A/N Ok so here is the new one! Hope fully you love it! (P.s I dislike this ship)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Greed



Another smash




The door was slammed before the young Greek man could finish his sentence. Hercules stood in front of his front door gaping. Did he really just get kicked out of the house? Again? This had to be a new world record. He had thrown six dishes at his father and had gotten ten in return. Dammit, he hated his father. He hated how his father treated him. He hated how his father treated his mother, and brothers. But now, now he was free. He could go where ever he wanted! He could do whatever he wanted! No one could tell him no! No one could hit him and call his ideas stupid!

Hercules turned on his heel and began to sprint as far away from the house as possible, pinching himself every now and then to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He continued running until he bumped into a large cloaked man with a silver mask covering his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there…" Hercules mumbled and stepped away from the now smirking man.

"Oh not a problem…" The man beamed. "I was just on my way to the Karpusi house. Do you know where that is?"
Hercules froze and glared at the masked man. Somehow this man and his strange get up pissed the usually calm Greek teenager. "What do you want with them?" he growled through clenched teeth.

"They owe me something." The man said simply.

"Their oldest son."

Hercules scowled at the man, he was afraid. His freedom was going to be taken away from this man whether he liked it or not. There was no escaping it. He had to either run away, which was practically impossible considering the man in front of his was blocking the only way to the village, or he would have to give himself up.

"Looks like you found what you were looking for." Hercules mumbled.

"Ooo~ good! Now let's take care of this," he lunged forward and grabbed the teen by his shoulders. "Right now." He covered Hercules mouth with his hand and dragged him to a nearby horse Hercules hadn't noticed before.

Hercules squirmed in the large man's tight grip trying to escape, but failing. Eventually Hercules passed out from the lack of oxygen, which pleased the large man very much as he hauled the teen onto the horse and rode far away from the small town.

Hercules woke with a horrible headache. He frowned as he blinked his eyes open to find a very unfamiliar room. The walls were white, no windows, and no door. There was a very large mirror on the opposite side of the room. Hercules soon found that he was strapped to a metal chair that happened to be very uncomfortable.

"Hello?" Hercules groaned, the straps digging into his skin. "Is anyone here?"

After a long silence Hercules scowled at the mirror. In the mirror showed a large buff man, with curly dark brown hair, and two annoying curls on the side of his head. The man had a horrible scowl on his seemingly perfect face. The man in the mirror was Hercules. 'Unfortunately.' Hercules thought.

When Hercules was younger his mother always told him how beautiful and special he was. She would treat him better compared to all of his brothers, he was always the example. His brothers adored him. He lived a seemingly perfect life. That is until his mother remarried for money. The man that was supposed to be his new father came strolling in one day completely intoxicated, the man his Hercules youngest brother and called him an idiot. Hercules mother tried to divorce the man but the bastard never agreed to sign the damn papers. After years of torture and abuse, of name callings and beatings, Hercules grew to hate his reflection. His 'father' told him every day that Hercules was ugly. A piece of shit that meant nothing to the world. And as we all know words are the worst of weapons in an endless war. So instead of fighting eventually Hercules gave in, he believed himself ugly, useless.

Hercules was pulled out of his thoughts of his old life when a happy voice boomed throughout the room.

"Hello love!"

"Where the hell are you?!" Hercules growled, slightly alarmed.

"Where you can't find me." Hercules noted his Turkish accent. "Anyway! I am holding you captive, your father owes me money, and you are worth a lot more then I thought originally. Hmmm… I wonder how much he would pay if I took your innocence too…" the man thought aloud.

"Innocence?" Hercules glared at the ceiling.

"Oh darling! I will keep you until your father runs out of money!"
"You greedy son of a bitch!"
"Greed is all I have left you ungrateful twit!"

Hercules frowned. "Why me?"
"I've had my eyes on you for a while you know," Hercules you practically hear his smirk. "It was the perfect time to take you and get my money."

three weeks later

Hercules found himself staring at his reflection again. He had done this often, just to observe his cuts and bruises. He had cuts all over his cheeks and bruises on his temples. He had a black eye, a cut lip, and no will to survive. His back was covered in whip marks that burned like hell. He hated his reflection even more no.

The Turkish man came in everyday just before noon. He either beat or raped Hercules. So far, a far as Hercules knew, the Turk had gained over 2 million dollars and counting. Speaking of the turk, where was he? It was almost two. Maybe the man finally lost all of his willingness to torture Hercules. Maybe Hercules father ran out of money and now all he had to do was kill Hercules off a-

A large door swung open.

A bloody and beaten Turk was thrown across the floor in front of Hercules.

"You're safe now."

A small man with short black hair smiled at Hercules.

"Hercules Karpusi?"

Hercules nodded.

"I have come to marry you."

A/N: EHHHHH sorry don't worry Hercules and Kiku's ending will happen I promise!