She didn't know how much longer that she could actually handle standing. Collapsing onto the couch, Tiana closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Even after a long day of working at her restaurant, she couldn't imagine actually going to sleep.

At least, Tiana thought, sighing again, this couch is comfortable, and I actually have time to fall asleep.

Back when she hadn't owned her restaurant, sleep was a rare gift. If she actually managed to get home in time to sleep, she had to be lucky enough to sleep like a log from the moment that she closed her eyes, lest she still be tired the next day.

Work, however, wouldn't be starting for a good half a day.

Her eyes still shut, she listened to the sounds around her. A bit of the wood in the house creaked, and outside she could hear crickets chirping, the normal stuff. There was one other sound though, one that she wasn't used to - footsteps.

Tiana opened her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Tiana," a familiar voice responded. "It's just me."

Tiana's eyes began to adjust to the dark. "Oh, Charlotte, it's you. You had me worried for a moment." She rubbed her eyes with her hands. "What are you doing up?"

Charlotte had taken her own job at the restaurant, though she tended to leave earlier than Tiana did. She mainly dealt with advertising and designing the layout of Tiana's Palace.

"Oh, I was just having some trouble sleeping. I can't put my finger on why, so I just decided to get up and see if you had made it home yet." She smiled, the only real facial feature that Tiana could make out in the dark. "Are you feeling okay, Tia?"

"I'm just tired too. Who knew the work day could drag on for so long?" She closed her eyes again. "It's nice to have my dream, but it can get tiring sometimes."

"Oh, please don't say that!"

Tiana opened her eyes. "Why?"

Charlotte stepped forward, moonlight drifting over her white nightgown. "You worked so hard to get it, and you should be so proud of yourself. Imagine if you didn't get to say that and never got your restaurant."

Tiana gave a quick chuckle. "Well, when you mention it like that..."

"Mind if I help you feel a little better?"

Tiana nodded. "That would be wonderful, Lottie."

Charlotte flexed her fingers, and then got straight to work. Her foot massages were the best that Tiana had ever had, especially now that she actually had the money to pay people to do them for her. Those she had hired in the past, however, had never been able to compare to Charlotte, who never would have asked for a penny from Tiana.

"How did you get so good at this?"

"I took classes when I was younger. My Daddy would get tired from working all day, and I wanted to make him feel better. I'm glad that these can help you, too."

Her whole day had been spent on her feet, from going from customer to customer and then back to her kitchen. Her legs had ached by the end of the day with even more business than usual.

"This is wonderful." Tiana yawned.

"I'm glad that I can help you, sweetie."

Tiana closed her eyes again.

"Hey, Tia?"


"I love you."

Tiana smiled. "I love you more."

Sleep that night came easier than usual for her.