Fictional Words

Don't own the fandoms spoken of nor the quotes. Own the poem and hopefully everything else.


These are fictional words, friend.
They are not heroes nor means to an end.
They come from worlds that exist in imagination.
These are fictional words.

Wingradium Leviosa! No, you're saying it wrong!

Wais... heal... No, no. Come back please!

It is my destiny. I am Emrys.

These are fictional words, sorcer.
They cannot levitate objects nor grow a flower.
But they can wound or heal, that is their power.
These are fictional words.

Seven half-bloods will answer the call... but not all will return.

These are fictional words, demigod.
Tears are not cased by false hands stained with blood.
But they can come from emotions brought forth in a flood.
These are fictional words.

All of time and space, every star that ever was... where do you want to start?

These are fictional words, Gallifreyan.
They cannot break love nor create physical pain.
But they can travel through time and space, all the same.
These are fiction words.

It's just a trick... Just a magic trick. I haven't got friends - I've just got one.

These are fictional words, detective.
They are not a warning nor are they protective.
But they can saves the lives of those that are selective.
These are fictional words.

Real or not real? I don't know anymore...

These are fictional words, victor.
Nightmares are not a product of fake secrets and liquor.
But the shadows haunting our dreams can become slightly thicker.
These are fictional words.

Sam-wise! Help me, please!
I'm coming, Frodo, hold on!

These are fictional words, ring-bearer.
The fog of uncertainty doesn't make thoughts clearer.
And friends are needed to bring the truth nearer.
These are fictional words.

They may be fiction to you, but they are as good as real to me.

These are fictional words, friend.
They are not heroes nor means to an end.
But you don't have to be a hero to save nor real to end.
These are our fictional worlds.


Well, that was fun...Who agrees? Ghostly? Mom? Just me, then? Nah, jk. Who enjoyed this? Review with an answer, criticism, and/or a colon-capital_d. You can even just write, 'Me! :D' Please? Also, who noticed the last sentence?

Ta-ta (for now),
LoS :D