and reviewing. Jules x

Chapter Fifty Four


Once we left Raven Peter split, he wouldn't come with us or agree to meet up with Darius which I thought would have been a good thing. They'd both lost mates although in different circumstances but Pete just mumbled something about needing time to adjust and ran off at full speed. We watched him out of sight then Jasper rang Darius to give him the news.

"I'm glad it's over for him though I suspect it wont be easy to adjust knowing she's still alive. I'll give him a few weeks then catch up with him. In the meantime don't worry I have my eye on him just in case he tries something stupid though come to think of it he's usually doing something stupid so who knows. Take care you two and have fun."

We certainly tried although both of us had Peter in the back of our minds so it wasn't easy. We found an old place that needed renovating just outside Portland and Esme flew in to give us some ideas. She looked radiant, happier than I'd ever seen her and she was so bubbly it seemed like a new person. We caught up on the news in Volterra,

"Marcus and I are working hard with Sulpicia and the remaining guard to update our laws and reach out to nomads and covens alike telling them of the new regime. The Romanians thought they might stand a chance of muscling in but Marcus soon put them straight."

"What about Carlisle and Edward?"

She went silent for a few minutes and I thought I might have upset her but then she started to smile,

"You know I'm not a vindictive person but I get a great deal of joy at watching Edward frustrated by his mental shackles. Poor Carlisle just doesn't seem to get a break, he hates the idea that Edward is behaving because he has no choice. He's begged Marcus to set Edward free of Chelsea's gift but he gets nowhere. I think he understands that Edward is far too greedy a person to have a deep relationship with anyone. If he were free he would leave Volterra with or without Carlisle's company. Still they made their bed, let them lay on it."

"What about Sulpicia? Hows she doing with Aro gone?"

"Chelsea and Corin are great with her, she doesn't even think about him as far as we know and she has some great ideas to involve the rest of our world in its government. Before you ask both girls decided to stay along with most of the guard and we've had some new recruits contact us, it seems the reason they didn't want to be in the guard was because they didn't trust Aro to play fair with them,"

"Now what do you think gave them that idea?"

"No idea Bella. It's good to see you and Jazz so happy. I just wish Alice were here, she'd have loved it, the overthrow of Aro and Caius, Rose and Emmett happy together away from Volterra and you and Jazz. I think she already knew what was on the cards before she set the trail for you to follow."

"Yes it's almost as if she'd seen it all. What I don't understand though is why she didn't see the Volturi coming for her or her own death."

"Maybe someone changed their mind or maybe the guard acted off his own back, whichever it was he's dead too. I do miss her though, she really was my young daughter and always full of fun."

"We miss her too Esme."

"Have you heard anything from Darius or Peter? That was so tragic."

"Nothing yet but he promised to get in touch once he'd sorted himself out so we're just going to have to wait I guess."


When Esme went back to Volterra the place seemed a little quiet although Bella and I made the most of the privacy, we just couldn't get enough of each other. We were still waiting to hear from Peter three months down the line and I was concerned, he wasn't good on his own, he admitted as much himself and then came the envelope. It was postmarked Forks Washington and was from Rose, inviting us up for a party. Esme and Marcus were going to be married and we were invited to an engagement party. I was glad it wasn't in Italy because neither of us relished the idea of going back there too soon.

We drove up taking our time and sightseeing as we went. Bella pointed out places she'd visited with her mother but she had decided staying dead was the best for everyone so she used the name Darius had given her when they met Hannah Swift on legal documents. As we approached Forks under cover of darkness she was very nervous but no one saw us, we would leave the next evening the same way and no one would ever know that Bella Swan was still alive.

As we drove down the familiar driveway I noticed the twinkle lights hung in the trees and had to smile,

"You thinking about Alice too Jasper? She loved those lights didn't she?"

"Alice loved celebrations full stop, she'd have loved organising Esme's wedding although I'm not sure Esme would have been quite so keen."

"Esme misses her though."

"We all do Bella, Alice had that certain something that endeared her to everyone."

"Except Peter that is."

"True, she used to drive him crazy."


I didn't hear Jaspers last words I was too busy staring at the open doorway of the Cullen house unable to believe my eyes.


He looked up from reversing the car to the porch and sat stunned. Peter stood there with a huge grin on his face and his arm was round a figure we knew only too well. I threw open my door and raced up the steps to pull Alice into a hug. It was some time before things calmed down enough for her to tell her story.

"I saw everything and the only way I could change what was going to happen was by faking my own death. After all who else could see I was still alive? The ashes you saw weren't mine, I have a rather special friend who manages illusions. Demetri thought he'd killed me and you thought you saw the pile of ashes.

"And Peter?"

"Yes I saw that too but I couldn't do anything without ruining the rest of the plan. I did speak to Raven though and persuaded her to take a different payment. You see I knew once Peter was truly free of Charlotte he'd see me at last. The reason he always hated me was because he didn't understand his feelings for me. It took me some time to find him, he kept changing his mind, but not so long to believe me when I told him we were meant to be together. Now, here we are and I think I might arrange a double wedding unless you'd like to make it a triple?"

She looked at both of us eagerly and I could see Esme willing the right answer from us.

"Well I haven't been asked yet Alice so..."

Jasper dropped to one knee and proposed right there in front of everyone so what could I do but accept? Everything had finally worked out for the best for everyone involved and Alice was back where she belonged with Peter and her family.