Okay. I've written some things on my profile, so I would rather direct you to read from there than to repeat everything, but I will still say the important stuff here.

I am no longer uploading stories to this site. I will be moving on to Archive of Our Own for any future releases (I have a link to it in my profile).

I understand that seeing this sort of chapter is probably disappointing. I'm ready for the pitchforks and torches hahah. But I feel like it's something I should do.

If any of you have read my erratic profile description updates in the past you may know that I suffer gravely from depression (among other things but those aren't relevant right now). It's difficult to find motivation to write, blah, blah, blah. Y'know, all of that jazz.

Lately though I've been wanting to write again, and I mean really write (WOW amazing, I know), and there's one favor I would like to ask from those of you who would choose to keep following me.

Continue to support me.

And I don't mean that you have to start talking to me or anything. I'm not asking for reviews on every chapter (not everyone has time for that. I sure as hell don't hahah). Although those things would be pleasant, because it feels a bit more personal, favorites have been quite a lifesaver for not giving up on certain fics (*cough cough* The Darkest Nights *hack cough*).

I couldn't ever bring myself to give up on that story because so many folks seemed to genuinely enjoy it. Although when looking back on its chapters they're kind of messy and worded weirdly, but despite its awkwardness you guys showed me there's still something to enjoy.

Anyways I'm kind of dragging this on more than I meant to. Give my profile a peek and consider staying on this bumpy path with me.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day~