Harry Potter and the Broken Sword

Dear Harry,

I am so sorry about this mate. Dad just found out about Mom's and Ginny using your trust fund vault key to order love potions to use on you. Their Brilliant idea was to drug you with Love Potion, make you fall in love Ginny and leave all your wealth in hers and Mom's hands. Those two will not do this again, I swear on my magic. No one else is on their plan.

In other news, Dad had us all checked for potions and guess what? We had a loyalty potion keyed to the old goat. Bill had us all taken to Gringotts to have the potion removed from our system. In a couple of days, Bill and Charlie will be arriving at those Muggles to take you to Gringotts. To have you checked for potions and compulsions as well.

Hope you are doing well, Snuffles misses you.


Harry glanced down at the note again, his eyes widened slightly. Leaning against the battered headboard of the battered bed he is lounging on. Unable to leave the room for several reasons. One: the door is locked and dead-bolted from the outside. Two: It is raining cats and dogs and the Dursley's had locked him in because they didn't want him tracking in mud. Three: In a pique of rage from loosing his job at Grunnings, Vernon had used him as a punching bag. Two ribs were most likely fractured, his left leg is mangled and the head wound finally stopped bleeding.

Carefully lifting himself off the bed, Harry hobbled over to the window. Nailed so it could only be lifted halfway, allowing a Snowy Owl out. Taking the cup off of the sill, Harry stuck his hand out. As rain water filled the cup, he limped back over to the stand. Where Hedwig hooted in concern.

"I'm fine girl." He rubbed her head gently, filling her dish up with water. Her amber gaze stared at him reproachfully. Limping back over to the bed, he settled down. A couple weeks ago, someone had sent him a package. It had been a life-saver. In it is unbreakable phials of potions. Nutritional potions, which helped him gain some weight even with the little bit of food he got.

Leaning back, he heard a hoot. Then the big golden Barn owl floated through the window to land on his uninjured knee. Noting the shrunken box, Harry thought he saw a look of alarm in the owl's golden gaze. Tapping his wand against the box, it un-shrunk. Opening it, he stared down at the wide array of phials. The familiar scrawl of Hogwart's most snarky potions master handwriting. "Pain reliever" "Skelo-grow" "Calcium Supplement" "Nutritional Supplement" "Essence of Murtlap"

Noting there is also books. Books on helpful hints on Potions, Occulmency, Transfiguration, and one big tome. That had swirls and squiggles, until he looked closer. The swirls and squiggles became "The Ultimate Parselmagic" Seeing a note, he scooped it up.


There is a reason why I am sending you all these potions and books. The link between you and the Dark Lord works both ways. He knows. He knows that those filthy Muggles have been abusing you since you were old enough. Of course there is many of us who would not believe it, the memories you two share, they can not be faked in such intensity. I will have my son stop harassing you, Weasley and Granger.

The Dark Lord has asked us all to keep an eye out on you. It is not normal for the Dark Lord to be protective of the boy who is destined to kill him. But that is our orders. So in a couple of days, a couple of us will be arriving. The wards that Dumbledore put up will only keep us out if we are coming to do harm.

Sincerely yours,

Lord Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.

Harry stared down at the letter, his eyes widened slightly. As the owl hooted, lightly nuzzled him before flying out the window. As he hesitantly reached for the first phial of skelo-grow, that would help him with his ribs and legs.

Uncorking it, he inhaled the bitter fumes. Tossing it back, he quickly lost conscious as the potion began working on healing the damaged leg and ribs.

Malfoy Manor

The huge golden barn owl flapped through the window, glided across the library. Landing on Lucius Malfoy's shoulder. It let out a hoot into the man's ear. Lucius glanced up from the book. Noting the specks of blood in the owl's normally neat feathers, plus several strands of black hair.

Lucius got to his feet, taking the small scrying mirror off Octivas leg. Laying it down, he glanced in the mirror. His molten mercury gaze widened at the scene. A very badly beaten and broken Potter lying in a pool of his own blood. His lips thinned slightly. Stalking from his office, he reached the section that the Dark Lord had taken up as his own section.

Knocking on the office door, he heard "enter." Walking in, head held high, his shoulders thrown back. Lucius set the scrying mirror down on the desk before the Dark Lord. Due to a very ancient and deadly ritual, the Dark Lord had regained his body, no longer a wraith. The ritual suggested by Severus, had been studied and knew it would work. However the ritual suggested by the slippery and sniveling Pettigrew would of left their master in a body of an abombination.

Dressed in crisp and expensive robes, the Dark Lord glanced up and hissed in his sibilant voice "yessss Luciussss?" Gesturing to the mirror. The dark lord glanced down and hit replay. Noting the corners of his eyes creasing and his lips thinned, Lucius knew that the Dark Lord did not like what he was seeing. Molten red eyes snapped up to spear him. The Dark Lord hissed softly, menacingly and furiously "You, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Severus and Grayback go collect Potter. Bring him to me unharmed. Bring the Muggles."

Lucius nodded gracefully, before he went to collect the ones the Dark Lord said. Finding the brothers in the dueling room. Two sets of brown eyes turned towards him. "Our master has a job for us. Come."

Moving towards the library, where he knew Severus would be at. Collecting the Potions Master, then finding the werewolf. Explaining to them what their mission was, he noted the unhappy scowl on Severus' face. Slapping the scrying mirror into the scowling man's hands, Lucius snarled "before you open your mouth, just watch." Noting cocked eyebrows from the brothers.

Once Severus got done watching, the scowl had deepened. But not at the boy, but the treatment.

Disapparating out of Malfoy manor then reappearing at the edge of the wards that protected the Potter boy. Spelling their robes into Muggle clothing, high-end, but Muggle clothes none-the-less. Lucius turned towards the others behind him. "Let me do the talking, if the woman recognizes you Severus.." Severus huffed at that, folding long lean arms over his chest as he scowled. Then Lucius turned towards the yellow eyed man pacing, nose twitching.

"And you Grayback..." He paused to pin the werewolf with an icy look, "...You will be on your best behavior. Leave the Muggles alone, their deaths will be at our lord's hands." Grayback grumbled softly but nodded his agreement. Lucius turned towards the two brothers, noting in their brown eyes, calm agreement.

As they walked up the driveway towards the front door of the utterly Muggle house. Lucius' sharp gaze noted the bars over a set of windows, only one window had it.

Knocking on the door, firmly, authoritatively. Moments the door opened to reveal a whale-like teen. "What?" The boy snapped angrily. Lucius lifted one eyebrow. If Draco had ever spoken like this.. well let's just say that the consequences wouldn't be pretty. "Are your parents home?" The boy turned away and bellowed "Mum. Dad, there is some people at the door."

Lucius heard Rodolphus murmur softly under his breath. Then Severus' gaze moved to the top of the stairs, when heavy footsteps sounded. The pig-like man grunted "yes?" "Are you Vernon Dursley?" The man nodded briefly. Lucius stepped inside, ignoring the Muggles protest. "This is about your nephew." The Muggle snarled "Are you one of those freaks?" Lucius turned slightly, settling his wand in his grip. "I would suggest Dursley, you keep a civil tongue. Less you lose it. And yes we are Wizards. It has come to our attention that you have abused your nephew."

"It's nothing less than what he deserves!" Sensing the angry Potions Master behind him stiffen, Lucius barked out "Severus." The Potions master huffed again, then muttered "fine, I'll go collect Po-Harry." Severus left, heading up the stairs.

Stalking up the steps, muttering under his breath, Severus glanced down the hall. A typical ordinary Muggle hall. The only exception was one door that had rows of locks, on the outside. His interest piqued, he walked over and cast the Alohomora spell. As the locks disengaged, he pulled the door open. Then immediately had to cast a bubble-head charm. The room stank of old feces, sweat, blood and urine.

Glancing around the room, it is barely adequate for a person to live in. His gaze fell on the bed and he blanched. Lying an old pool of blood, looking like Death warmed over, Harry Potter stirred slightly. Rushing over to the bed, Severus immediately unshrunk the medical bag full of potions. Working on the obviously battered form, he didn't realize that he wasn't alone, until hands came into view to help lift the broken frame of Harry upwards. So he could remove the shirt to see the extent of the damage.