When we arrived were the others were at, Ms. Hungary was on a small stage, singing with a weird metal stick towards her mouth and a big magical box right next to her, everyone sat in metal chairs, seemed to be listing. It was nice hearing her sing again, it reminds me of times were she, Italia, and I used to sat down and sing songs, when Italia didn't have to clean the house. A nation soon noticed brother, Italia, and Mr. America, followed by everyone else. Ms. Hungary immediately stopped and went to greet them and offered Italia a chance to sing, which Italia happily areegred. She then handed him the stick and he went up on the stage and stared to sing.

Italia was still good as he always been, though it kind of felt strange, hearing Italia's adult voice. It appeared that I wasn't the only one that thought Italia sung well, when he finished, everyone clapped their hands and cheered Italia. Italia happily thank them and then gave the stick to Mr. America.

Mr. America soon gotten up on the stage and sang. Mr. America still couldn't sing from the time we were at that training area, though this time, his voice was amplified, thanks to that stick. As I put my hands towards my hands trying to shield my ears from the horrid singing, I notice almost everyone else doing the same thing I was, except for older brother who was cheering him. Just then, Mr. England went on the stage, yelling at Mr. America and went for the stick. Mr. America put up a struggle before Mr. England gain the upper hand and took the stick away from him. Mr. England then gave the stick to younger brother.

Soon Italia somehow manage to talk younger brother in to singing, though he was at first against it. To mine and everyone's surprised younger brother was a really good singer, though I could tell he was trying his hardest to hide an embarrassed expression. As soon as finished, Italia wanted sing again, but this time he wanted his brothers to sing with him. Segorga appearing to be just as eager as Italia was to sing, while Romano was reluctant to sing with him, but eventually Italia and Seborga somehow managed to talk him into it.

After they sang for a while, Italia unfortunately gave the stick to older brother, who was only too happy to get. just as older brother was about to sing, I quickly put hands on my ears again, noticing some of the other nations was doing the same thing I was doing, and dreading for the inevitable to happen. Older brother was always a really terrible singer, though he always said that he was awesome at it and now he has that magical stick with him. At that moment, older brother proved his singing had not improved over the centuries, in fact it actually gotten worse.

As I held my ears in pain, I notice Mr. Austria was wearing an expression on his face, looking like he was wanting to kill him, Mr. Switzerland actually pulled out his riffle and aiming it at him, only to be stopped by Ms. Liechtenstein, while Mr. America was cheering him. Soon Ms. Hungary saved all our poor ears from any more torment, by hitting older brother on the head with her frying pan, knocking him out cold. "Thank you Ms. Hungary! Thank you!" I thought to myself, while I was recovering from the torture.

Younger brother then grabbed older brother and lied him down on the grass. The stick then went to several other nations, including Mr. China and Mr. England at one point; thankfully their singing was nice to listen to, until older brother woken up with a headache and everyone went off and did their own things, while I went with older brother and Italia, having fun and getting to know several other friends of theirs.

After a while, I noticed several nations were leaving. As more time gone by, more nations left, until there were a small handful of left. While Italia and older brother was talking with some of the few nation who stayed behind, I begin to feel a little home sick for the spirit world. "What would Italia and older brother say, about me wanting to leave? Would they tried to stop me or would they let me go?" I wondered.

Suddenly, Italia asked "Are you okay, Roma? Aren't you having a good time?" bring me out of my thoughts.

I soon answered him with "Yes, I 'am, but" I paused with a smile before it vanish as I continued. "I 'am just feeling a little home sick"

"Home sick?"

"For the spirit world"

"Ve, you're not thinking about leaving again are you?"

I node in sadness. "Italy, I like getting to see you and brother again and getting known of your friends, but I also miss speaking to the other fallen nations as well. I can't keep talking to you and brother"

"You're going to coming back, right?"

I node again, in reassurance. "Now I know where to find you, I can visit you at any time"

"You promise?"

"Yes and this time I fully intend on keeping it" I answered with full certainty in my voice. Just then, Italia rushed towards my body and tried to hug me, but it ended up going right through me instead.

"You better, Roma!" Italia said in such a stern tone that it startled me a little.

"Italy, would it be alright if we could still be friends?" I asked, as Italia was still had his arms through me.

"Si!" Italia answered in a more cheerful tone.

As Italia let go, I asked "Can I still call you Italia?"

"Si!" Italia said with a bright smile, which caused me to do the same, but also with moisten eyes.

Suddenly, someone spoke up "So, you're going to unawesomely leaving without saying good-bye to your awesome older brother first, are you?" We both look and saw older brother standing behind Italia with his usual grin on his face.

"No, I was going to tell you, after I finished speaking to Italia" I said.

Older brother walked towards me and said "Keeseses! Be Awesome and come back little brother, things are way more awesome with you around!"

"Thank you, brother"

"Hey, Roma! I got something for you to take with you and you give to everybody in the spirit world! Ve, be right back!" Italia then ran off to somewhere for a bit before coming back with a tiny clear ruck sack with some brown cookies inside and handed it to me.

"Thank you" I said, as took the ruck sack. "Maybe the next time come I could bring Mr. Roman Empire with me?"

"Ve, Really? That will awesome Roma! Me and Romano will be so happy! Well I guess this is good-bye, Roma?" Italia asked, as tears stared to well from his eyes.

I soon gave him a smile before answering "Yes it is Italia, for now. I see you guys later" As I slowly walked away I heard, brother and Italy bidding me farewell.

"See'ya awesome bro!"

"Bye Roma! Come back at any time! I'll be waiting!"

I soon turn back at them one last time and waved, before I left with tears starting to form in my eyes. It's strange how so much can change from several centuries to just a few weeks and still there be things that stayed the same. I have learn a lot over these past few weeks, about this new world, it's customs, and its memorable nations. Italia changed so much over the centuries that he's not the same kid that I know in the past, he's stronger, not much of physically, but emotionality. I take comfort in the knowledge that Italia can take care of himself and if he couldn't, I know he is in good hands. I'll come back one day, you can count on that! Until then, Italia, keep up the good work!

As I was sure I was out sight, push myself back into the spirit world.

Author's note: Finally, this fan fic is over. Well, it was great while it lasted. I already ready post a new fic called "Through Theses Tearful Eyes" where it centers on a young Germany being found by Prussia in the woods. I was originally planning on adding in some dialogue where Prussia briefly mentions it, but I either forgot to add it in or I could think of a way to add it in. One of these days I 'am probably going to try and put that in, but now that's what I have. Also I have another fic that was supposed to be a part of Through These Tearful Eyes" called "I Should Have Been There!" but couldn't figure out how to put that in the story, so its own short story too, but they both are kind of connected to this one as well.

Anyways thanks for reading! (3