Hi Readers! Welcome to my new story, What Comes After. I thought of it because of an event that took place last week- 30th May- and it got me thinking ever since then how a parent would feel if they lost their child and it's broken my heart and even though I would not know how something like that would feel, I had to write what I could imagine then. So as you can probably imagine, it's going to be a very very angsty and sad story but there WILL be moments which will be sweet. I'm going to do my best with this story and I do hope it works out! I was planning on making it an original story but then I thought maybe making it a Dramione wouldn't be a bad idea either. I know you might have some questions at the end of this and feel free to review with them but they should all be answered in the coming chapters! Enjoy this one and please please read and review xx

Much love,


Disclaimer: The characters, unless you don't recognize them, are not mine! They're the lovely JK Rowling's!

I do not believe there is anything more cruel in the world than your child being taken away from you. It's against everything that's right in the world. Against everything that is fair. When you are a parent, your world changes. It's beautiful and it's crazy. It's a love you have never felt before. It's perfect yet completely out of control.

But then suddenly, everything changes. There are different ways in which your child can be ripped away from you- all painful in their own ways. But nothing is more painful than physically and emotionally being there every step of the way- knowing and watching your child slip out of your fingers but not being able to do a single thing about it. The denial, the screaming, the crying, the anger, the hatred- that's all you see for more days than you can count. And then it's gone- and all you're left with is the pain. The overwhelming pain that comes with the knowledge that there's nothing left to do. That they're going to leave you soon. That you will be alone once this is all over.

And then what? What comes after that? When all you had in your life was his sweet, round face- his little button nose and big dark doe eyes, his messy curly brown hair and that toothy smile that made the worst days better. So you're stuck, then? With nowhere to go and nothing to say. How do you spend the next five months knowing that at the end of it, you will be left with nothing?

"Mummy." I quickly put my pen down and shut my notebook, taking a deep breath and shutting off the table lamp before going to our queen sized bed where my little boy of four lay, blinking sleepily.

"Hey, baby." I said softly, crawling in beside him.

"Are we going to visit gramma and gran'pa tomorrow?" He asked, turning to his side to face me and closing his eyes.

"Not tomorrow but the day after we sure are." I answered, pulling him closer to me. "We're going to Uncle Harry's tomorrow morning."

"Will gran'pa be able to talk to me?" He asked, his voice growing sleepier with each word.

"Maybe, Ro. If he's feeling alright."

"I hope he is." Roland mumbled.

"Me too, love." I said, knowing that there was no more of my heart left to break. I hugged Roland close to me and shut my eyes. It had been 14 months since I had received the news of his incurable malady. 14 months since my world had started falling apart. 14 months since an aching pain had settled inside me and had then refused to leave.

"Are you ready?" I called from the bottom of the staircase, pulling my shoes on. "Roland!"

"I'm coming, Mummy!" He said and then was bounding down the stairs. I reached out to him with my arms and lifted him off the last couple of stairs, grabbing my bad and stepping into the floo.

"Hold on tight." I reminded him before dropping the floor powder and calling out Harry's residence. I stepped out once it was safe and brushed myself and Ro down, smiling at the sight of soot smudged onto his nose. He giggled as I wiped it off just as Ginny called from the kitchen- "Hermione, is that you?!"

"Yeah, Gin. Ro and I are here." I said, moving towards the dining room. I stepped inside and was surprised to see that it wasn't just Harry, Ron, Ginny and Pansy present but a certain other Slytherin who I hadn't seen in four whole years. I stepped back, warily, my eyes on him and his on me.

"Where's my favourite little nephew?!" Ginny squealed, hurrying towards us and pulling Roland out of my arms. I released my little boy, smiling and she gave me a quick hug. Even though I had never ended up marrying into the family like a lot of people assumed I would have, it didn't stop Ginny and Harry from considering Roland their nephew. They weren't the only ones- Ron and Pansy, who had been together for half a year now, loved Ro just as much. While Harry, Ginny and Ron knew about Roland's sickness, however, Pansy was unaware. I was not ready to trust her yet but I knew that sometime soon, she was sure to find out. But until then, I wanted to keep it to the few of us.

"Uncle Harry's back!" Ro grinned at Harry who was standing up and walking towards us. He hugged me tight and kissed me on the forehead before turning to my son.

"Indeed I am, kid." Harry said, taking him right out of Ginny's arms, earning a glare from the red-head. "Sorry, Gin, but I haven't seen him in a month." Pain swept through his eyes for a moment and Ginny nodded and turned to talk to me, her eyes sad. Harry had almost refused an operation in the Auror department because he didn't want to leave Roland's side but I had promised him with a brave face that nothing would happen while he was gone.

"Ginny, why is Draco Malfoy here?" I whispered, glancing at the boy- rather, man- in question. He was looking at Roland and Harry interacting with a curious expression.

"I know I should've told you but-"

"He was a death-eater, Ginny." I said, something akin to fear creeping inside me. It wasn't fear for myself. It was for my son- I couldn't risk ANYTHING happening to him.

"You know better than to let prejudices and anything else in the past come in the way of the present, Hermione!" She reprimanded me. "Malfoy was on the case with Harry and not only had his back throughout but also saved his life. Harry invited him here."

"If he-"

"He won't do anything to your son, Hermione, I promise you." She said. "You KNOW I wouldn't let anything happen to Ro." I stared at her and glanced at Malfoy before nodding curtly.

We entered the kitchen and Ron got up to squeeze the life out of me. "It's been too long," He said.

I laughed- "Ron, you saw me last week."

"Precisely." He said, releasing me and grinning down at me. I smiled softly at him before moving to Pansy, who hugged me as well. The four of them made it a point to come spend a couple of hours with Ro and me at least once a week each, which I was grateful for. Roland needed people to be around him. And so did I.

"Malfoy." I nodded at him. He nodded back.

"Good to see you, Granger. You look well. I was not aware you have a son." He said and it was almost as if he was assessing my reaction which made me warier than I was before.

The others seemed to have stopped what they were doing but I raised my head high and said, "You've been gone for four years- I'm sure there are a lot of things you are unaware of." I moved to sit beside Ginny and Harry sat down on my other side, Roland on his lap.

"He has your hair." Malfoy commented and I swallowed hard. Harry's hand found mine under the table and I held on to it.

"He does." I nodded curtly. I know Malfoy was trying to be polite and I suppose the only thing Roland and I had in common was the curly brown hair, but I wished he would just stop talking. I didn't want him to ask me about my son because I didn't want to tell him anything. It wasn't his business. Not like it ever would be.

Ginny cleared her throat and headed towards the kitchen. "Hermione, Pansy- want to help?" The two of us stood up, me faster than the black-haired witch. I stole one last glance at our new guest and ran a hand through my hair tiredly. This was going to be a long afternoon.

This was just a starter chapter so the following ones will be longer! Do review xx