The Funeral


Hogwarts the once great castle was in ruins, its majestic grounds scorched. Tree's were blasted apart, great seams had appeared in the earth. Entire sections of the castle were completely gone. The North Tower had it's top broken off. The gamekeepers cabin still shouldered in the distance, even the forbidden forest looked desolate. It seemed no part of Hogwarts was left untouched.

Harry Potter walked around with his friends, no he thought, his family, what was left of them. After what they had been through together they were all family, the Hogwarts teachers, students, the centaurs and residents of the forbidden forest all had joined together to defeat a foe that threatened them all. And they all shared a bond of grief.

All Harry could think about were how many had perished, he felt personally responsible for every family that had been torn apart. He was wracked with guilt constantly thinking of ways he could have saved everyone, it didn't help that people treated Harry as though he were a hero, if he were a real hero he'd have marched up to Voldemort ages ago and killed him, then destroyed the horcruxes. Less people would've died at least.

Ginny squeezed his hand, she knew what he was feeling and she couldn't bring herself to say anything that would make him feel better. Her own brother was among the dead, her family would never be the same. Ron didn't blame Harry, none of the Weasley's did, except for Ginny. She was horribly conflicted, she loved him so much, but also held him responsible for Fred's death.

Ron and Hermione walked close together heads down and hands intertwined. Hermione helped Ron cope with the immense grief, he was really bad at processing his emotions so she was the best thing for him. She supported him but didn't press him to talk. Ron had barely said a word since the battle had ended two days ago. The entire Weasley Family was still in a state of shock and disbelief.

Silently they made their way to edge of the forbidden forest, towards the crowd of mourning families saying their final goodbyes.

A large black and dark grey mausoleum had been erected in a freshly cleared section of the forbidden forest. It was beautiful, formed out of the Malaysian black maples that were growing in that spot. The tree roots still in the ground the wood and branches of the trees magically altered to make an enormous tomb. There was an inscription etched into the wood;

Here lie the brave-hearts that gave their lives, so the dark lord could not again rise:

Fred Weasley

Severus Snape

Colin Creevey

Lavender Brown

Nymphadora Tonks Lupin

Remus Lupin

Vincent Crabbe

Penny Sheerow

There was space left for more names as all the bodies were not found and their identities were unknown.


What remained of the Malfoy family sat in the middle of the crowd, they looked uncomfortably awkward, disgust masked the faces of those sitting nearest to them. Narcissa wanted people to know they were bullied into helping Voldemort and that in the end she lied to him and helped the Potter boy. No one seemed ready to accept them, but she knew the time would come. The Malfoy name would reclaim its glory. Draco didn't know how to feel, he had lost one of his best friends. He found himself looking back over the years they had spent together at Hogwarts. They were both children of death eaters, cruel fathers and meek mothers too afraid to say anything against their husbands, even when they became violent. Goyle never understood him like Crabbe.

Harry sat with the Weasley's several rows ahead of them sat Mrs. Tonks, in her arms little Teddy Lupin his hair purple his little arms waving around happily, at least he didn't understand what he had lost yet. Harry made a mental note to talk to Mrs. Tonks before she left, he was Teddy's godfather after all, and Teddy was going to need some family.

The service started harry found himself unable to listen and sunk his face into Ginny's hair, it wasn't a long service he heard them mention all those that died fighting for Voldemort and then it was over.

"There's refreshments set up near the gates, everyone will be leaving soon, do you wanna all with us Harry? Ginny?" Hermione inquired

Ginny detached herself from Harry and walked to Ron and Hermione,

"I'm going to speak to Mrs. Tonks, I'll catch up you guys go ahead." Said Harry, already walking towards the purple haired baby.