First of all I don't own Harry Potter. That piece of art belongs to JK Rowling

I'm merely using it for creative purpose. Mentions of other protected pieces are inevitable in this fanfic. However I already disclaimed them in my other fanfics that will be refered to, so I do it here again.

Now to stop the haters who will try to argue that the HP universe takes place between 1981 and 2007: How much has the "muggle world" been mentioned? How "old" is the magic world compared to the muggle world?

I see no problem in transferring the universe into the future. For more information on my OC, check my profile and the other fanfics I am working on.

Now I present you:

Harry Potter: The changing world


Harry spent his time on the playground of he wasn't forced into the tiny wardrobe under the stairs.

It got better as he got Dudley's playroom but still he felt like he was in a prison.

He observed the area around him. He loved nature and the animals. Since he could remember he lived with his relatives. His uncle hated him for his parents. The man punished him even for looking strange. The only help he got occasionally from his aunt who would scream at him at first but later secretly give him a first aid kit and a book teaching how to use it. Dudley his cousin went after his dad. One could mistake them for brothers if there wasn't an age difference.

His only joy were the letters his friends send him. But after a week uncle Vernon noticed them and had locked his owl Hedwig into a cage and turned his room into prison to prevent other owls delivering their letters.

Harry sighed. He observed the group of people moving in across of Four Privet Drive and next to Arabella Figg, his occasional caretaker if the Dursleys had to leave for something.

The group consisted of three women and one man. The man was obviously a soldier Harry though from the armor the man wore. He had only heard through the open window when the report came on the news. He thought he was like these men. Faceless to the public and doing the dirty work for other people. For his young age Harry already thought about the world. Well it's not like he had anything else to do other people consider an adequate childhood. The soldier saw him, took the helmet off and waved. Harry waved back, forcing a smile onto his face. The man disappeared behind the car. It was one of the biggest Harry had seen. He had listened to Dudley talking about it but seeing one in real life was something different.

Erik checked his equipment when he saw the boy on the swing. He had worked enough as a cop to see that this boy didn't have a pleasant life. He sighed. Since their return they had been on shore leave while the docks worked on upgrading the new fleet. He was free on the military side but his chief had another plan.

No one understood the woman. "The Chief" had sent his team to England stating that they were needed there soon. The soldier had learned in his years working for Task Force Cobra that it wasn't an option to question the Chief and that it was better to listen to her.

He set the box down in the living room. His friend Armanda Sparks was jumping around. She hadn't been in this country since she got recruited and was really happy. She wanted to take the other women on a leave for females only but felt bad for leaving their friend behind.

Erik only smiled and said that it was okay. He had to set up his equipment and would took way longer than the others.

"Just don't forget the food. It's unlikely that I will leave this house in the next hours."

But just a minute after the car roared away Erik had to look up as an owl crashed through the open window into the couch.

He was about to pull his gun when he recognized the animal. Carefully he picked it up and set it down on the counter of the kitchen. He checked for wounds but the owl was fine. He found a piece of parchment which was addressed to a Harry James Potter. Their neighbor, Miss Figg had told them about a boy named Harry Potter when they first arrived here. He changed out of his armor and into the more comfortable police uniform. He had managed to convince his department chief to add him to the list of officers participating in the exchange program with the Metro Police London. The man had agreed as special circumstances could occur where the status as a LEO would be useful.

Reading letters found was one of them. Erik closed the door and crossed the road.

Ringing the bell he heard a grumpy "What is it now?"

The door was opened and he was greeted with a "What do you want, boy?"

He cleared his throat and the man in the door, if you could call it a man turned his full attention to him. "Sir? Lieutenant Winston, I live across the road and a letter for Mister Potter was delivered to me. Miss Figg said that the boy lived here?"

The man's eyes turned into slits. "That useless boy lives here. We are his guardians. I will see that he gets that."

But Erik didn't release the letter when Vernon grabbed it. "I have to deliver it to him personally."

"You don't. I don't want you in my house and now give that damn thing!" Vernon roared.

Erik tapped his badge and the man jumped back like he had burned himself. "Chicago Police Department. Exchange officer. I have the same rights as the Metro Police and its rules states that if a LEO has to deliver something he has to make sure it reaches the right recipient. Since it's Mister Potter in this case I will wait."

Petunia had heard the argument when she exited the kitchen. "Oh Vernon, where did you leave your British politeness? Invite the man in. What would the neighbours think?"

Vernon scoffed something that sounded like "American scum".

"You have to excuse my husband. He had a bad day at work and now our nephew isn't doing his part of the house work." She led the man into the kitchen. "Can I offer you something? Tea, coffee?" "A simple coffee would be fine, ma'am." While Petunia worked on the beverage she shouted: "Harry! There is a man with a message for you."

Harry was upstairs looking out of his window when he heard his aunt. Running down he crossed his old room into the kitchen.

He saw a man sitting at the counter. "Ah, Mister Potter, I assume? An owl delivered this letter to me. Seeing as it was addressed to you I came over personally to make sure it gets where it was intended to go."

Harry took the parchment and left after a "Thank You, Sir." and ran back up.

The following weeks it was nearly the same. The owls would land at Erik's house and he would take them over to give them to Harry. Vernon didn't like that but seeing how ridiculous it would see if he pressed charges against the officer he kept his mouth shut.

Somewhere in the middle of august an owl refused to return without a letter. Erik waited and sighed. It seemed crazy but he took the chance. He took a normal paper and wrote on it.

Dear owner of this owl.

You might ask why I'm replying to you instead of Mr Harry Potter. Well I can tell you that he is fine and doing well. He is excited about the letters he got from you and although I don't know what the letters are about, he seems happy when they arrive.

To my person, I am his neighbor.


Erik Winston

He decided against adding his ranks as this wasn't a formal letter. He attacked it to the owl and send it off.

Two days later he received a letter. After delivering the one for Harry he returned to read his own.

Harry smiled as he saw the man returning. Over the holidays he had build up a great friendship with this man. The soldier encouraged him to train. Nowadays if he was with Miss Figg he would ask her if he could visit Mr Winston.

He looked at the letter again.


I hope you are fine. Dad nearly fainted when we got this letter on white parchment. Hermione keeps reminding me it's called paper. That man seems like a good lad. We're all happy that you have a good friend there. Do you want to come to the Burrow in the last two weeks? Mum said it was okay. You could have Charlie's old room as Hermione has Bill's.

Did you hear? Ginny got her Hogwarts letter today. We already got her everything. She's excited too, as she is about to see the "Boy-who-lived" in person. I tried to talk her out of it but she is still excited to meet you.

Your best mate


Harry really wanted to go to the Burrow but how could he do it. Either the Weasley's could come to get him or The Dursleys had to drive them there. Neither would please Vernon much.

Unknown to Harry in the house across the street a group of four people received their next mission.

"Okay girls. We actually have a mission to do. Seems like an errand run to me."

"What is it?" "Category 3 was spotted in Ottery St Catchpole. Lived there since eleven years but just this year her core spiked. Chief sent us a pack o data. Apparently she is the last heir of a bloodline that only manifests in females."

Erik remembered something from the letters he exchanged. One was Arthur Weasley. The man was really interested into "muggle things" as he kept calling them. After a short talk with Armanda Mr Weasley had asked them if they arrived, if they could take Harry with them.

Said, done. Erik went over to the Durleys where Harry had a dispute about how to get to the Burrow.

"I won't take you there and spent my money on nothing! They can't fetch you because I don't like your kind of freaks!" Vernon shouted. Erik stood at the back door and knocked.

"If transportation is the only problem consider it solved. He comes with us."

"Why should I trust you?" Vernon said with his slit eyes. "Because I have an arrangement with Mr Weasley. As my team has to go there anyway we could take him with us. Our car is large enough."

During the drive Harry looked out of the window. "You really are a wizard?" Erik asked.

"Only a year. Before I didn't know about the magic world." Harry explained.

"Good then we don't have to blindfold you for what we are about to do." Erik stopped and turned into a dark alley. Armanda touched the car and it glowed blue.

On Harry's unspoken question she answered. "Wandless magic. Really handy. Untraceable and much more powerful than wand magic."

Harry felt like his stomach was pulled out of him and the car vanished.

Ginny looked out of her window. She was excited to finally meet Harry Potter in person. She had briefly seen him a year ago on platform 9 ¾ but back then she didn't know it was him until Ron told her. A load roar broke her out of her day dream. A large dark car skidded to a stop directly in front of the Burrow.

Erik opened the trunk to take Harry's stuff out. Armanda and Catherine would take the talk with Mr and Mrs Weasley while he helped Harry to carry his things into his room. Lauren had stayed behind in Little Whinging to meet a friend.

He put the suitcases down in the kitchen and first shook hands with the people there. Parents Weasley were in Mr Weasley's office to talk.

Harry introduced him to the others. "Guys, This is Erik Winston. He is my new neighbour and brought your letters."

"Mr Winston, This is Hermione Granger and those are the Weasleys: Ron, Fred, George and Percy."

Erik shook hands with them. "Please. I'm not in an official function. Call me Erik."

Percy offered him a cup of coffee while the younger children sat down for breakfast.

Thankfully Erik took the beverage and downed it. "Needed that kick."

Just as he looked up a small light flashed in his glasses. "Please excuse me."

He went outside to take the call. "Lieutenant Winston."

"Lieutenant. Orders have changed. Stay with the Category 3 and observe her. If she shows signs, make an offer. Train her." Erik looked back to ensure that no one was eavesdropping on him. "Sir, from what I got she is going to Hogwarts this year. So unless you manage to get us in I fear we don't have a way to follow the order."

A long sigh came over the line. "Chief is calling in favors. We'll see what we can do."