The room was silent for an entire sixty seconds- she had counted. Greyson looked around the room at everyone's surprised faces. This was apparently the first time something like this had happened. Greyson had enough of the silence and decided she was the only that would break it.

"Sooo anyone gonna tell me the big secret. I did show you mine. Now you have to show me yours. That was the deal." Greyson said expectantly. Thankfully the room did not fall into silence. Scott took another step towards her and was close enough to touch again, before Greyson stepped away. They did not need that distraction.

"Uh Scott and Derek are," Stiles began to explain before Scott stepped in being more than helpful, "Werewolves. I'm a werewolf." His grin had diminished. He was waiting for her to go running away screaming, they all were.

"Oh," Greyson said. She had so far held back the need to run away, but she still hadn't expected it. She didn't really know what supernatural beings existed. So why did it surprise her that they were Werewolves? "Okay and let me guess Lydia's a vampire?" Greyson said trying to show them she was okay with it.

"Actually a Banshee. It's hard to explain and I can't really control it, but I am a Banshee." Lydia said confidently. Greyson was starting to believe that was her normal demeanor.

Greyson took in a deep breath, "You wouldn't happen to have a name for what I am would you?" She asked jokingly but she secretly hoped they would.

Stiles shook his head, "But we might know someone who might." Scott joined in, "Yeah we can take her to see Deaton tomorrow!" Deaton? That was her new boss' name. Maybe fate was real. Greyson thought to herself. The coincidences were piling up in this place, and Greyson once again questioned her move back home.

"Yeah" She said slowly trying to remember why she was here in the first place. "Oh! So what were you all talking about earlier? When I was trying to eavesdrop?" Greyson asked remembering her question.

It took an entire hour for the three to explain the situation. Well they had explained it several times, Greyson just couldn't believe something like it was actually happening.

"So just to be clear, there have been sightings of the Headless Horseman sans horse killing people?" Greyson repeated once again. They all nodded. "Damn. That is fucked up!" Greyson exclaimed once the information had all settled in her mind. "Well do we have a plan?"

They all looked at her like she was crazy. "You actually want to fight with us against this thing that is impervious to bullets?" Scott asked incredulous. He had started to be more like himself during the explanation, and Greyson really started to like him.

"Well of course as long as I don't have to spend too much time around Derek. I mean, come on, how do you guys stand being around someone that- that infuriating?" She huffed out her earlier frustration.

Lydia giggled like she knew something they didn't. "He isn't that bad once you get to know him." She fibbed and the boys looked at her in shock. "He is something you get used to working around, but he might behave with you around to whip him into shape." Stiles said.

Greyson was about to question him when her phone went off. She looked down at her caller ID with "Unknown" displayed. She answered the phone hesitantly, "Who is this?"

"Is this Dawn Masters? I'm Dr. Allen Deaton, I just wanted to make sure you had arrived safely, and could report in tomorrow." The voice on the other side of the phone said with a strong steady voice.

"Oh I'm sorry Dr. Deaton-" Greyson started before being interrupted by Deaton. "Just Deaton is fine."

"Sure Deaton, I didn't recognize the number. I will be in tomorrow." Greyson contemplated telling him about needing to talk about what she was but figured that would better be asked face to face, with her new fr- allies by her side. It still wasn't safe for her to have friends, especially supernatural ones. They would be in as much danger as her, maybe even more so. Greyson would just have to keep reminding herself of the dangers of letting others get too close. Just like she had let Shannon get too close.

Greyson snapped back from her depressing thoughts by the worried voice on her phone. "Dawn? Dawn?" Deaton said over and over.
"Sorry I guess I zoned out. I will be there tomorrow, bright and early!" Greyson said easily putting on a tone that would ease his worry.

"So you are working for Deaton?" Scott asked. Greyson nodded and Scott hugged her. She stiffened and Scott released her to say, "Well then we will see each other a lot. I work there too!" Greyson wondered if her powers had after effects she wasn't aware of or if this was just how Scott was. A glance at the others confirmed this was normal.

"I think I should get home. I still have to unpack and get some sleep." Greyson lied easily. She needed to leave before she forgot her reasons behind pushing others away.

She left after an exchange of numbers for "planning their next moves." The drive was pretty short to her new loft apartment. Greyson was ready to plop into bed the first chance she could, but her hopes of a relaxing night fell to ashes, because as she was climbing the stairs she ran into a brick wall of a chest. As the strong arms came caught her around the waist she caught his scent and pushed him away.

"Derek. Please tell me you don't live here as well." Greyson said saying a silent prayer to the Goddess. Her prayer wasn't answered as he looked at her and shook his head, "Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn't just visiting a friend." He said slightly sarcastic. Greyson stomach once again turned into knots from his voice. Instead of coming up with a witty comeback, Greyson used all of her strength to push past him and went straight to her new home. She rushed to her bed on the other side of the loft and fell on it. She buried her head into her pillow letting out a frustrated scream. She stayed on her bed thinking about how infuriating Derek was all night long and she would have stayed there all day too if she didn't have work.

Okay this is a crappy chapter but I wanted to get something out. It's the end of the school year so I am being trampled with school work, but I will still update at least once a week if not more often.