Nmi: We do not own D. Gray Man, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and the characters!
The characters might be a little OOC and the ages are going to change and new settings! Don't you like new areas?
Thank you for reading and please comment to see if we should continue!

Also warning!~ MukuroXAllen! Yaoi! Don't like, then don't read! Please and thank you!

Out of the 10 million people within the human population, only 3.5 million have survived from the foreign epidemic that struck them so suddenly. No one knows the source of the epidemic, but most of everyone understand that the epidemic was caused by something beyond human capabilities. With little research and understanding of the disease, the virus was only known as the D-Virus, the virus that doomed all of human life. People had little resources to survive with, since the D-Virus affects the majority of plant and animal life and makes food and water difficult to find, especially if they died from consuming contaminated sources.

With no hopes of surviving in the barren world, it didn't take long for people to accept and follow the leadership of a revolutionary group known as The Ziva. The Ziva promotes survival and second chances to live new lives. However, with their inspirational goals and speeches comes with their darkest beliefs. By manipulating the weak-minded and hopeless followers, the Ziva encourages rape over marriage and cannibalism over law. Slowly, the survivors lose their human reasoning and became thoughtless animals that thrive to survive in means of killing and ravaging their own companions.

In the darkest parts of Purgatory, rows of fleshly and rotting skulls and ancient ruins lay in fog for the unfortunate souls to roam within the darkness. Some find their way to sanctuary, but most wander hopelessly lost for all eternity. Inside one of the ruins held mountains of decaying bones; rusted chains, carved with written curses on them, all lead to the center of the mess, where a demon sat, with cascading dark-blue hair spread throughout the floor that rivals the deepest ocean.

From a bird-eye's view, the formation of the skulls and curses creates a seal of ebony magic to trap the demon in his place along with shackles bind tightly to his ankles and wrists that force the demon to sit or lie on the stone-cold and damp floor. The demon wears torn and tattered clothing and is covered in dirt and dust from head to toe. His blindfold masked his eyes completely as he calmly breathes in and out repeatedly from the slight boredom of being trapped in Purgatory with nothing mildly interesting to do.

Then suddenly he hears footsteps walking from the distance...crushing a few skulls along the way from what it sounds. The footsteps are closer to him until he hears them stop right in front of him.

"Here to beat me up, again?" he asks as he sneers at whomever is in front of him.

"You are given a second chance, monster," the visitor in front of him speaks.

"Oya? What happened? Did your master give into my seduction already?" the demon replies slyly. Before he knows it, the chains that bind him to the ground weaken and he was able to move and stand after so long.

"Get up. We are letting you free for the time being."

"Hm…" the demon listens for a moment and slowly stands up. Extending his legs was difficult, because it felt foreign after so long. "For what price, may I ask?"

"To do the dirty work in the human realm."

"Human realm…? ...So you are using me to what? Kill and slaughter the humans? I don't mind that..."

"No. You are going to investigate the force behind the collapse of human race."

"...Basically, you are making me do the hard work, while you beings are just standing by and watching?

"You can say that."

"How ugly. I hate you beings, but I hate the humans the most. They are the evil of all races."

"Just get out of here, Mukuro. You can find your way by just walking straight."

"Oya? You are just going to let me go? Then could you at least take the shackles and blindfold off…"

"No, you will forever be chained to this place. However…there is a spell that is attached to that blindfold, so it is up to you to figure it out to get it off on your own. You cannot rip the blindfold off, or else you are going to rip your own head off your neck," the mysterious visitor laughs mockingly.

The demon frowns distastefully at his situation. "...Very well. All I need to do is to walk straight, correct?"

"Haha, just go!" the visitor roars and the demon could feel his presence slowly fade.

"Hmph," and Mukuro starts walking in a straight path.

After what seems to feel like an eternity of continuous walking, the demon could feel the frozen floor underneath him begin to give way and transition into cement. The shackles on his ankles and wrists feel lighter, but their burden are still noticeable. The demon is still walking until he bumps into someone. That someone growls at him animalistically and tackles him to the floor in an attempt to bite his head off. The demon quickly kicks the person in the stomach violently and flips him off of him.

"I cannot believe that a mere human would try to eat me. Well, you are in trouble because I happen to be pretty hungry after many centuries in Purgatory," the demon smiles as he walks over to the fidgeting human and tears his body in half messily and starts feasting on its fresh organs as the blood spills all over the floor to pool around his feet. He is about halfway into his meal until he senses another person nearby. He tosses away the pale body and jumps away from a large heavy object descending over him. From the sound of it, it's a large hammer of some sort.

"Damn it! So close! Hey, you get back here!" Mukuro hears a young man's voice say.

"Do not be so silly. Why would I stop for you to crush me?"

"Hey! What? I didn't know that the infected could talk! Come back here!"

"You are a slow one, are you?"

"What? No! You're just too fast," the young man yells behind Mukuro. The demon is running away until he stops abruptly in front of another person. Then he finds himself sandwiched between the young man and the other person.

"Oh hey, Allen! Help me capture him!"

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Stay posted for Chapter 2!