
Test Of Courage

Chapter One: A taste of evil

Serenity's POV

Earth, a world that was once balanced when the King of our people lived. A day felt like an eternity of peace and comfort, well, that's what the elderly say. They claim that I'm somewhat different to the other children... maybe that's why I can't play with them. Not that its bothered me, I've been completely fine on my own along with the elders who never seem to stop talking about a certain man or entity... like he was someone important. School was a no for me, shopping was a no. Everything was a no. Whatever it is that they see in me, whatever they feel in me, must all be a lie. I'm not different to the others in anyway possible... am I?

"Run serenity!", I heard from behind as I walked passively in the brown marbled hallway towards the other end which was beyond close. I turned around and stared at the old woman who raised me from birth with my piercing blue eyes that could see it all...

"what's going on?", I asked in complete fear and shock as I saw images of goblins invade my mind. Like what happened two years ago... when...

"just run!", she screamed and grasped onto my hand as she passed and began to drag me roughly through the marble hallway, away from whatever she was running away from. Suddenly, a shadow of whatever it was that induced the fear into her suddenly emerged from the very edge of my eyesight. Its hideous sharp spines and battle axe in hand flooded my entire body in fear and I felt my blood run as cold as ice, making me go pale from pure terror... I struggled free from Mercy's grasp and ran with her towards the set of double wooden doors at the end of the hallway that had four torches lit up from each side. The king's room.

"where do you think you're going?!", I heard from behind and I dared never to look. My sanity might leave me for good if I ever did. The voice was more than enough to send chills down my spine and on the top of that, my heart felt like it wanted to leave my ribcage and splatter against a wall, painting it in crimson. All our hope lies behind those doors and I ran faster despite the odds where against me in almost every aspect. Pumping heart, crystal beads dripping from my forehead and my steps becoming heavier and heavier with every step I took as if a large stone was being attached to my legs. Mercy took note of my exhaustion and dug deep into her right pocket with a white bandaged arm and pulled out a whistle. I smiled and admired her strength and stamina despite her old age in the late hundreds. With one final step, I collapsed in a heap as the whistle blew off and in the corner of my eye I witnessed the most brutal thing imaginable as my body was being dragged away by whatever monstrosity scared mercy away. The doors burst open to reveal two men in golden shining armour with a silver sword and a golden shield in hand. The emblem was a dragon with a sword in its mouth... the kings royal guards...

"your too late!", the creature screeched at an ear-splitting pitch and brought the men down to their knees as their armour rustled loudly. Then finally, they dropped dead after an arrow whizzed by and shot them both point blank in between their helmets. My eyes widened in complete fear and I formed a tear in sniffed as their blood pooled from under them, reflecting the room and their very souls...

"aaaahhhhh!", I heard mercy scream from my left... her arms where torn off by the hands of a green goblin in black and grey spiky armour that resembled... Charcoal's men!

"good riddance", I head from behind me in a spine chilling tone before my vision blacked out... The last thing I ever heard was the damned screams of my friend... no, my only family... I felt her blood drip onto me despite my lack of vision and I just barely heard her final words in a whisper as if it was in my mind.

"Your not the ordinary"... Suddenly, all of my senses disappeared into nothing but the shameful death of my only family who raised me from birth and my death... but I knew I wasn't dead. No, not yet...