It was already 6 weeks and they're still celebrating Lisanna's Returnal.

I don't really mind from the start but I can't take it anymore;

They're ignoring me like I don't even exist and people changes attitude towards me! (except for Wendy,Carla,and, Happy)

They even forgot my own birthday!Team Natsu also replaced me for Lisanna because she's strong and I'm just weak!

This day,I know that I'm just a reserved spot for Lisanna or just to fill their gap but that would change because I swear

"I, Lucy Heartfilia,the weakest mage in Fairy Tail will become the strongest and Revenge!" I said enough for them to hear me but they all laughed at me and says that I just want to get attention but I hold the nearest knife and I put an 'X' mark at my fairy tail Insignia and chant a spell to make my Fairy Tail insignia vanished.

I was about After 8 years past and so past the 7 years gap, Three girls came back to we're known for being strongest group with no guild too and brought a sweet ingredient for Fairy Tail, Revenge.

to leaved when I said, "You'll regret it later, Fairy Tail". I embark on a journey to train myself and I ended up being lost in the middle of the forest but I been found by two girls. They help me train for a condition of 8 years and they would also go to Magnolia. I agree and shown me that they we're searching for they're lost Third Princess Dragon and It was me.

I do not own Fairy Tail, It belongs to Hiro Mashima. I only own the plot and the two Original Characters.

Reader's decided romance