KrissyKat91: I was looking at pictures of Orko on DeviantART and got inspired. The little guy needs more love. I only have three or four chapters planned for this, so it shouldn't take to long.

Ch. 1: The Bazaar

Adam sighed tiredly as he wondered through the Eternos marketplace.

He was, once again, hiding from Teela. He wasn't lazy, no matter what she and his father, King Randor, seemed to think. It was just that Skeletor had been attacking Castle Grayskull almost every day for the past two weeks, and He-Man, Adam's alter ego, had been needed every time. Not that he could tell them that.

Well, Grayskull may have needed He-Man, but Adam needed a break. Duncan had understood, and had promised to steer his daughter in the wrong direction.

So here he was, in the one place he could think of that Teela might not think of. As he meandered down the street, he passed a booth selling trinkets from some of the more rural villages.

In another world, Adam would have walked on by, never sparing the booth a glance, never knowing what he would have found, and life on Eternia would have continued just as it always had. In this world, however, the sun chose that moment to shine in just the right way to cause one of the objects to glow brightly.

The red light caught Adam's attention, prompting him to glance down as he walked past. Seconds later he stopped dead in his tracks, swiftly backtracked, and stared in disbelief.

A memory rose up as he gazed at the object, a memory of black fear, purple danger, and crimson salvation, a memory of spectral power pulling him out of harms reach.

Shaking himself, Adam called, "Excuse me, sir?"

Turning from where he'd been rummaging through a trunk, the merchant replied, "Yes? What can I do for—Oh! Prince Adam!"

"Where did you get this?" said prince asked, holding the item up.

"A friend of mine found it in the stomach of a dead Swamp Hopper six years ago. Not a mark on it," the man responded dutifully, looking somewhat awed at the fact that he was having a conversation with the Crown Prince of Eternia.

"How much?" Adam immediately asked.

The older man's eyes bugged out a bit, but he said, "W-well, normally I'd ask for forty silver pieces, since all the components are of high quality, but for you, Your Highness, I'll say ten."

Adam frowned. "I don't want to be treated better than anyone else just 'cause I'm the prince," he said, pulling six gold coins from a bag on his belt. "I'll pay full price, and keep the change."

The merchant tried to protest, but quieted when the teen held up a hand.

"If this is what I think it is," he murmured, "then it's worth more than I could ever pay." So saying, he tucked his purchase into his vest and started jogging back towards the palace, bidding the bewildered merchant a good afternoon over his shoulder.

"Hey, Orko!"



Adam cringed as the flowerpot the Trollan had been fiddling with exploded, spreading purple smoke and multicolored bubbles throughout the courtyard.

"Sorry, buddy," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"It's okay," Orko sighed, gazing mournfully at the mess around him. "At least I didn't destroy anything important this time. Did you need something?"

Grinning slightly, Adam rocked back on his heels and said, "I went into town today and got you a present."

Orko's eyes lit up. "Really? What is it?"

Adam laughed. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."

The little mage did so, and Adam removed the object he had purchased earlier from his vest. Taking a deep breath, he placed it in Orko's outstretched hands.

Immediately, the magician gasped and went rigid. Eyes flying open, he stared at the gift in clear disbelief.

There, in his hands, as if it had never left, was his wand.

"Ad-Adam," he croaked, shock having stolen the air from his lungs, "how did you—?! Where did you—?!"

Feeling quite pleased with himself, the blonde leaned back again and closed his eyes as he replied, "Someone was trying to sell it at the bazaar in town. It was sheer dumb luck that I stumbled over it when I did."

He cracked one eye open to see Orko's reaction, only to straighten up in alarm. The Trollan was gripping his wand so tightly his knuckles had turned white. His head was lowered, the brim of his hat obscuring his eyes, and his shoulders were shaking.

"Orko?" Adam asked in concern, reaching for his friend. The next thing he knew, his arms were full of laughing, crying Trollan.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Adam just smiled and hugged him back.