A/N: Hey peeps! Thanks for checking out my fic. This idea has kind of been floating around in my head for a while. After reading so many fanfictions, I took a few ideas from some of my favorite fics and made them my own. This is the result. I was hesitant to write it because I haven't really had the motivation or time to do it, as my last Divergent fic hasn't really been appreciated. Of course that one wasn't a giant lemon like this story is.

This story takes place between chapters 3 and 4 of Insurgent in the night before the first breakfast in Amity. Hope you like it! Please Review so I know people actually read my stuff!


His hot breath creeps down my neck. His hands glide down to my hips. His body heat warms my cold skin. These sensations overwhelm me, but I don't push him away. One of his hands slip past the waistband of my jeans, down into the depths of the unknown, or at least, to what is unknown to him. Wetness coats my entrance. He slides a finger into me and….

I awaken in a state of confusion. What the crap was that? Was I just dreaming about, as Christina would say, "getting it on" with Tobias? Holy shit, I was! The thought of our bare bodies joined together makes me shudder, although I don't think it's because I'm scared, but I'm not quite sure what else it could be. Maybe it is because of fear… maybe its because it grosses me out… maybe its because of how painful I think it will be… maybe its because I'll regret it later on… or…. it may be because of the one thing I never thought I'd have….. desire. The desire for him.

I roll on my side and look at the blinking clock next to me. Damn, its friggin' 1:00 A.M. He's probably dead asleep right now, dreaming about who knows what. I roll onto my back and stare into the darkness. My hunger for him has wiped out my need for sleep. I need some kind of release to satisfy my passionate craving. What can I do? Then it dawns on me. However, it would go against everything I've been taught as a child in Abnegation. but I'm not just Abnegation; I'm also Erudite and Dauntless. I don't have to abide by the virtues of Abnegation anymore. I can be selfish now.

Although the idea of "touching myself" weirds me out, I decide to give it a go, as it is the only thing I know that will provide me the relief I need. I peel off my clothes, not caring where they land as I toss them away. I then slowly place my left hand over my heat, and my right hand grasps my breast. I close my eyes and imagine that it is Tobias's strong hands on me, instead of my own delicate ones. I lightly run my right hand around my breast, avoiding the nipple, to tease myself a bit. A single finger glides over my taught bud, and the thought of this finger belonging to Tobias, makes me shiver with delight. I then let my right hand fall away and I begin to focus on the spot where my left hand lays. I rub my whole groin with my tiny hand before barely fitting a finger into my slit. I don't go all the way in. Instead, my finger lightly circles the sensitive button between my folds. Again, I'm teasing myself, so hopefully my release will be great. After a short time, the tease becomes too much, so I take another finger, and when my mind pictures Tobias's fingers the sensitive bud, I gasp,"Oh, Tobias." The sensation is overwhelming. I feel a wetness begin to form. I then become desperate, and rub my bud vigorously. I feel something powerful build up within me. Visualizing Tobias bringing me this pleasure, I can't help but continuously let his name leave my lips. As I begin to reach my high point, I start screaming,"Ahhh….. Tobias… Ahhh." Before I reach my highest point, I hear my door open. "Tris?"