Love And Disease ch 10

A/N - Yes yes I know I said I would have this story finished by June and its now the end of July. I lost interest in this story for a while, but now I will try to finish it, for real this time (Maybe) - Goateeman

The boys were circled around a map of the United States laid out on a table. Hawaii had a big red circle around it, and a line on it connecting it to the the rest of the country.

"Well Butters, give us your plan." Kyle said.

"I uh, I don't really have a plan Kyle, I just suggested we go to Hawaii, but I guess I could..." Butters looked at the map, looking for a good route. He stood there blank-faced, completely focused on what he was doing.

"Hurry the fuck up." Cartman grunted. Butters ignored him as he finished the rest of his plan.

"I got it. We grab a car big enough for all of us and our parents, that's step one. Step two, he take I-15 to Grand Mesa National Forest and stock up on supplies. Step three, we take the long drive to Las Vegas and stock up there a second time. Step four, we arrive in Los Angeles, grab a boat, and get to Hawaii." The boys pondered the plan.

"Well, its the only chance we got." Stan mentioned.

"Okay, we'll go with Butters plan..." Kyle said, being interrupted by his favorite Nazi sympathizer.

"Wait a fucking minuted Jew! You didn't here my plan."

"What? To sit here for the rest of our lies while you eat all the food?"

"...Fuck you Kyle."

"Its settled, get ready guys, we're in for a lot."

A/N – Again, I know its a short chapter, but its a teaser for the rest of the story. The chapters will be divided into the steps of Butters plan, so they'll be pretty damn long. I still wont have a regular upload schedule, but just know I am working on the story still. Enjoy the tease :) - Goateeman.