
People of Konoha stood in front of the Hokage Tower gazing upon their savior.
Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato.

"I have before you the heroes of this village. These 2 children separately have both Yin and Yang kyuubi chakra sealed within them. But do not fear" he said "kyuubi's soul has been sealed in my son" as he brought up another baby with whisker marks on his cheeks. " Kyuubi shall never appear again. You have not just me, but also these 3 infants... All 3 of my own children to thank."
The blonde man continued " I may be the one who sealed the kyuubi, but it were my children who stopped the great demon from completely destroying our village. My children shall forever be known as heroes of Konohagakure no Sato."
Crowd shouted roars of approval as their leader smiled at villagers, however as he was exhausted from day he missed little murmurs in the group of people.


Young blonde haired boy with whiskers looked out of window. His eyes shinning purple with black concentric rings and dot in the middle. The Rinnegan. Suddenly his eyes changed color from purple to red as 9 tome sprouted in his eyes, 3 on each concentric circle.

His eyes were locked on a group of people. Two 12 year old girls with red hair were training just outside. These 2 girls are Natsumi and Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze.
" Tou-chan, Kaa-chan we did it !" Yelled Naruko. "That's great girls, keep it up and you'll eventually surpass your Kaa-chan." Said Minato. "Your father is right, but that's enough for now or you'll be late for school" said Kushina Uzumaki. With that everyone went inside to get ready.

Boy's eyes shifted to blue color as he went to bathroom because he too needed to go to school. " Well I guess it's time to get ready, ne kyuu-chan?" He spoke to his tenant. "How many times do I have to tell you! Don't call me that !" Yelled kyuubi. "You know I like that nickname, but I'll stop Kurami-chan. There, better?" Said the boy. "Much better, Naruto-kun." Said now identified Kurami-chan.

In the school he sat in his desk at the back of the class. He wore black t-shirt with kanji "seal", black pants and sandals. He also had white cloak with Konoha symbol on the back.

"Namikaze Naruto" adult voice called out as the boy stood up and walked to the front of the class. "Sure it is." He loved sarcasm. Some send him annoyed glances while others chuckled at his remark. Although he was the son of fourth he had no respect coming his way. From his age group it was only couple of annoying fan girls that only liked him because of his father. Everybody loves his sisters because since they had kyuubi's chakra sealed within them they were known as "the saviors of village" while Naruto being a container of kyuubi's soul was ignored and quite often scorned and seen as incarnation of demon.

His sisters were best in the academy, known as the "Namikaze princesses" while Naruto was the supposed dead last.

A student exited the exam room. It was Natsumi. Her eyes held nothing but arrogance as she starred at Naruto.
"Good luck, Aniki" she said, mock in her voice obvious.
"Aww, thank you, imuoto" Naruto replied dripping with sarcasm.
"Hope you fail" she said with malice in her voice.
"Hurry up Namikaze we don't want to prolong this more than it needs to."
Naruto merely gave a nod. From the corner of his eye he could see Naruko glaring at him with cold eyes.

"Alright Naruto you have already done the previous tests such as henge, kawarimi, taijutsu, written exam, etc. right now you are asked to do 5 perfectly working clones. Judging from your difficulties last year I hope you trained well." Said Iruka.
At this Naruto lazily made cross hand sign an said "kage-bunshin no jutsu". In puff of smoke 5 clones stood there looking at examiners. Of course he could do it without hand sign, but that would raise unnecessary questions.
"So do I pass?" He asked
"Yes, you pass with flying colors !" Answered Iruka as Mizuki stared of with hidden scowl.
"But I must ask... Where did you learn kage-bunshin, did your father teach you?" Asked Iruka.
Naruto cringed at the mention of his father, but answered nonetheless. "Nah, I seen him do it once and I just trained until I got it down" he answered. It wasn't a lie. He saw his father trying to teach his sisters kage-bunshin during one of their morning training sessions. His eyes have powers of Mangekyou Sharingan,Rinnegan and also some unique powers special to his eyes, so he used sharingan's ability to copy jutsu.
Iruka smiled at Naruto. 'It seems he's going to become great ninja just like his father.' He thought. "Congratulations Naruto you are now shinobi of Konohagakure." He said as he handed boy his forehead protector. Naruto smiled as he tied the headband on his forehead and walked out of exam room.

He sat his desk which was just below his sisters' desk. "I see you somehow managed to pass." Said Natsumi.
"You have some good eyes, imuoto" said Naruto as Natsumi scowled at him.
"Don't get cocky, you're only 3 minutes older you du-"
"Stop it, Natsumi" said Naruko
"But h-" tried Natsumi before she got interrupted again
"He's not worth it" she said.
"Aww, that kinda hurts, I think I'll go cry to mommy and daddy that my sisters are mean to me" Naruto mock sobbed in melodramatic manner, while his sisters glared at him.
"Weakling... I won't acknowledge you as my kin, nonetheless my Onii-chan. Even as the oldest you're not worthy enough to even be considered as heir to clan by our father." Once upon a time that remark would anger Naruto, but he didn't care about things like that anymore so he just shrugged and decided to have some fun.

"Hey guys, Natsumi and Naruko just told me they're in love with someone in this class and its not that Uchiha douche" the boys shot out from their seat and crowded around the Namikaze girls, while Naruto made his way out of the crowd.
"Hmm, it seems I'm going to have a brothers in law soon" he said. He could hear curses coming from his sisters. He ignored them as he took empty seat on the other side of the class near the window and just starred outside as if the current situation wasn't going on. He decided to talk to Kurami.

"I have a feeling that something is going to happen soon, Kurami-chan"
"Oh, and what do you think?" Answered his inner tenant. This conversation continued for quiete a while when Kurami decided to have a sighed as he went through the memories of obvious resentment from his sisters and neglect of his parents.

"Sorry Naruto, but your sisters need training in controlling their powers, otherwise they could get or hurt others in the academy." Minato stated.
"But I still don't understand why can't you train me early too at the same time ?" Answered Naruto.
"Trust me Naruto I will train you when you are ready." He said as both him and Kushina went back to training the twins.

"Today on birthday party I plan on letting the twins sign the toad contract" he said
"Do you think they're ready?" Asked Kushina
"They definitely have chakra for it and it would be good for them to have backup just in case they end up in danger." He answered and Kushina smiled
"In fact" Minato continued "I've been thinking of making one of those 2 heir of clan." He said as Kushina gave puzzled look
"But what about Naruto?" Minatos look hardened at this
"Naruto doesn't show any promise as a leader nor as a shinobi if academy grades are something To go by. I just think one of girls will be better choice."
Outside the bedroom door stood young blonde with pained expression.

Naruto then smiled fondly as he remembered the day he met Kurami.

Blonde boy was in his bed crying himself to sleep. Just because he decided that if his family doesn't want him, he will stop trying to be part of family, doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain. Things like this take time.

As he fell asleep he found himself in the sewer, he was wondering what the hell was going on when he heard woman's voice "Come closer child" he didn't know why but he followed the voice until he stood before huge cage with kanji "seal" on it. He figured it was kyuubi who called but in the cage was but darkness.
As he came closer he could see beautiful girl around his age, she had long red hair and red eyes. She also had a pair of fox ears and 9 tails behind her.

"Kyuubi" he said. It was a statement.
"Correct kit, I am kyuubi no kitsune, however you can call me Kurami" she said.
"Oooookaaaay... Why am I here?" Asked Naruto
"Because it's time for you to learn the truth." replied Kurami
"The truth?" He said confused.
"Yes, now come closer" and he did. He didn't know why, but his instincts were telling him to trust her so he just did.

When he stood in front of her Kurami brought up her head which was glowing white and touched his forehead. As soon as she touched his forehead Naruto screamed in pain as his eyes started bleeding. When it was done Naruto was on the ground panting.

"What did you do?" He asked while breathing heavily
"I unlocked your hidden power Naruto-kun. Also I gave you some of my memories so that you know what really happened the day I attacked Konoha." Kurami replied
That's when it clicked, as memories started playing before his eyes. Naruto has seen Kurami being ripped out of Kushina, the masked Uchiha and how she ended inside of him.
"I see. But who do you mean my hidden power? And why do my eyes hurt ?" He heard her sigh.
"Look in the water. I gave you doujutsu. It has power of both Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan without the drawbacks plus few other abilities unique to your eyes only. I'm going to train you in your doujutsu and in using my chakra correctly, not that stupid way your sisters are doing it... They won't be able to master my chakra anyway... You on the other hand will be able to use KCM (kyuubi chakra mode) and BM (bijuu mode). You'll also be capable of bijuu transformation." Redhead explained

"Okay I get the doujutsu, but how am I going to use your power when it's sealed within my sisters Kurami-chan?" Naruto asked
Kurami chuckled at him and said "actually I replenished all of my chakra few minutes after I got sealed into you. So sisters only hold half of my power each. And even so they won't be able to use more than 4 tails of my chakra since without soul it just pure chakra of malice and hate, you on the other hand contain my soul, hence the reason we're talking right now."

"So what can my eyes do?" Asked Naruto curious. He heard about three great doujutsu, but he didn't know much about their abilities. Hell, only thing he knew about Rinnegan was that it belonged to Rikudo Sennin.

"Well, your Sharingan can copy jutsu, see chakra, see through most genjutsu, cast a genjutsu and predict movements. The Mangekyou gives you Amaterasu,Tsukuyomi and Susanoo.

As for your Rinnegan... Well there are quite a few abilities like. For example ability to see chakra, though it's to higher extent than Sharingan, you can also see nature chakra and barriers. You also gain almost perfect chakra control. Unlike Sharingan which copies jutsu, Rinnegan can analyze them and make it easier for you to learn and perfect. You can also create specialized black rods as weapon out of nowhere. If you create clones or use those black rods as chakra conductor to control other bodies, you will be able to share sight with them. Then there are the 6 paths.

Deva lets you manipulate gravity at your whim, preta can absorb chakra with just a simple touch, animal lets you have multiple contracts and gives you ability to summon creatures special to Rinnegan wielder, human path gives you the ability to read minds and rip out souls, asura gives you the ability to customize your own body and naraka path gives you the ability to summon king of hell.

There is also the seventh path, outer path. It gives you the ability to control life and death, use chakra chains similiar to your mothers Uzumaki chains, but yours will be able to suck out someone strength and chakra,you can also summon Gedo Mazo and open the pathway to the limbo where you can send your clone. That clone will always be with you and will have same knowledge and powers as you. You will be able to call upon him in battle so it like there are 2 of you fighting, but only you will be able to see him.

As for your Shin No Me itself... I don't know it's full extent but it magnifies all of your abilities, such as speed, chakra control, power, etc. Also you can use Shinpo, the God Step, you can teleport anywhere that's in your line of sight. You can also mark places and teleport to them no matter the distance or if you see them. If you place one of those marks on someone, they will be able to call you to them and communicate with you.

You will also be able to distort the space a little. In the end to others it'll look like their attacks are passing straight through you. Kind of like Kamui, but it works I said I don't know full abilities of those eyes but that's all I know and it's already enough to call you God by most humans... That is if you master those abilities."

"Wow that's so cool I can't wait can we start training now? Please?" Naruto asked jumping with excitement. Kurami chuckled at him. "We will start tomorrow you should go to sleep now. "I see... Well thank you Kurami-chan."

Iruka yelled at the group of boys, telling them to sit down knocking Naruto back to the real world. They all made their way back to their desks with gloom expressions on their faces. The Namikaze girls seemed to be paled and drained of energy but all the more angry as they gave a glare to Naruto sitting in the far back corner. He glanced at them and back out the window only barely listening to Iruka's words as he began his rant on what it meant to be a shinobi of Konoha.

Every student and their parents gathered outside the Academy congradulating their children on their graduation and their promotion as genin of the leaf. A crimson haired woman stood outside standing in the front of the academy with the rest of their parents until she heard a voice catching her attention.

"Hey Kaasan!" The older woman turned to see a red haired girl. Naruko
"Ah Naruko, Natsumi! How was it?" Uzumaki Kushina asked as she added Natsumi into the hug.
The two girls released the hug from their mother. Natsumi pointed to her hitai-ate on around her head and gave an energetic grin.
"We passed, it was easy!" Naruko nodded in aloof agreement with a small smile graced on her lips. Kushina smiled at her daughters .
"I'm so proud of you two, if only your father could be here to see you but he had important business to tend to at the Hokage Tower today. I'm sure he'd love to hear about this tonight over dinner." The girls beamed as they loved to see their father's reaction to their promotion to genin. Kushina smiled brightly but it dropped when she noticed something out of place.

"Have you girls seen Naruto? Did he do well?" Natsumi shrugged
"I saw him walk that way towards town, probably going to that cheap Ichiraku place. He passed but I think just barely, knowing him. But enough about him, can you show us some more moves we can do with our demon chakra?" Kushina was a bit upset with the fact that Naruto wasn't there to meet with them. Lately the boy has been growing distant with the family but she was sure that he'd be back for dinner at the least. Naruko saw the look of worry that was on her mother's face when Natsumi mentioned Naruto. The girl scowled.

Naruko never thought of Naruto as a bother. He was annoying and sarcasistic at the least. A weak guy like him being of relation to her was an insult in her opinion and that was the main reason she disliked her brother. She was actually okay with the fact that he rarely showed when the family would eat breakfast every morning or when their parents would train her and her sister or go on walks around the village. He was a nuisance and a guy like him making her mother upset made her upset as well.

'That weakling upsetting kaa-sama...why did he have to become a ninja. He'll disgrace our name.'
Kushina smiled at the girls and nodded. "I'm sure I can show you girls a thing or two with your yokai chakra to better your control over it. But first lets head somewhere to have a bite to eat."

Kushina and Natsumi began walking off into the green light district of the village but stopped to look back at the remaining Naruko who stood still looking off into the distance as the other families began ushering their children away from the Academy.

"Naru-chan? Are you coming?" Natsumi looked at her sister.
"I think I'll go look for dob- I mean Naruto..."She said with cold voice before journeying in the opposite direction. Kushina and Natsumi just stared in confusion.
"Well sure to fetch him back home before 6. I don't want you kids missing dinner."
"Okay kaa-chan" Naruko stated in the distance as she leeped onto a nearby building and began hopping from roof top to roof top. Kushina and Natsumi turned and began walking in the other direction only to be stopped by a group of villagers asking for their autographs.

Naruto just left a certain place as he was watching the leaves fall as he breathed in heavily. This training ground was the only spot that he could train by himself without interuption since no one dared to enter it. Training ground 44. No one besides Anko Mitarashi. He first met Anko when he ran in the forest because of one of the fox hunts and having similiar lives they quickly became friends. Besides Kurami, Ayame, Yugao and Anko no one knew his true abilities.

Naruto had a natural affinity for wind but when Kurami activated his doujutsu he gained fire,water,earth,lightning,gravity, yin and yang. He could actually combine elements to create sub elements. Kurami informed him it's probably because of his eyes. Shin No Me.
On the outskirts of the forest of the death Naruto's gaze fell to the sky and the passing clouds.

"You can come out now Naruko." A moment of silence can be heard before a figure jumped into the clearing and began to preceed forward. She stopped 10 feet away from the blonde boy and just stood staring at him with cold eyes.

"What do you need imuoto?" Naruto stated with a bored voice as he placed his hands in his pockets.
"Why must I be of kin to someone like you?"
"You came all the way here to ask that? It's dangerous here, what would mother and father say if they knew you were here? Don't worry, I won't tell them. As for your question.. I don't know...same parents maybe? That might be it right there...I think...I don't know, what do you think?" Naruto said sarcastically. Today was just lovely.

Naruko formed a fighting stance that he recognized quite quickly to be the kata for the taijutsu that his father used. His face darkened at this.
" that's how you gonna be Naru-chan. I truly don't want to hurt you."
"Don't worry because a dobe like you can't touch me."

With that she charged her brother with swift movements. Her first strike was aimed to Naruto's face which he easily dodged in a lazy droopy manner. Naruko sent a swift kick below to Naruto's legs which he then hopped over in a somersault like manner.
The red haired girl took this time to send a strong right kick to the boy suspended in air. The kick connected with Naruto's side but before Naruko could be sure to claim her short victory, Naruto exploded into smoke.

'Shadow clones' she thought.

Naruto appeared behind her with a kunai to the girls throat and a dull voice in her ear.
"Hi." Naruko growled as she elbowed the boy in the stomach. Naruko charged the boy with more strikes. Naruto channeled chakra in to his light leg and kick her. Naruko was sent flying hitting the tree. "Bastard!"

"Awww adorable, you're upset because you're losing." She formed a series of handseals.
"Tsurugi Ogushi no jutsu (Hair Blade technique)" Naruko shouted as her hair sprouted a life of its own and began spinning uncontrollably destroying any trees in her vicinity. Naruto kept dodging until Her hair dropped back to her shoulders and she began looking for the blonde boy who was no where to be found. She paused when she heard a chilling voice.

"Hey there." She turned slightly to see a kneeling Naruto behind her with his hands clasped together as if ready to perform a katon jutsu. He stared at her with dull cold eyes and in the moment she was sure that he was going to kill her.

"You need a lesson in respecting your'll learn it now though..." The boy stated as maniacal grin reached his face. Naruko's eyes widened in horror.

"Konoha Taijutsu Ougi: Sennen Goroshi." With that Naruto's hands shot far up a place where the sun doesn't shine. The red haired girls face went from horror to confusion to an awkward twist of pain to seething anger as she was pushed into the air, landing in the trees. Naruto stood to his feet and chuckled to himself placing his hands into his pockets.

As if anticpating what to happen next, the boy watched as an unstoppable force came rushing from the forest. The very trees began falling down at the sheer power this force displayed before it reached the clearing to be revealed as very very...very angry Naruko whose face was both red from embarrassment and anger.

"!" She seethed as she rushed Naruto. She tightened a fist to be aimed at her brother's face. From out of seemingly no where a figure appeared blocking the fist. Naruto and Naruko were both shocked to find a tall blonde man who shared similar facial appearances as Naruto. He smirked as he brought the young girl's fist down to her sides.
"I think that's enough."

The two young pre teens both stopped their violent spout to focus their attention on the tall blonde man. He wore a long white trench coat that head designer red flames on the hims and written on the back of said trench coat were kanji for 'Yondaime Hokage'. Under his trenchcoat was a standard konoha jonin vest and navy blue shinboi shirt, pants, and sandals. He had an all-knowing small plastered on hsi face with his eyes gently closed.

Naruko seethed at her brother Naruto before looking out to the taller blonde with a worried face.
"But tou-sama, he...started it." The young Hokage looked between the two youngsters.
" that so. Well..." He turned his attention to Naruto who held an overall cold and indifferent expression to the current situation.
"I'm sure he is sorry...isn't that right Naruto?" The blonde boy in questioning said nothing as he looked up to his father with his dull saphire eyes.
"I have nothing to apologize for...she was the one that wanted to fight, I was just training alone..." Naruto stated pointing with his eyes to his crimson haired sibling who stared him down coldly with no remorse. The Blonde Hokage looked between his two children with a sheepish expression as he could fully see their little stare off taking place. Bringing them into a tight hug much to their surprise and relative reactions, he chuckled lightly.

"Come now my children, no need to fight-"
"Yeah, no need to fight Naruko you bully."
"Shut it you dobe!"
"Calm down you two."
"Yeah calm down Naruko."
"I am calm, being near a doofus like you jus-"
"Shut up you two!" The two kids paused at the outburst by their father as who seemed to be rather agitated with their behaviors.
"Now I will have no more of this when we get back home to the estate. I heard from your mother that you two along with your sister have passed your exams and become shinobi in the ranks" The two stared at the man, Naruko out of somewhat fear of her father and Naruto with dull disinterest. "Now how am I supposed to allow shinobi who childishly bicker with one another over minial things to even protect with actually matters...the village?"

The two stayed silent.
"Naruko, I want you to stop antagonizing your brother...and Naruto..." The blonde man turned to his only son who stared back coldly.
"I want you to act more mature. You are the eldest, act like it. I can only assume by how you usually do in the academy that you only passed by the skin of your teeth which leaves no room for you to behave childishl-"

Naruto starred at the man. If he would have been paying more attention he would have known that boy had gradually improved through hard work over the years since the first year of the academy, without his help. The blonde boy was as calm as ever while his father seemingly chewed him out. He didn't even listen to what he has to say.

"Hokage-sama!" The three were interrupted by the entrance of a group of three ANBU entering the clearing of the training grounds.
"We have urgent news, your wife Namikaze Kushina and daughter Namikaze Natsumi have been attacked and the absence of Namikaze Natsumi has shown that she has been kidnapped and taken from the scene of the crime."

Naruko and Minato Namikaze held a shocked expession at the new news while Naruto sat silent listening to the rest of the details.
"Kushina-sama has been stated to be safe but with slight injury which we have her tended to at the nearby hospital...we have found no current trace of said person who has captured Natsumi-sama but we are sure that they are of a shinobi in our ranks. We have already issued an underground ANBU search to find her but we have been out of luck with no clues for the mome-" stated the ANBU black op with the mask of a cat. This was Yugao Uzuki, one of Naruto's few precious people.

"Say no more." The older Namikaze rose to his feet.
"Come, we must inform the ranks and issue an all out search. We will find her... am I clear?"
"Yes sir." Naruto waved at her and she waved back.

The blonde man looked down behind him to Naruto and Naruko. Naruko holding an upset expression while Naruto looked indifferent.

"I want you two to head home immediantly. I can't risk the both of you getting captured also. That is not only an order as your father but an order as your Hokage, understand?" Naruto and Naruko nodded although the red haired girls was a more shakened gesture. In an instant both the group and ANBU and the Yondaime disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"I shouldn't have left them..." Naruko muttered to herself as she stood shakened in the clearing. Naruto began walking off the grounds. Naruko spotted this and immediantly scowled.
"Where are you going!" Naruto didn't even look over his shoulder.
"Aren't you even worried about Natsumi? She could be hurt or worse. You are just terrible! You are just going to walk awa-"
"I'm not really family so it doesn't really matter right? You said it yourself." Naruto paused a good few feet away from her. The wind blowing between the two with the leaves scattering from their places on the branches of the trees.

"A wealking and embarrassment to both the Namikaze and Uzumaki name couldn't possibly be able to fix a situation like this so its pointless right? ...Right?" Naruko's scowl darkened as she stared at the back of the blonde boy.

"Wrong." She rose a red eye brow at this as she watched Naruto snatch a flowing leaf form the air and turn towards a seemingly random tree as she heard him mutter something and then as if the leaf had completely transformed into a kunai of sorts suddenly flew out of his hand and pierced a tree.

Her blonde brother chuckled at her as he walked towards the tree noticing the leaf had empailed a small paper of the sort.
"It keeps people guessin' I suppose to be an embarrassment that comes out on underdog..."
"...You should be able to notice sarcasm when you see it Naruko-imuoto." The boy removed the razor sharp leaf and in turn picked up the note in its wake. The red haired girl stared at the back of her brother intently before her glare softened. Naruko walked up to him to observe said note.

"What is this?" She stated in mild interest.
"I'm sure there was someone here, but they seemed to have left a ransom note here...and its about Natsumi."
"Read it then! Quick!" Naruto winced at the volume of the girls voice. "'re louder than what most people would assume you were." He placed to paper closer to his face as Naruko read from over his shoulder.

"Hi there Namikaze brats, If you have not already known I am the one who has your demon sister. If you want her to live, steal the Forbidden Scroll from the Hokage's office tonight and bring it to the training ground number 11 near the Forbidden Forrest. You have one hour after the sun sets. Inform anybody about this note and I will cut her up real nice and pretty and send her to you piece by piece."

Naruto's eyes narrowed at the wording of the note while he could feel the killer intent radiating from his sister Naruko.
"I'm going to kill him."
"Well can't do that exactly until we get the forbidden scroll right?" Naruko looked at him in disbelief.
"Are you joking again? We have to tell someone or-"
"Are you stupid? He already stated what will happen if we tell anyone. We going to have to do this on our own, now come on we have no time." Naruto stated aloud as he made a break from the training grounds to the Hokage tower. Naruko followed suit.
"What if there is someone in there, we could get in big trouble!"
"Odds are, everyone is too busy looking for Natsumi to care.. now are you gonna' help me or go home?" Naruko just continue to follow Naruto which he took as a selection of the later option.

"Well that was pretty damn easy..." Naruto stated carrying a large scroll strapped to his back with his crimson haired sister following suit as they began walking through the Hokage's library to the exiting door.
"I didn't know Sandaime-sama was a be tricked by such a jutsu..." Naruko stated as she paused to glance back at the old man who was now passed out in a puddle of his own nose blood and wrapped in some ninja rope and gagged. Naruto smirked as he turned to his sister.

"Oiroke no Jutsu is a pretty powerful jutsu...I made it after a-"
"Will you shut it, we have a schedule to follow here, let's hurry an-"
"-d get to Natsumi with the scroll..." Naruko stated dejected as she and Naruto noticed the newfound presence of Konoha shinobi in the Hokage's archives. The ninja began tossing dozens of shuriken toward the siblings. Naruto stood in front of Naruko extended his hand and muttered "Shinra Tensei". All of the shurikens stopped in the air and fell to the ground. Naruko watched shocked at what her brother did.
"We don't have time to play around I'll deal with them quickly" Naruto said, not facing Naruko.
"But-" Naruko started but was interrupted by Naruto.
"Sorry for this... Limbo" as every one of Konoha shinobi, one after another was sent flying hitting the wall,thus ending up knocked out.'it's dark in here, there's no way they've seen my eyes.' He thought. Naruko was rendered speechless from what she seen. Was this really the dobe she knew? And what the hell was that technique?
"Let's go we don't have time." Naruto said. Naruko just dumbly nodded and followed him.

Iruka arrived at the tower to see all of the lights were still turned off and the rooms completely empty. There were no chunin or even Anbu stationed anywhere in the building. As he made his way to the Hokage's room, his confusion grew.
There were a team of chunin level ninja lying on the ground outside the hokage's room unconscious. Who could have done such a thing?

He turned around a corner in the hallway and spotted the door open to the Hokage's room. And on the floor, bound, was the an elderly man in a robe. It was none other than Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime and previous hokage.

Iruka hurried forward and dropped onto the ground beside the Hokage. He saw that he was bound and gagged. After some time he finally managed to free the old man.
He looked around the room to see it wrecked to a mild degree with papers lying about "What happened here?"
"Don't ask," snapped the Third. "Listen, Naruto-"
"I know, he and Naruko stole the Forbidden Scroll. Mizuki told me part of the militia were being organized to track them down. I don't understand why they didn't inform Yondaime-sama but then again they are in search of-
Hiruzen interupted . "Mizuki told you that?"
"Yes. Why, what's wrong?"
"Don't worry about it. I heard from Naruto and Naruko's conversation that they were taking the scroll towards the training area near the entrance of the Forrest of Death. Head there and intercept them quickly. This may have something to do with the kidnapping of Minato-kun's youngest daughter Natsumi."
"Yes Sandaime-sama." With that Iruka quickly left the room carefully navigating through the bodies of unconscious ninja.

"Let me go! Do you know who my daddy is?! I'm sure he's on his way right now with an army of ninja to resc-"
"Will you shut up you little bitch?! You've been yappin' your gums this whole damn time. If you're dumbass siblings weren't bringin' that lovely scroll for me then I would have killed you slowly and painfully long before!" Mizuki had the girl in rope bind and seals as he held her over his shoulder by waist. The girl was struggling the entire time. Mizuki laughed.

"Good thing I placed those restriction seals I received from Orochimaru-sama on ya' or you would have been more trouble than your worth. It's kinda funny how you're practically useless without that chakra heheh." The girl was on the verge of tears as she began to lose hope for help. As if on queue, a series of kunai came flying towards the silver haired chunnin. He quickly dodge the barrage and positioned himself on another tree branch with the young Namikaze girl still over his shoulder kicking in confusion.
Naruko and Naruto appeared on an opposite branch ready to engage their old chunnin instructor.

"Yep, its me, I'm the kidnapper but enough about that," He paused as he gave a mock glance "Hmm...I see that you have the scroll with you."
Naruto chuckled "Yes I have the scroll, but you're not getting it." He said.
Both girls looked at Naruto with wide eyes.
"What the hell are you talking about we have to save Natsumi!" Yelled Naruko.
"She's right demon give me the scroll otherwise she dies." Mizuki said gesturing to Natsumi.

"Oh, she will?" Naruto asked
Mizuki glared at Naruto for a little while. Then Naruto sighed.
"Well this is getting boring so yeah..." Naruto said as he brought his right hand up a said "Banshou Tennin". Effect was instantaneous as Natsumi flew out of Mizuki's hold straight to Naruko who grabbed her.

Everyone expect Naruto was shocked.
"What the fuck did you do demon?" Yelled Mizuki. Naruto chuckled.
"You're not very intelligent are you Mizuki-sensei? I saved her of course."
Naruto saw Mizuki shif his stance, getting ready to fight and he smiled his Shin No Me activated, 9 tomes spinning lazily.

"So you wish to dance ?" Naruto asked "but i am i no mood for dancing so at least let me make the first steps." Naruto said as he once again extended his hand towards Mizuki. "Go fly... Shinra Tensei" Naruto said as Mizuki along with whole tree was sent flying.

Natsumi and Naruko were wide eyed from what they've seen. Was this really THE Naruto? Naruto turned around and looked at his sisters. "So? Is she okay?" Naruko smiled at him as she answered "We'll she seems so" Natsumi frowned at Naruko "Naru-chan thanks for saving me, but what's dobe doi-" "Look out!" Yelled Naruko as she shoved Natsumi to the side, she knew that there was no way she would be fast enough to dodge so she closed her eyes a waited for pain. However it never came.

After a while she opened her eyes and what she saw was Naruto on his knees coughing blood because of giant shrunken in his back.
"Damn, I let my guard down!" Said Naruto between coughs. He looked to the side to see if Natsumi was alright. And she was. She, just like her sister was staring wide eyed at Naruto. he let out chuckle. "Damn, imuotou look what you did to your sister, you almost knocked her out! I thought you two were close! Anyway..."

"Now to take care of traitor!" He said as he ripped the giant shuriken out of his back and coughed more blood. Mizuki laughed at young blonde. "You? Take care of me? You're barely even alive what can you do?" He asked with amusement clear in his voice. Naruko just stood there, still shocked not knowing what to do. Natsumi moved next to Naruko, but just like her sister she was silent.

Suddenly Naruto was covered in golden shroud of chakra, on his neck 6 magatama appeared, in front his bangs taking appearance of two horns, his clocked swishing furiously as 9 giant chakra tails appeared behind him. Also two black sticks appeared in his hands at the same time as nine black balls appeared behind him. Finally on his forehead formed a Rinnegan-like mark.

'With Kurami's chakra I'll be fine, but if I want to fight I have to reveal my six paths sage mode too, just to accelerate the healing process. Damn it I can't believe idiot like Mizuki managed to reveal to so much.' Naruto thought as he stood up, still facing his sisters, which meant his back was still turned towards Mizuki.

Now, Naruto knew that was kind of risky but he hoped Kurami-chan's power would intimidate him enough to freeze at least for a moment. He wanted Mizuki to see with his own two eyes, he wanted him to witness how quickly his injury healed so his morale would drop even more.

Mizuki's eyes widened as the injury was healed in the matter of few seconds as Naruto turned around his Shin no Me activated."This is the Senjutsu of the six paths. The sticks and gudoudama behind me are proof of how powerful it is as it is psysichal manifestation of its power. However that's not all. The chakra shroud and tails are not my power, nor it is power of the six paths." Naruto broke eye contact with Mizuki and looked at his sisters over his shoulder, who were staring at him wide eyed. "Watch closely... this is how you use kyuubi's chakra."

Naruto took a step forward and looked at Mizuki. "I admit, I underestimated you the first time, however I won't make same mistake twice. That being said you don't stand a chance either way. Right now I only posses little bit of old man Six path's power however even that little bit of his power is more than enough to deal with you." He said as he crossed the two sticks together and one of the gudoudama flew towards Mizuki at high speed.

Mizuki didn't even have time to blink as the weird black sphere hit him hard in the chest and send him flying screaming in pain. The gudoudama returned to Naruto's side as he chuckled and said. "Whoops, sorry I forgot I promised to show you how to use kyuubi's chakra... I hope he'll stand up again."

And he did. And he was pissed. Mizuki stared at Naruto with hate in his eyes as blood dripped down his chin. "You fucking demon I'll kill you with the power Orochimaru-sama gave me." As he activated his curse mark , slowly gaining a beastly look.

The girls looked at the scene in awe. Was their brother always this powerful? This chakra was so huge, but it didn't feel evil at all, was it truly kyuubi's chakra? They were snapped out of their musing by a demonic sounding roar coming from Mizuki. "I'll kill you demons!" He yelled as Naruko shivered in fear by the predatory look on his face. "N-Naruto we sh-" before she could finish she was interrupted by chuckling Naruto. "Don't worry imuoto, he's drawing in natural energy although it is kind of more evil... That beastly transformation is merely a bastardized version of sage mode. Now watch how to use bijuu's chakra."

As he said that two chakra hands came out of his shroud, at the same time the black sticks in his hand dissipated and reformed a tenth gudoudama in the middle of previous nine as he brought his four hands before him and little dark blueish orb started forming in his hand. "Cho mini bijuudama" he yelled as he ran at Mizuki and smashed the bijuudama in his gut.

From Mizuki's point of view he just appeared in front of Mizuki in yellow flash. Both girls had it same.
Mizuki didn't even yell in pain as he was sent flying and then the bijuudama exploded in massive fiery dome. "Damn it... I went overboard again.. Anko-chan told me not to use that move unless neccessery." Said Naruto as he stood in front of dead Mizuki.

He went to Naruko and looked at her. "You okay?" He asked as his chakra shroud dissipated and two black sticks reappeared in his hands.

And the girls were once again shocked. 'Wow. Is that how to really use that chakra? But it's so much different than what Kaa-San teaches us with kyuubi's chakra. Come to think of it, how? We have the power sealed within us, how can he wield it? Perhaps kyuubi regaine-' "-Kay?" They were cut off from their similar thoughts as their brother showed in front of them and asked something.

"What?" Naruko asked as she watched Naruto's chakra shroud disappear and black sticks reform in his hands. "I asked if you are okay" he asked as he brought the sticks together and they formed a shakujo. On one end it had incomplete circle that kind of resembled a crescent moon, while on the other end there was a circle with 5 smaller circles wrapped around it.

Naruko watched in fascination as he leaned on it before she answered. "Yeah We are fine, thanks. And thanks for saving me too." She said as she looked at the nine gudoudama behind him. "What are those weird black things?" She asked curious. Naruto chuckled at her. 'I already screwed up and they've seen them so it doesn't matter.' He thought before answering "they are called gudoudama and I can control both them and this shakujo in very similar way. As I said before to Mizuki-teme, both shakujo and the gudoudama are manifestations of the sage mode of the six paths." He answered before he continued "But I bet you are more interested in the fact that I can use kyuubi's chakra right?"
Naruko nodded at her brother. "Then lets go to my mind scape" he said he touched both of his sisters' foreheads and suddenly they were in front of a waterfall.

Girls looked around to see beautiful woods and animals running around. They also saw a house.
"Let's go meet kyuubi." He said as he went towards the house. Girls simply followed as they entered a house. A beautiful girl around their age with cute fox ears on top of her head and nine tails came out of kitchen to greet them.

Naruko seeing the nine tails immediately connected the dots as she yelled "Kyuubi!" As she was getting ready to fight. Kyuubi looked amused as she continued to walk towards them. Natsumi now in fighting stance, ready to fight as well. Ignoring their antics he walked towards Kurami. "Hello Kurami-chan." He said as he gave her kiss which she returned. "Why hello Naruto-kun, why are the brats here?" Naruto turned towards his sisters and said "This is Kurami-chan, or as you know her the kyuubi no kitsune. Now then we have lots to talk about so let's not waste time." Naruto said as he and kyuubi proceeded to explain everything to girls.

Kyuubi not only explained how she trained Naruto and his abilities, but she also told them about his life much to Naruto's annoyance, but with one swift glare Naruto stayed silent and let her tell what she wanted.

"Wow. That's lot to take in." Said Naruko after everything was out.
"I'm sorry Naruto" she said. "Aww, look my adorable little sister actually called me by my name. We're becoming so close." Said amused Naruto as Kurami giggled little. "Shut up, idiot" yelled angrily Naruko as Naruto and Kurami both erupted in laughter. Soon both girls started laughing too.

"Oh and by the way" said Kurami seriously "don't try to control my chakra unless you get rid of your inner hatred, otherwise you won't be able to use my chakra properly. That and the way you're doing it now is shortening your lifespan. Also you won't be able to control more then four tails even if you get rid of your hatred." She explained while girls looked at her. "What do you mean inner hatred?"" You'll have to find out yourself just like Ruto-kun did." Girls groaned but thanked for a piece of advise nevertheless.

"Don't thank me, if it was up to me I would let both you get consumed by rage for what you did to Naruto, but he made it clear he doesn't want any harm to come to you two so thank him." "Oh it seems Iruka found us. He's close and out there my sage mode is still active and I don't want him to see it. We have to go, I'll see you later Kurami-chan" he gave a peck on lips before both him and girls disappeared form his mind scape.

"We'll today was certainly fun" he said as Rinnegan-like mark on his forehead disappeared along with the gudoudama and the shakujo. Few seconds later Iruka dropped to the clearing "There you ar- what the HELL HAPPENED HERE?!"