A/N: Hey guys, sooooo I know it's been longer than forever since I updated. And I'm sooooooooo sorry that I have had you guys waiting, and I know that a lot of you probably gave up on looking for updates, but I really want to finish this story for you guys. So I'm going to finish this story this summer before my classes get crazy like last year

Song for Chapter: Broken-Hearted Girl by: Beyonce

Ally's P.O.V

"Ally wait!" Austin says trying to get me not to leave the recording studio.

"You can't- you can't just do that Austin!" I say freaking out, as I pace back and forth in the room. "You can't just kiss me!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. Can you please just come and sit down, your freaking out." He says. We are on opposite sides of the room, he is standing by the piano and I'm by the door contemplating whether to leave.

"Damn right I'm freaking out!" I yell, and I immediately start to feel as though I can't breathe. "Oh my God! Oh my God-"

"Ally it's okay, you're okay..." Austin says calmly and inching his way towards as he notices how badly I'm freaking out. I think I'm having a panic attack, and now I'm sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest.

"Stop coming closer!" I say, trying to catch my breath. I feel dizzy and like I'm going to pass out. Austin doesn't listen though, and he comes and kneels down next to me.

"Ally look at me." He says guiding my face up to look at him with one hand and holding one of my trembling hands with his other. Once I calm down enough to where I can stand, I quickly get up and leave the room where Austin is and head straight for the back exit where we came in. Once outside, I immediately start searching my pockets for my cigarettes, and it's not until Austin comes outside that I remember where they are. "Damn it! You still have my damn cigarettes!" I yell

"Ally I think-" Austin starts but I don't let him finish

"Where are they?! Give me my fucking cigarettes Austin!"

"No!" He yells back "Talk to me! We need to talk."

"You can't just do that Austin! You can't just kiss me!"

"I know and I'm sorry-"

"No, you don't know! You don't know anything Austin!"

"Then tell me! I'm right here, why won't you talk to me?!"

"No. I can't-" I start

"Why not? Why won't-"

"Because!" I yell "Because everyone that I ever let myself get close to gets hurt… or they hurt me…" I say softly.

"What's wrong my dear? You haven't said a word all day." Rosie asks when she says that I am packing up my things since it's the end of my shift.

"It's just been a long week…" I say not giving eye contact

"I noticed you've been clocking extra hours this week… Sit down hon." She says sitting down and gesturing to the empty seat next to her which I take. "It's the young man, isn't it? You have feelings for him… Don't you?"

"I don't!" I say immediately

"Yes, you do."

"I don't- I don't know…" I sigh

"He's a good guy, why do you keep pushing him away?" She asks

"It's complicated-"

"It'll always be complicated, but he's been nothing but consistent. He hasn't hurt you has he?"


"Ally, I know you've been through a lot, and that you haven't had a lot of success in your past relationships, but you can't let your past keep you from the possible good in your future." Rosie says. "It's not going to be easy, but you have to remember that there are still good people out there, and Austin might just be that person."

"Ally what's wrong?" Elliot asks as he goes to sit on my couch.

"What makes you think that something is wrong?" I ask standing a good distance away from him

"It's like you've said, I've known you a long time... What is it?"

"I need you to do me a favor..." I say

"Well? Spit it out."

"Benzos, are you still able to get them?"

"Anxiety pills, huh? I thought drugs weren't your thing, why the sudden change?"

"Just answer my damn question, Elliot."

"Of course, I can get it. You haven't asked for any type of pill since your mother died... so why the sudden need?"

"Damn it Elliot, I'm not trying to get high. So, are you going to get it for me or not?"

"Fine, but as soon you tell me why you want them."

"Because of you!" I yell, annoyed at the interrogation "Because you give me anxiety! It's always been you and it's not just anxiety, it's sleep deprivation, anxiety attacks, and panic attacks. But it's gotten worse since I have been forced to let my daughter stay with a psychopath like you!" I yell, and I feel my heart begin to race.

"Fine," Elliot says, as he stands up from the couch and coming dangerously close to me "You know Als, if you simply just refuse to sign those divorce papers we would both equally have custody of our daughter."

"Just the pills, for now, thanks," I say stepping away from him.

"You'll have them by later today, now will you excuse me. I have to pick up Amber from school." He says with a smug look on his face, before exiting my apartment.

"Ally! Come on, open up. It's been a week, we need to talk." I hear Austin say from the other side of the door of my apartment. "I know you're in there Als. I just need to know that you're okay." He says, and then I finally decide to open the door. "Hey… I wasn't sure if you would let me in." He says as he walks inside. I don't say anything so there's a long awkward silence. "What happened to you that day?" Austin asks breaking the silence. "I know I was out of line, and I'm sorry. But there's something else…"


"What did you mean when you said that every one you get close to you hurt or ends up hurting you?" He asks "Ally, I'm not going to hurt you… if that's what you're thinking?" He says

"No. It's just that-" I stop because I really don't know what to say

"It's just that what?"

"You know what never mind…" I say

"No Als talk to me." He says, and I keep thinking back on what Rosie said. Sighing I sit down, and Austin hesitantly sits next to me. "What is it?"

"Honestly? I'm terrified…" I say, and as soon I as I do, I want to take it back and hide under a rock, but I can't. "I'm terrified these feeling that I think I'm starting to have…for you." I finally admit but I don't look at him, and he doesn't say anything. "Because I- I don't-"

"You don't want to get hurt…" He says

"I don't want anyone else to get hurt. And that's inevitable when I'm involved, and I can't risk that, especially since Amber is a part of the picture." My voice gets shaky once I start thinking of my daughter. Noticing, Austin takes my hand and I instantly feel comforted… which scares me.

"Als look at me," Austin says calmly, and I finally look up. "You can trust me, you know that right?"

"I don't trust myself," I say taking my hand from his and standing up. "I have to go."


"I just have to go."

"Do you have them?" I ask Elliot as I enter his house.

"Of course. Why didn't you just buy these over the counter?" He asks with a smug grin on his face.

"You know why. They aren't the same."

"You mean they're stronger? Why do you need something so strong anyway?"

"Can you give them to me or not? Because I can just find somewhere else to get them." I say, not in the mood for his games.

"I have them. Just tell me what's wrong." He says, as he hands me the bag with the pills

"I don't have to tell you anything," I say taking the bag

"So there is something wrong?"

"I'm leaving."

"Wait." He says taking me by the arm and pulling me back from the door. "We used to tell each other everything. What's wrong?"

"I'm not telling you anything. Bye, and don't be late picking up my child." I say before leaving and driving off. During the drive back to my apartment my mind just keeps racing with everything that has been going on the last couple of days, especially with Austin. "Maybe taking a few now won't hurt, they won't kick in until I get home anyway." I think to myself as I drive down the freeway, and swallow a few of the pills.

By the time I get back I feel a lot more relaxed, and I decide to take a few more pills and go to sleep.

"Ally! Ally open up!" Elliot says as he bangs on my door and scares me awake. "Ally open the door!"

"What- what do you want?" I say slowly once I open the door.

"Thank God." He says as he walks in. "Ally what's wrong?"

"What are you- what are you… talking about Elliot?"

"You already took some?"

"Well I didn't ask you for them to look at the bottle."

"Ally what's wrong?"

"Can you just…I don't know what you're- you're talking about." I say, struggling to get words out.

"Like it or not, I know you and something's not right with you. You don't do drugs, you quit." He says

"I also "quit" smoking, and you see how that turned out."

"Yeah, but smoking didn't lead to what happened last time." He says "I don't want that to happen to you again."

"If you were so damn worried why you give them to me in the first place?" I ask getting irritated and I start to feel the effects of the pills I took earlier wearing off. "Don't come up in here and act like you give a fuck about me now."

"I was there Ally. You hit rock bottom, and this is what fucking got you there!"

"So?!" He's really starting to piss me off.

"You were lucky last time Ally, and I don't want to see you dead!"

"Why not?!"

"It's not just the two of us anymore, think about Amber!"

"There is no "us" and don't you dare bring up my child into this! All I ever do it think about her!" I yell "So don't you make it out to seem that I'm the bad guy here okay?!"

"Look, despite everything that has been going between us these past few years, you will always be someone that I care about. And I am the only one that knows how bad this can get for you!"

"Bullshit!" I yell as I go to pour myself a drink "That's straight up bull- you know what get out! The fuck out of my house Elliot!"

A/N: I hope you guys liked it! Please Please review so that I know you guys are still there! Don't worry I will be updating the next chapter a lot sooner.