Author's Note—Bad Company/Strike Back

I want to thank everyone for making this become a reality! Creating a successful fanfic had been a long dream of mine and after a few failed ones, I can officially say that Bad Company is COMPLETED. I can't express how happy, proud, sad, and ecstatic I am to have you guys. I can't express my appreciation for ya'll, and I can't express how much I appreciate the help I got from a few of you—especially from Ladysunshine6.

The first chapter for Strike Back will be out sometime today, so stay tuned!

Grapejuice101- Head on over to Strike Back to find out what happens!

Thegirlwhowaited24601- I know right?!

GuestGirl23- Awe, thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words! Head on over to Strike Back and I think you will love it! C:

Guest- Thank you! I'm glad you love it!

Ladysunshine6- Thank you m'dear! I couldn't have done it without you! SO happy that we made it this far!

Sarah- Thank you, love! I can assure you that you will be in love with the next installment!

Giddyfan- That would be interesting for sure! I'll definitely keep that in mind!

SassyGrl23- I know! I loved writing that part, and I've always loved Bobby.

Angelicedg- Thank you! & why yes, that's Amber Heard! I've always loved her, and when this was in it's infancy, I couldn't stop thinking about her as Abigail.

Wideawakepastmidnight- rofl! The only thing I could imagine was the GIF for the Tenth Doctor going "Why would you do that?!" and I started laughing. Is that a bad thing to do? Hope you like Strike Back! C:

Ebonywarrior85- Awe, thank you! I chose Amber Heard to feature as Abigail because I think she fits the criteria perfectly, especially in the movie Drive Angry. That's essentially who she's based off of. Glad you loved Bad Company!

Romantic Journalist- Awe, thank you! & Me too, Dean deserves someone to love him, and you always see Sam try to have the stable relationships. The first chapter for Strike Back will be out shortly! c:

Sarahmichellegellarfan1- Gotta read Strike Back to find out what happens and I promise you'll love it! C:

UPDATE 2/22/2015: I finally found the time to try and attempt at making a Tumblr for this series as a whole, and I realize that it is a little bland for my taste, but it's got the job done in my opinion for now. So, if ya'll have one follow me!

Tumblr: coltabigail dot tumblr dot com!