Alright, first things first: this is your official notification that the first chapter of To Twist The Crimson Threads is up and available for your reading pleasure! Feel free to head over there, if that something you'd like to take a look at.

Second! As promised, especially since I made you wait, a collection of teasers!

...well, "teasers". Things change during development, and some of these are just small snippets of scenes and ideas I'm tossing around that may not make it in to the actual final product. In fact, I won't guarantee any of them will be in it exactly as seen here, since that spoils the jokes. So maybe you just shouldn't read these at all? I leave it up to you.

"The name's Saotome Ranma."


Ranma let out a strangled yelp at the giant red letters that had just appeared behind him.


Two haggard-looking figures stumbled aimlessly through a forest, both their clothes and expressions having clearly seen better days. One of them, eyes simmering with frustration, looked to the sky and let loose an all-too familiar, if slightly modified cry:


A boxing ring with a giant, bubbling container of oil at its center had been set up in the middle of the schoolyard, bringing about flashbacks of Ranma's first fight against Ukyo. Suspended above it was a strung up, upside-down female student, who seemed less concerned about the imminent possibility of being boiled alive than she was of being exposed to the watching students on a day she didn't have her sexy panties on.

...and Satsuki had the nerve to call his school weird?

Satsuki looked around, surveying the destruction with a carefully neutral expression before turning back to her subordinate.

"Iori. Is there any particular reason this lab looks as though it was hit by a hurricane?"

The sewing club president's eye twitched.

"This would be the handiwork of the... project you have us working on. Which, by the way, has escaped."

"No." Ranma deadpanned.

"You are our only remaining option, Saotome!"


"Oy Filly, suck it up already and put on the damn skirt!"

"Stop CALLING me that!"


Ryuko's boosted speed was too fast even for someone as slippery as her current adversary to avoid. The blade found its mark, cutting through the fabric like it wasn't even there...

And the robes of her nearsighted opponent exploded.

The troll-like man stared up at the girl in front of him. Her hair done up in enormous golden ringlets, her outfit as frilly and sweet as a candy shop, and her smile the most perfect mask for the malice behind it he'd ever born witness too.

She also wasn't wearing any underwear.

...damn. She'd come prepared.