Rinto pulled away, while you just sat there, eyes wide as plates. You opened your mouth to speak, but quickly shut it since you had no idea what to say. You slowly turned to Rinto who was blushing like mad, much like your face right now.
"Wha-what-Rinto-kun-" You stutter and fumble over your words. You were too shocked, surprised and could barely comprehend what was happening. Rinto, frigging Rinto, stole your first kiss you were saving for that special someone.

A lot of cooes were heard, making you blush a deeper shade of red.

"Kyaa! They're so cute!"
"New OTP! Oh my gosh! "
"I ship it!"

But there were also Rinto's fangirls who were raging and some sulking much to their dismay.

"(y/n)." You heard your name being called out by the boy, yet you had try to not hear him. "(y/n)," He sighed, repeating your name again. He held your chin within his fingers and made you face him, while you avoid eye contact. You were too embarrassed to face someone who just kissed you.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Someone began to chant, before everyone started to join in. However, of course, Rinto's fangirls are always there, disagreeing completely.

He suddenly stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you away. Both of you went out of the classroom, whilst whispers and squeals filled the entire room. Unbeknownst to you, someone was carefully staring at you.

Len's P.O.V
Watching them slowly kiss, I felt...mad. No...Why would I be mad? (y/n) and that orange freak are an item now, so isn't it normal for them to kiss? I clench my fists, and glare at the idiot. Sure, they're a couple, but is it really necessary for them to smooch right in front of the whole class?

"Geez, they should just get a room or something," I grumble under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest. "I mean, it's obvious they like each other, but doing that just to show that they do is plain out disgusting ." I huff and folded my arms defiantly.

I then blink in surprise.

Why was I acting like this?

Am I...

Am I jealous?


Of course not.
I like Miku, and her only.

I'm probably just jealous of that orange jerk face stealing (y/n) away from me. As a friend of course! Because of that orange head, I can't spend time with (y/n) anymore. Yes, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

I watched them intently, walking out of the classroom, after that orange bastard pulled away from the so-called ''romantic kiss''. I push my desk away a little bit harshly, gaining attention from the people around me. I stand up and also sprinted out of the class room, just to make sure they don't do anything fishy.

"Pff! Ahahaha!" You laughed loudly, making your classmates gaze at you with weird looks. You didn't notice though, not that you care. Rinto smiled and chuckled, staring at your lips.

"I never knew you were a funny-type of person, Rinto-kun!" You giggle, holding a hand over your mouth. A small tint of pink appeared on his face, but he quickly looked away so that you couldn't see his flushed face.

"I-I get that a lot, heh." He tried to keep his cool, but failed badly, seeing as he obviously stuttered. You recoiled, staring at him in disbelief.

He glanced over you with his face still pink, before quickly looking away. "Wh-what?" He pouted. A cheeky grin emerged in your face, quickly getting a hold of his cheeks. He looked at you with a bewildered expression, while you squish his cheeks together.
"Aw! Is that a blush I see? Oh, and you stuttered~ Fufu~ How cute~ Rinto-chi~ " You tease, smiling slyly at his mortified face.

"Sh-shu-gwuah!" He scrunch his eyebrows in irritation, attempting to speak. That only made him cuter than ever. You let go of his cheeks, smiling. He let out a deep sigh and frowned. "Don't call me with such a stupid name, (y/n) baka. Hmph." He scoffed. You, in return, gasped dramatically.

"Oh my! I never knew Rinto-chi was a tsun-tsun! Aww~~!" You squeal, giggling in the process. He puffed out his cheeks in annoyance, giving up.

"Whatever, (y/n)." He rolled his eyes. You smile again, your lips curling up in triumph. Rinto stared at your lips again, but this time a little longer. You tilt your head in confusion, noticing his stare.

"Something wrong with my face?" You quirked an eyebrow, but he shook his head, replying no. His thin lips tilted to a frown. You blink slowly, shrugging it off. You then looked at Len, seeing if he was getting jealous.

"Nah, probably not-"

Your words were cut off, eyes widening in surprise. Len was staring at Miku and Neru. Your lips purse and you sniffed, tears forming at the edge of your eyes. "Stupid (y/n), don't cry!" You thought to yourself. You decided to look away, to avoid crying more.

"Of course, it's useless. No matter what we do, Len will always like Miku-" Yet again, you were cut off. You felt another pair of lips press against yours while you tried to process what was currently happening.
It happened way too fast.

Then like a brick, it hit you.

Rinto was kissing you.


"O-oi, Rinto, where are we going?" You worriedly asked the blonde. He remained silent and continued to pull you with him as he walked a little bit fast. He halted, making you stop on your tracks too. You observed your surroundings carefully. "What the hell are we doing in the school rooftop?" Your question was answered with,

"(y/n)...I just...I want you to know that I like you." He stated seriously, looking at you straight in the eyes. You gape in shock,

"So that's why...You kissed...me..earlier-"

He nodded in response. "Yes, I do know that you like the banana freak- But all of this? It's useless. Pointless, even. I can't bear you seeing you hurt whenever you look at him, (y/n). He's only hurting you." He scowled, cupping your cheek with his hand.

"Rinto-kun..I..." You whisper softly.

"(y/n)-chan, you-you like m-me?" An all too familiar voice echoed throughout the rooftop. Your head quickly whirled around, only to see Len, Len Kagamine.

A/N : I decided to make this as a Kagamine Len x Reader x Rinto, cause-
And I would make separate endings for the both of them. :3