New Story!

I hope you enjoy! I don't own Once upon a time or any characters mentioned- although I wish I did :D

Remember: It takes hours to make, minutes to read, and seconds to review. Please review.

Chapter 1

"Put your filthy hands on my ass again and I'll break it!"

Killian stopped mid drink and turned to see one of the bar's waitresses twisting the arm of a man who looked roughly twice her size. He watched in amusement as she forced him off his seat and and leaned up to whisper something into the man's ear, hiking his arm up higher and causing the man to gasp. The man's eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. The blonde waitress released him and he scrambled out of the bar.

"What are you looking at?" The girl snapped at the onlookers. "You want some too?" The men quickly busied themselves back to drinking their alcohol. Ooh, she's a tough lass, he thought smirking. He took a swig as she walked away and he couldn't help but admire the way she held her head up high, as if she were royalty.

Killian put down his drink to get a better look at her as she passed by him. She had no name tag on her, but could tell she was probably around eighteen, her blonde hair tied up in a sloppy bun, tee shirt hugging her every curve dipping down to show some cleavage, and a short skirt revealed long toned legs. But what surprised him the most were her eyes. Her deep green eyes exposed she someone who was hurt, broken, and abandoned. Like him. What could have possibly happened to hurt someone so young?

"Hey sweetheart," a man with a heavy mustache next to him beckoned her over. The blonde stopped and plastered a fake smile at him.

"What can I get you?" The man grinned and grabbed her wrist.

"How about you for the night?" She immediately recoiled and snatched her hand back, disgust written all over her face.

"Yeah, not going to happen. Now if you don't want anything, I have to get back to work." She turned to leave, but the man grabbed her again.

"I'll pay very nicely if you're good." The girl twisted in his grasp.

"I don't want your disgusting money! Lemme go!" He pulled her closer.

"Aww, no need to be shy. What'd ya say?"


Killian slammed his cup down, hearing enough. He got up and pulled the blonde away from the creep, shoving her behind him as she squeaked in surprise.

"You heard the lady, she said no. It's bad form not to listen." The mustached man sneered.

"That's what all whores say. They say no, but they actually want it, don't you babe?" She pushed him aside, her face a shade of red, and Killian almost felt bad for the that poor soul. Her fist came fast, hitting him straight in the jaw and the man crumpled to the floor. Impressive.


"I don't know about you, love, but I could think of worse things to call scum like him," he said shaking his head at the man. She frowned.

"No, I was talking about you." He turned to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Excuse me?" She crossed her arms.

"I can take care of myself. You didn't have to butt in and play hero." His lips turned upwards a little at her fiery attitude. It was actually kind of cute.

"A simple thank you would suffice." She scrunched up her face and sighed.

"Ugh...I guess. Th-"

"Swan!" They both turned to see the bar's owner, a short bearded, very angry looking man coming toward them. She stepped back.

"..shit." She stood in front of the man lying on the floor, trying to hide him. "Grumpy, er..Leroy! What are you doing out here?" She smiled wide.

"Cut the crap, Swan. I heard you were causing trouble..again! How many guys did you knock out today?" Killian tilted his head at her oddly amused.

"You beat men up on a daily basis?" She glared at him before turning back to Leroy.

"I didn't have choice! He was all over me." She gave him a sideways glance. "Help me out here," she whispered.

"Lass is right," he found himself quickly defending her, "Tried to force himself on her after she said no. Bad form indeed." Leroy sighed and ran a hand through his face.

"Swan, you know how much I care about you, taking you in after your parents left," he saw her stiffen. "I'll let it slide today, but no more! I can't keep losing customers." She looked down.

"Sorry, it won't happen again."

"I'll be watching," he warned, "now get out there. You got people to serve." She nodded and began to walk away, but turned to look back at Killian. He gave her a reassuring smile and she gave a small one in return. Swan, huh? He thought as he sat back down, quite the lovely name.

Killian sat there until the bar was about to close. All of the customers and most of the staff had already left.

"Lock all the doors when you're done," he heard Leroy instruct to the blonde.

"I know," she dragged out the word, "I've done it, like a million times." Leroy 'humphed' and walked out the door, completely ignoring that he was still sitting there. As she wiped the counters, he walked up to her.

"So, Swan," he drawled out behind her. She jumped and turned around holding up the rag as a weapon. "Ease up lass, its only me." She huffed putting the rag down.

"What are you still doing here? We're closed..." She suddenly paled. "Please don't tell me you need a place to stay. I can't. I once let a hobo stay here and he stole nearly everything we had. Leroy chewed me out good. Sorry." Killian stared at her. And for the first time since Milah died, he laughed. She stood confused as he leaned against the table for support. How could a girl he just met make him feel like this already?

"You're bloody amazing, you know that?" He said once he regained his breath. She stared at him. "No love, I only wanted to know what your name was." She narrowed her eyes as she decided whether or not to.

"Emma. Emma Swan," she finally said. He took her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles.

"Killian Jones." She quickly withdrew her hand as if she had just touched fire.

"Who even does that anymore?" She asked clutching her hands against her chest.

"A gentleman."

"Oh, so now you're a gentleman?" She scoffed. He smirked.

"I'm always a gentleman. I saved you didn't I?" Emma rolled her eyes.

"About that, I still owe you a thank you," she said. He scratched the back of his ear, a habit of his.

"Um...perhaps some gratitude is in order now," he said tapping his lips and grinning up at her. The action surprised him as much it did to her. He hadn't flirted in a long time, but something about Emma just made it so easy to do so, that he couldn't help himself. She hooked his arm and led him to the door.

"Good bye, Jones," she said opening it for him, her eyes now shining with hidden laughter.

"Good night, Swan," he nodded at her, still grinning. "Maybe next time..?" He bit his lip. She shook her head, smiling.

"In your dreams." He certainly hoped so.
