A/N: Happy Birthday to myself! I thought to update this last chapter of this story on my special day to share it with you all.


Chapter 35

Seven Years Later…

Aria rolled out of bed and pulled on her robe, and then she padded quietly out the bedroom, running a hand through her long dark silky hair. The house was seemly silent as it should be. It was late as she walked through the fairly lit house. Their house was a moderate size one, nothing too small or big or fancy. It was a good enough size for their family. She and Ezra had done well for themselves. The move from Rosewood had been a good one. At the moment, life was perfect.

Her footfalls slowed as she passed her sons' bedrooms, giving both closed doors long lingering looks. They were only gone a day and she missed them. Evan Ross and Malakai were definitely a hand full together. They were little scoundrels just like their father. Honestly, she could never get anything accomplished with them around. She continued smiling fondly at their doors. They were both so competitive, so outgoing that it was contagious. She loved both of her boys equally, enjoyed the bond that the brothers shared more.

She didn't play favorites. She would never alienate her children. They were both so beautiful, so precious. More and more Evan looked like Ezra. It was almost eerily how much they favored one another. Malakai looked like Ezra too except he had Aria's creamy coloring and big brown eyes. She and Ezra loved them both very much. She couldn't see their lives without them both in it.

Ezra always made time for both boys. He was an attentive father and partner. Aria couldn't ask for anything better. Every day he surprised her with his simple gifts and thoughtful words. Aria liked when she took the boys to see their father at his home basketball games. They adored their father. They saw him as some kind of hero, their hero. Aria's heart felt heavy every time she witnessed their close relationship.

Those Fitz men were thick as thieves, a tight bunch. Aria could never win against them as they stood as one. They had a habit of ganging up on her, but she didn't mind. It was all in good fun. She loved her sons' loyalty to their father. It made her a proud mama. She continued her trek down the hall, running another hand through her thick locks. Both boys were spending the weekend with Ezra's mother, their grandmother, Dianne.

Dianne had moved to be closer to their family. Surprisingly, she and Aria were close. Aria saw the older woman as a mother figure. Once they had met a few years back, they had hit it off pretty well. Aria truly liked her. Aria's love didn't just extend to Ezra and their children, but to his family as well. Ezra's grandparents were getting up there in age so they made sure to visit them as much as possible. They loved their great-grandchildren.

The entire family came together during holidays and birthdays. Aria treasured those moments the most. She'd never had that, but she was glad that wasn't the case for her children. Sometimes she would just step back and watch them interact with one another. It was a sight to see. Ezra's family had welcomed her with open arms from the very beginning. They didn't disapprove of her and Ezra's relationship. In fact, they had been very supportive and loving.

She hugged her slightly swollen middle as her eyes adjusted to the dark. Ezra hadn't yet come to bed. She had a feeling she knew why. Her wide ruby lips stretched across her stunning face as she reached the end of the hall. His side of the mattress had been cool to the touch as it had been five nights ago. She worried he wasn't getting enough sleep. She had to talk to him about it. Lack of sleep wasn't good.

Aria stopped short of the nursery and peeked inside, seeing Ezra with their newborn daughter, Emerson in his arms as he rocked with her in the rocking chair. All was well. He had eyes for no one else. Father and daughter looked peaceful in each other's company. What a picture they made? Her heart constricted as Emerson's little mouth closed around the bottle nipple and she sucked hungrily. Aria listened intently to the little sounds that she made. She was such a sweet baby, never waking unless she needed feeding or changing. If only Malakai had been that sweet and peaceful, Aria thought wryly.

Aria didn't want to disturb them, so she headed downstairs to get a glass of water. Ezra couldn't take his eyes off his daughter, slowly taking in her tiny features that were a mirror image of his. She'd inherited his Ivy League good looks. She was so small, as delicate as she gazed up at him. Ezra used a finger and stroked her creamy flushed cheeks, never once breaking his eyes from her. She was simply breathtaking. She didn't have dark brown hair like her brothers and parents, but thick jet black hair like Ezra's father had been. It curled occasionally. Dianne had recently shown him a picture of Austin.

His daughter had also inherited steel blue eyes like her father, grandmother, and older brother. Someday she would be a heartbreaker; he could so easily see it now. He dreaded the day when she would become interested in boys. Those boys had better watch out for Ezra and his sons. Evan Ross and Malakai were already protective older brothers. They vied for their little sister's attention. He loved seeing all his children together. They really did make one big beautiful family.

She wasn't only tiny, but perfect as well. All his kids were prefect, beautiful creatures. He still couldn't believe he'd helped to create them. He and Aria had really done it. They had remained together for so long now. They had a comfortable life together. He was playing basketball professionally, and she was still teaching. Life was great.

Ezra got up from the chair and placed his daughter back into her crib, leaning down to kiss her dark soft head, and then he turned and left. His dreams had come true. He had gone to a four year college of his choice, had graduated with top honors and received a degree in sports management, had a family with Aria, and had been playing professional basketball for three years now. He would play for five more years and then he'll retire. Thank god for his degree. As much as he loved basketball, he didn't want to play all his life. Yeah, the money was great as well as the promotional offers, but he wasn't in it for the money. He was in it because he had a passion for the game.

He loved his kids and he loved Aria. It was high time that he made an honest woman out of her. She didn't talk much of marriage, but he wanted to marry her. He couldn't believe he'd waited this long. She'd never pressured him or got on his case about it. She'd been great throughout this long ride together. She hadn't needed vows or a ring. She wasn't only stunningly beautiful, but she was rather remarkable too.

If he really thought about it, he loved how his life turned out. He made his way back to his and Aria's bedroom. She probably wondered where he was. He hated to worry her. She'd had a hard pregnancy with Emerson. Ezra didn't know if they should have another child. The boys and Emerson were enough for him. Would three children be enough for her too? He knew how badly Aria wanted four children.

He would never forgive himself if she died in childbirth because of him. He loved having kids with her, but he loved her more. He wouldn't run the risk of killing her. She and their kids were his reasons for living. They give his life purpose. He'd never been a religious man, but he thanked god every day for his family, for bringing Aria into his life. He'd been lost and broken without her. She'd healed him and made him whole again.

Out of habit, he stopped and opened the doors up to his sons' rooms, and then closed them again. He'd forgotten they were with his mother. The house was so empty without them. He couldn't wait to pick them up Sunday night. He'd promised to take them camping next weekend. He couldn't wait. He loved spending alone time with his boys. Even though Evan Ross and Malakai loved basketball as much as he did, they loved soccer and baseball more.

They were actually pretty good at those sports. Talented athletes ran in the family. He halted at their bedroom door and stared in at Aria, who was lounging on their bed, looking stunning and scrumptious as ever. He never got tired of gazing upon her beauty. She was his, and he was hers. Her appearance hadn't changed since the day he'd met her. Magic sparked when their eyes clashed and held across the room, that familiar strong chemistry between them sizzled around them as though static connected them. He quickly got out of his shirt and jeans and joined her in bed.

Aria plastered herself to him and allowed him to take her into his arms. He loved when they touched. It had only been seven years, and he still wasn't tired of her. She satisfied him. He just couldn't be with anyone else but her. He kissed her deeply on the lips, groaning when she let his tongue inside her mouth. They became lost in one another, their tongues colliding as the kiss deepened more. He wanted her beneath him.

He wanted to make love to her, to be so far inside her that he couldn't think straight. She did that to him. How did he ever become so lucky to have her? She became his teacher, then his lover and friend, and then his partner. They had a long history together. He broke off their kiss, feeling somewhat frustrated that he couldn't yet have her in that way. She searched his eyes as she felt the tension in his body. He could see that she shared some of his frustration. She palmed the side of his face and drew his lips back to hers, lingering as much she dared. It felt nice.

"You should be sleeping," Aria reprimand him and gave him a lasting kiss, before withdrawing from him altogether. "I fear you're not getting enough sleep. I know how much you love Emerson, but she'll be fine".

He knew that.

He just wanted to be nearby in case his little girl needed him.

"I didn't mean to worry you," Ezra said gravelly and leaned over to kiss her temple. "You know me; you know how overprotective I can be".

She did know.

She loved that about him.

She loved the fact that he would do anything to protect their children.

"I know," Aria said softly and kissed his muscled shoulder, permitting her lips to graze down his arm. He groaned and shuddered. "I miss our boys".

Aria was such a good mother.

Ezra took pleasure in watching her with their children.

It was no secret how much the boys loved their mother.

Ezra saw how they watched her.

To Evan Ross and Malakai, their mother could do no wrong in their eyes.

"I miss them also," He said. He hated whenever his kids went away. It was hard to have them out his sight. "But they love spending time with their grandmother".

Her fingers splayed across his chest, stroking the fine skin almost absently.

"Yes, they do love her". Aria couldn't fault them, Dianne treated them well. "How could that not? She spoils them ridiculously".

Ezra loved his sons' relationship with his mother.

"Do you love it here? Are you happy?" He asked suddenly and pulled her body tighter against his and kissed her temple once more. "I knew how much you loved Rosewood. Tell me, do you regret following me here?"

She knew how much her answer meant to him.

"You don't have to ask me that. I would never take back my decision to follow you," Aria told him fiercely as she stared into his beautiful steel blue eyes. She meant it. "I like it here. Evan Ross and Malakai are happy here. They love it. So my answer is no, I don't regret any of it".

Those words were music to his ears.

"Have I told you how much I love you and the kids?" Ezra asked thickly, not wanting to look away from her big brown shiny eyes. "I'm okay with not having any more children. I don't want to put your life at risk just to have another child. You already had a tough time bringing our daughter into the world. Don't make any more sacrifices for me. I'm not worthy. Our children need you in their lives".

His impassioned speech touched her soul.

She loved this man.

He truly had a heart of gold.

"Every day," Aria said against his lips. "I never want to cause you any kind of pain. If not having another child is okay with you, then it's okay with me too. We're family, a team you and I. I don't need anything more as long as I have you and our three beautiful kids".

Every day she amazed him.

"Then I'll keep telling you until my last breath," He said and kissed her, his teeth grazing her bottom lip. She moaned and cupped his face. He inhaled her smell and relished the scent. She still smelled of oranges. "Ask me".

She tore her mouth away and caught her breath.

"Are you happy here? Do you love the way your life unfolded?" She put her own twist on his previously asked questions. "Do you regret meeting me?"

He thought carefully on each of her questions.

He knew his answer meant a lot to her.

"Teacher, I'm more than happy here," He said with a smirk that enhanced his Ivy League good looks. Every time she looked at him, he stole her breath. Heat flooded her body at the way he eyed her. She so badly wanted to make love to him. She'd never felt closer to him than when they were making love. "I couldn't ask for a better life. You and the kids have brought so much joy into. And you…you stuck by me even when you should have run away. I never thanked you, but I'm thanking you now. So no, I don't ever regret meeting you".

She wouldn't have it any other way.

He was tied to her, and she was tied to him.

They were a team.

A family made up of five individuals.

A matching set.

Their family was like a package deal that would always stick together no matter what.

"I haven't been your teacher in years," Aria said breathless and licked her wide lips. "However, you were an A-plus student".

His fingers trailed along her fine-boned jaw, caressing the softness of her creamy skin. Yep, she definitely was the most stunning woman he'd ever seen. He didn't care if she got old. He would love her more in spite of her age. To him, she would always be Aria, the woman he'd fallen in love with.

"Will you marry me?" Ezra asked gruffly, and then he got up from the bed and got down on one knee and took her hands in his. He looked at her expectedly, awaiting her answer. He wouldn't put it off any longer. He wanted to make Aria his wife. He wanted her to have his name. She deserved that much from him. She'd been so patient with him throughout their relationship. "Say yes".

Tears of happiness trickled from her eyes at his proposal. He was finally asking her to be wife. He would be her husband in name if she said yes. She'd never dreamt this moment would come. She hadn't wanted to rush him, to force his hand. She had wanted it to come naturally, on his on time, and now it had.

"Yes," Aria said happily and wrapped her arms around him, loving how he squeezed her back. "I'll be your wife, your partner and lover, and your friend".

Before Ezra could respond, their daughter's piercing cries sounded through the house. They looked at one another and laughed at how familiar it was. He stood up and kissed her on the mouth, and then he went to go see about their daughter. Aria's sparkling eyes followed him out the room. She couldn't wait to plan their wedding, to marry him, and become his wife. She loved her life. She and Ezra had healed each other. They had been two broken people, but they were fixed now.

There you go, that was it. I hoped you guys enjoyed it :). I know I loved writing this. I'm really going to miss this story. It has been a long journey, but I had a great time traveling with you. I just want to say thanks for all the love and support that this story has gained over the course of this fanfic. Please don't forget to review and let me know your thoughts! And I already have another Ezria fic planned out. I think you're going to like it, so look out for it.