A/N: So. Elsa is in Storybrooke. Since we have no idea how her character will be played please be easy on how I choose to portray her. I will take some traits from Frozen however in the Hans Christian Anderson tale she was very evil and I want to use that as well. I have a feeling that she and Regina are going to get along very well in season 4 and I've already developed several headcanons about their two characters interacting with each other. Also, I am ignoring anything that has to do with Outlaw Queen. I don't ship it but I can't deal with the emotions of Regina being that hurt again so I'm going to pretend that Outlaw Queen never happened.

I do plan for my chapters to be longer but I thought that this would be a good place to start. ~

Chapter 1

She did not know where she was. She did not know the year. She did not know the day.

This did not deter her.

The blonde walked out of the barn as if nothing had happened to her. As if she had not been stuck in that bottle for hundreds of years. At the moment all that mattered to her was that she had her freedom and she was going to figure out where in the world she was.

The sky was dark. Apparently it was night in this land. The air was quiet, she heard nothing but the sound of her own breath. Glancing around she saw a forest and a house. The blonde woman made her way to the house, every step making the blades of grass become small icicles.

As she grasped the metal doorknob it instantly froze. A sigh escaped soft lips and she used her powers to open the door. Having been locked away for so long her powers were a little rusty and acting up on their own, causing the door to be blown to bits when all she wanted was for the door to open.

A scowl was etched onto her face and the witch made her way into the house. It was quaint. Its size was different from what she was used to but it was better than being stuck inside of that bottle. She did a quick sweep of the house. Empty. Thankful to have some privacy, be it in someone else's home, the woman sat down at the wooden table and grabbed a green apple from the fruit bowl in front of her.

Ice shot out of the outstretched hand, the desired apple frozen to its core. The blue clad woman glared at the fruit as if it was its fault and reluctantly put her gloves back on. With her white gloves securely on both of her hands, she grabbed another green apple and bit into it. A soft moan escaped her lips. She had not eaten for who knows how long and the sweet and sour tastes of the apple were absolutely delicious.

Taking a moment, the woman looked around the room she was in. There were a lot of things in this house that she had never seen before. This caused her to believe that either things that changed dramatically in her land or that she was no longer in her kingdom.

She needed to find out where she was. With that thought, the witch stood up and began walking to the door. A frosted yawn escaped her lips and she thought better about going out to explore. During her time in the bottle there had been no rest. Not a moment where she was able to sleep. She figured that it had something to do with whatever spell had been cast to seal her in.

The frosted woman found a bed fairly quickly and laid down without changing. The bed was not as comfortable as she remembered beds to be, but she decided that it would have to do for now.

Her eyes fluttered shut before she realized that her hands were still clad in white gloves. In this land, where she was a stranger, she knew that she needed some sort of defense, especially if she were to be attacked suddenly while she slept. She gently peeled off her gloves and let them rest on the bedside table. She let her eyes close again and took in a deep breath before letting herself succumb to sleep, while little snowflakes emerged from her fingertips.

Regina Mills tried to muster a smile when Charming announced the name of their son but she could not. She knew she should be happy with the recent events. Mainly because Emma had decided to stay in Storybrooke which meant that she could see Henry when she wanted. However there was a pain in her newly acquired heart that left her unhappy.

All around her people were laughing, smiling, or talking while she sat by herself at the counter of Granny's Diner, nursing a cup of strong, black coffee.

She knew that Emma, Henry, and the Charmings would welcome her into their booth but it looked too crowded for her liking.

Starring into her cup of coffee she began to ponder what it was that was making her feel unhappy. Loud noises brought her out of her thoughts and made her look up. Her gaze was in line with the Charming table and saw that Hook and Emma had kissed. The raven haired woman blinked a couple of times, unsure of what she had seen. Next she saw Snow White and Charming sitting close together with Neal, then Robin Hood being reunited with his love, and as she looked around the diner she saw countless others with their significant others or their families. The confusion left her face and was replaced with frustration. Everyone had someone.

Regina stood up to try and make small talk with Henry but she stopped herself halfway there. He was smiling and enjoying himself, she did not want to interrupt because she was feeling lonely.

She eyed the other patrons of the diner carefully and when she knew that no one would notice her leave she walked out of the door, the little bell not being heard over the chatter.

A slight chill picked at Regina's exposed skin as she exited the diner. She ignored the cold feeling and began walking aimlessly throughout her town.

While the entire ordeal with Zelena had been tiresome and demanding, both physically and mentally, for Regina she could not help but wonder about her. Her half sister. As far as Regina knew, Zelena had been her last blood relative. Regina had not felt anything towards her except for hatred because of what Zelena planned to do, but now with the impending doom gone Regina was able to think about her sister differently.

Zelena may have tried to erase her very existence but now, in the aftermath, Regina saw that Zelena and she had so much in common. It made Regina wonder if perhaps they could have become friends. Maybe she could have had a family.

She shook her head of those thoughts. Zelena was dead now. There was no use in letting her thoughts pursue the endless possibilities she could have had with her sister. And yet despite bringing herself to the conclusion that not thinking of the red head, Regina found herself walking towards Zelena's farmhouse.

Trying to think about anything but Zelena was not working for Regina. Halfway to her sister's home she began replaying the events she had seen on the television in the Sheriff's office. She still did not understand why Zelena would kill herself. Well, yes she understood why one might want to do such a thing but when she had spoken to her sister she believed that she had gotten through to her.

'Something's not right … no, something else must have happened,' Regina thought to herself and tried to think of anything that had been out of the ordinary. 'Well the recording did not work properly at first but it's not like the Sheriff's department had a large budget to buy new technology. Was Rumpelstiltskin acting strangely? It is so hard to tell with that man,' her thoughts stopped there as the temperature dropped dramatically.

Regina pulled her jacket closer to her body and kept moving towards the farmhouse. The Mayor shivered before casting a heating charm on herself, her muscles visibly relaxing once she could no longer feel the cold. A frown appeared on Regina's face. Temperatures did not fluctuate like this. No, there was something else going on.

'Miss Swan if you brought something back …,' Regina threatened the blonde in her mind as she quickened her pace to get to where the portal had been.

As she approached the property the cold became worse. Regina could tell because it was slowly taking apart her heating charm. A crunch made the black haired woman look down at the grass. The usually green grass was replaced with white.

A slight head tilt showed the woman's curiousity as she bent down to touch the white ground. She was surprised to discover that it felt like ice. She was near the barn but the trail of ice on the ground now held her attention. Regina followed the trail all the way to the house and was surprised to see there was no door.

She slowly and carefully walked into the house that she had been in once before. Regina recast her heating charm, as it was now freezing in the immediate area, and she continued to follow the trail of ice.

Regina paused when she saw a white apple. She gingerly picked it up and held it close for inspection. She knew it was an apple, there was no question about it, but it was white and completely frozen. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at the fruit and placed it back on the table.

The former Evil Queen turned around to continue the path and gasped when she saw a blonde woman wearing a tight fitting blue dress. Regina's mouth hung open slightly at the sight in front of her.

"Who are you?" the blonde woman asked Regina harshly as she formed a snowball in her left hand. Her blonde hair was braided messily and sat on the woman right shoulder. A blue cape was attached to the woman's dress and moved as a cold breeze past through the room.

Instinctively, Regina summoned a fireball but kept it at her side. She bit back a snappy remark and forced herself to speak calmly to the woman.

"I am Regina Mills," she answered with her head held high. "Who are you?" Regina questioned.

The blue clad woman eyed with her suspicion before responding.

"My name is Elsa."