A/N: I needed some fluff in my life, and after seeing Killian in princely outfits and Emma in the 'commoner'-looking outfit, I got really inspired to write up something. And, of course, it's Captain Swan. Of course. Enjoy!

"Henry?" Emma called through their small home. Her son peeked his head out from his room, a smile wide on his face.

"Yes, Mom?" He smiled, walking to her as she bent down.

"I'm going into town to get a few things-don't leave, okay? Grandma and Grandpa should be starting dinner soon, okay?" Emma asked, making Henry nod emphatically.

"Good. I'll see you in a bit, kid." Emma smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead before standing up again.

"I love you, Mom." Henry grinned.

"Love you, too, Henry. Stay out of trouble, yeah?"

"Maybe." He replied with a mischievous smile, running back to his room. Emma shook her head as she turned and walked towards the door, grabbing her satchel as she left.

It was a relatively short walk to town, and Emma only stopped to greet a few friends. Once she got into town, she looked up to the ominous skies before pulling her hood over her head. Of course it'd rain on the one afternoon she'd decided to go into town. Of course.

She hurried along, trying to weave in and out of people quickly. She heard the sound of a carriage coming through, so in her haste of moving out of the way, she bumped into a rather large, unfriendly-looking man.

"I'm sorry-"

"Watch where you're going, peasant!" He shouted with a huff, shoving her. Emma, being who she was, lost her balance and landed right in a huge puddle. Just my luck, she thought.

She'd closed her eyes and sat up, trying to regain her senses. Until she heard a voice.

"Are you alright, milady?" An accented man's voice asked. Emma opened her eyes to see who was trying to help when she nearly gasped.

He was bent over her, a hand being held out for her, sparkling blue eyes making contact with hers. He had a dazzling smile, one that lit up the rainy afternoon with ease.

"I'm, um, I'm fine, thank you." Emma replied as he helped her up.

"Are you sure you're alright? You took quite the fall." The man spoke, still smiling.

"I'm an idiot, kind of prone to this stuff." Emma replied. A shiver wracked her body involuntarily, making the main furrow his brows.

"Would you like me to buy you a new dress?" He asked, setting a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, no, I couldn't let you do that-"

"It's nothing, I promise." The man smiled.

"I really can't-"

"Stubborn, aren't we?" He grinned, "Come, I will buy you a new dress."

Emma couldn't help but smile as he took her hand, wondering who exactly this mystery man was. She didn't want to press for a name, though-she'd already done far too much by speaking to him.

"I'm sorry, but I do not believe I got your name." He asked, as if he'd read her mind, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Oh. My name is Emma. Emma Swan." She replied with a quick curtsey.

"A lovely name." He grinned, then stopped to bow, "Prince Killian Jones."

Prince?! Oh, now she definitely couldn't do this.

"Prince?" Emma breathed as he stood upright.

"Yes, milady." He replied, "Why, is that a problem?"

"Of course not." Emma smiled, shaking her head, "I'm just... I'm sorry you have to deal with me."

"Sorry?" Killian asked with a chuckle, "It's not every day you have the pleasure of taking a lovely lady out to buy her a dress."

Emma was trying her hardest not to swoon over him, but he was just... He was perfect.

"It's not every day you run into a prince, either." Emma replied, her eyebrows raised.

"No, I suppose not." Killian chuckled, ducking into a shop, "Let's go in here."

Emma couldn't hold back a gasp as she walked in, seeing all of the dresses.

"Oh my god." She whispered.

"You can choose any of these you'd like."

"Prince Killian, I can't-"

"Just call me Killian." He smiled, "And yes, you may. Any dress your heart desires."

Emma didn't even know where to start. She knew she had to choose quickly, since her parents were waiting on the groceries for the day.

"I think this one would do nicely, don't you think?" Killian smiled, offering a beautiful red dress.

"Oh, I couldn't-"

"Stop saying that." Killian smiled, then turned to the shopkeeper, "I will take this one."

Emma didn't bother hiding her blush, since he knew she was already incredibly flustered.

"Thank you." She spoke softly.

"Anytime, Miss Swan."

"You can call me Emma." She smiled, making him chuckle.

"Of course, Emma."

Hearing her name roll of his tongue so easily made her heart skip a beat.

"May she go put this on?" Killian asked the shopkeeper, earning a stunned nod, "Thank you, madam."

He gently pushed Emma towards the dressing room, and she went in with a smile, closing the curtain. She quickly stripped of her soaking clothes and slipped into the red dress. As soon as she caught her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but gasp. It was a beautiful dress, and she looked, dare she say it, like a princess.

"How are you doing in there, Emma?" Killian asked, making her heart skip another beat.

"I'm fine, almost done." She replied, giving the dress one more look over before pulling back the curtain and revealing herself to Killian, who immediately smiled.

"You look lovely, Emma." Killian beamed, holding his hand out once more.

"Thank you." Emma replied, taking his hand and following him out of the store.

"What were you in town for?" Killian asked.

"Just bread and fruit." Emma said, then looked pointedly at him, "Don't you dare ask to pay for those as well."

"Why are you so intent on paying for everything yourself, love?" Killian smiled.

"Because I technically shouldn't even be talking to you right now." Emma said, looking down to their entwined fingers, then back to him.

"And why would you say that?"

Was he serious?

"You're a prince, Killian. I'm just a peasant, a commoner."

"That means nothing to me." Killian whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

After more protesting, Emma finally caved in and allowed him to buy her groceries.

"Thank you, Killian."

"Of course, Emma." Killian smiled, "Would you like ride back to your home?"

"You're crazy."

"May I take that as a yes?" Killian smirked, making Emma laugh.

"Yes." She giggled as they approached his carriage.

"Ladies first." He smiled, helping her into the carriage.

"Thank you." Emma said as she sat down inside the plush carriage.

"Which way?"

"This road leads straight to my house." Emma smiled as he climbed in.

"Killian, why me?" Emma asked as the carriage started moving. He offered a chuckle in response, making her smile.

"Would you like the absolute truth?" Killian asked, smiling when Emma nodded, "My brother had been telling me this morning that I needed to be more selfless. So, I told him I would do one selfless act today, and now I'm sitting in my carriage with a beautiful woman."


"Don't try to tell me you aren't. You are so beautiful, Emma." Killian spoke softly, moving his hand to brush some of her curls back behind her ear. She felt her cheeks warm at his touch, making her smile.

"Thank you." Emma breathed, "You're quite handsome yourself."

Killian smiled at that, gently setting his hand on the side of her face and turning her so he could fully see her face. Their eyes met for only a few seconds before Emma felt his lips on hers. They were surprisingly soft, in stark contrast with his scruff that scratched at the sensitive skin around her lips. He pulled away after a few moments, a smile wide on his lips.

"That was lovely." He whispered.

"It was." Emma replied, knowing just how red her cheeks were. The carriage pulled to a stop, and Emma looked out of the window to see her parents' farm.

"Oh, this is my house." Emma spoke softly, grabbing her satchel full of groceries.

"At least allow me to walk you to the door." Killian smiled, opening the carriage door and standing with his hand out for Emma. She took it, whispering a 'thank you' as she stepped out.

"When can I see you again, Emma?" He asked as they strolled to the door.

"I'm always here." Emma shrugged, her fingers fidgeting with her satchel, "I don't really go anywhere."

"My parents are throwing a ball at the palace the week after next... Would you come?" Killian asked.

"Killian, I don't even have a dress-"

"You could wear this." Killian smiled, "Please, Emma?"

"Okay." She smiled, giggling when he took her hand and pressed a delicate kiss to her knuckles.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. And, thank you, again, for helping me up." Emma smiled.

"The pleasure was all mine." Killian replied, using her hand to tug her closer once more, his other hand rising to her cheek. He captured her lips with his, and she felt his smile as he squeezed her hand just a little tighter. She set her hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat.

"I will see you soon, Emma Swan." He whispered after parting their lips, his crystal blue eyes meeting her olive eyes.

"I will see you." Emma smiled, giggling as he kissed her once more on the cheek before hurrying back to the carriage. She watched him climb into the carriage and ride away, a smile plastered on her face.

"Emma, who was that?" Her mother asked, "And where did you get that dress?"

"A prince."

"A prince?" She repeated incredulously as Emma touched her lips with her fingers, as if to assure herself it was real.

"Yes... And, I'm going to the Royal Ball." Emma spoke with a smile before biting her lip and ducking inside.