Notes: I saw Amazing Spiderman 2 and loved it. Dane Dehaan played a great Harry Osborn. Once I thought about the Sinister Six movie, I started to think of how his character would "redeem himself" and why he would want to. I started to think about a love one or something like that. The idea of Emily E. Stone came to my mind and I was like 'that sounds pretty cute'

But, I didn't really know how to start the story. I have so many leads in my head and each is kind of cool, or horrible, in there own way. That's when I thought 'well, I'll just write 5 ways that Harry meet Emily and add a few lines on a future meeting. The five chapters, each one shoots, will have a theme: Visit, Blade, Party, Business, and Morning After. If this goes well, I may write a story out of one of the themes or make something new up. It's all up to you guys. Enjoy!

Setting: Amazing Spider-man 2. After Gwen dies, but before the last scene with Harry.

Theme: Visit

Visiting Hours

Harry stared at the mirror. He stared at himself. The things he had done to stay alive, had it been worth it? Had the death of that girl been worth it? Of course it had. Of course it hadn't. He had lost his only real friend, but he hadn't been a real friend. He would have let Harry die, or had Harry rushed things in his fear. He screamed as his fist hit the mirror. His mind felt so clouded over with conflicting thoughts.

"Well, you haven't changed much." A woman chuckled behind him.

"Who are you?" Harry questioned as he glanced at her through the mirrors broken reflection. "What do you want?'

"I believe that you owe me a dance/" She smiled as she cocked her head to the side.

"A dance?" He didn't understand. "You must be madder than me to walk into a nut house for a dance."

"I waited a long time for our dance." She frowned. "You had promised me one on the day you left New York... I had thought I'd make you keep it." She sighed out. "Though I didn't think it would be like this."

"Emily?" He gasped out as he turned to look at her.

"All grown up." She half laughed. "I got taller, fuller in places...boys like me now. So, Peter can eat his words about me growing up ugly."

"I think he only said that because you told him that you thought he wasn't fit to be your prince." Harry chuckled.

"Well, I thought a real life prince was better than a fake one." She smiled softly. "But I guess any one is better than no one." She licked her lips in thought. Her eyes seemed sad.

"Thought you have all the boys chasing after you now." Harry joked.

"My kill herself shortly after you left and my dad lost his mind. He finally past away, but it wasn't pleasant. It was horrible. He was screaming curses at your father for causing mother's death and killing me... Than Norman past without doing as he promised. I guess I just wanted something good on my birthday. It's important to smile on your birthday."

"Today is your birthday and your spending it here?"

"Have no where else to where better. Just bottle or two waiting for me on what may be my last birthday." She laughed. "Ha ha, Norman died with my cure and I'm going to follow him. Do you know what it's like to wake up everyday waiting for a man to give you a chance at life, a future and lose it all? I guess a part of me knew I'd be stuck without any hope and a bottle to numb I'[m dying and I don't have anyone to grieve me because everyone is gone and I spent years trying to find a cure..."

"Would it have been better if you learned about now rather than when you were young?" Harry questioned the girl that he understood so well.

"Yes, I think it would have made things better. I would have spent time dating, living rather than seeing my tomb in my dreams. I feel haunted with my death and illness." She touched her chest in thought. "It's something in my blood... a new thing never seen before. All the things your father did to find cures, or whatever he was doing, it caused my mother's eggs to damage and my father's...well you get the picture. If they never got together, I'd have been a healthy child, but they did and I wasn't healthy." She explained as she took a seat on his bed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to her.

"It started early. There was no way to hide what was happening to me." She went on. It was like she was in her own world. She had never told anyone this story and it felt like a weight was lifting off her shoulders. "My heart hurt and it felt like it was working too hard. My lungs filled up with blood." She glazed at her fingers in thought. "My body makes too much of it and it can't store it all. I realized this before my parents. I was always very bright. I did mathematical equalization when I was five that most don't understand when they're in college. I started cutting myself to bleed out some of the blood..."

"That's-" He recalled hearing a story about her going away to see help. He had heard she became a cutter, but no one was very sure of that had been true. People said they saw her cut herself while others saw no signs of scars.

"It's not all bad." She smiled. "I heal fast and I have a great number of stem cells in my body. I pretty much destroyed all viruses that entered my body and formed new cells to replace all the damaged ones. I'm the picture of health outside the over used heart that is breaking down. I can't legally get a new one without people finding out about my illness, and I can't have just anyone cut me open."

"But you could use your stem cells to repair your heart." Harry pointed out.

"I need to remove those cells from my body, work on them, and finally place them at key points of my heart without killing me." She sucked at her teeth. "I did most of the work...but he had my cells in Project X to keep them safe while I looked at doctors to take care of my heart. I tried to hack in, but I couldn't get in... I don't know if I can make long enough to redo everything, or get the money together to do it. I mean...Norman left me money...a good deal of it, but not enough to do what I need to."

"He left you money?" Harry was confused by this.

"He forced my mother to sleep with him for my cure." She waved off. "She turned him down and he destroyed all the files on what could have saved my life. It was that reduce the rate at which the body could produce blood to the point where it would kill a normal person with in seconds, but for me, with the right amount, it could have made my illness as simple as diabetes rather than death waiting to happen. My parents knew I would either drown in my blood or my heart would give out."

"Why are you telling me?" He choked out. He couldn't believe his father had done that. He didn't understand what she was doing here with him.

"I'm dying and I have no one to spend my birthday with... I have no one to talk to." She choked on her words. "Guess I thought that here, with you, I was sure to have someone spend a bit of time with me... and I really didn't want to waste another birthday hoping some guy would talk to me at a bar..."

"Well, this place is better than some club." Harry joked. "It's got the dim lighting, very closed guest list, and yours truly." He laughed.

"Much better than any place I would have gone to." Emily smiled. "You even have a bouncer ready to shot any unwelcome guests. Man, I should come to places like this more often."

"Right?" He smiled as she giggled. "But honestly, I'm sorry. I should have kept in touch more."

"Harry, I recall that I was the one that didn't write back." She sighed out.

"I recall not trying that hard..." Harry stated.

"Do you think we... you would have asked me out?" Emily wondered.

"I'm not sure." Harry frowned. "I had the biggest crush on you, so maybe."

"Crush on me?" Emily snorted. "Really?"

"Really." Harry nodded his head. "I remember when you beat up that kid that called me the bastard son of a war monster."

"Hey, you weren't a bastard." She pointed out. "He had no right to say that."

"Yea, it was amazing." Harry went on to say. "It was some Kong Fu action move stuff."

"Haha, he thought so too." Emily giggled. "He spent the next two years worried I'd come after him. Than he saw me in my cheering gear and changed his mind about me."

"Cheerleading? You?" Harry couldn't believe it.

"Only for half a year." She waved off the matter. "Father got worse and I needed to manage the household... plus the modeling jobs were starting to come in."

"Modeling? Yea?" Harry chuckled.

"Yea, for weapons and war mags." She laughed. "Seems I look great with a bazooka on my shoulder and sword on my hip."

"That sounds more like you." Harry smiled at her.

"I really wanted to become a dancer and singer." She said as she stood up. "I wanted to be on the stage and perform as Cinderella..." She spun around with a bright smile and paused in thought. "But with my lungs filling...father thought it best that I wasn't very active."

"He must have been trying to be kind." Harry said as he studied her. "You prob can't sing a note."

"Aw, I'll have you know I have the voice of an angel." She gasped.

"Well, than sing something." Harry challenged.

"Sing? Now?" She blushed. "No! I can't do that."

"Some actress you'd be. Can't even sing to one person." Harry watched as she frowned in anger.

"Hey, this is my birthday not yours." Emily whined. "Today is about what I want. Maybe on your birthday...I could sing something." She bit her lip. It hit her that she may not live that long.

"I'll start looking at songs than." Harry replied.

"Yea, you do that." Emily played with her hair.

"Listen, I-" Harry was cut off by a loud knock.

"Miss Stone." The guard whispered. "You have to go. If you stay any longer-"

"Yes, I understand." She rushed to the door, but stopped to see Harry watching her. "Guess this is good-bye."

"You could always come back...another day." Harry felt like some love sick child.

"That starved? Ha, yeah. I guess I could come back another day...if it's not a bother." Emily added.

"I'll just move some appointments around." Harry chuckled.

"Oh, well if you're moving appointments around, I must stop by." Emily shot back.

"Yeah, you must." Harry laughed. "It would be rude not to come."

"That it would be." She smiled. "I got to go."

"Yeah, I gathered that." Harry licked his lips.

"But I will come back." She promised. "You still owe me a dance after all."

She slipped out the door with a wave goodbye. Harry couldn't help but miss her. She was just as he remembered her, pretty, fun and different from most girls. He wondered if under different events if they could have ended up together. He hadn't been lying when he said that he had a crush on her. He had been taken with her from the moment he first saw her. Sure, he had been six years old, but he vowed that he would marry her at the time.

He recalled his father laughing at his youthful thoughts. As the years went on, Norman had brought her to the house more and more. She had shown a very clever brain and told her father what stocks to buy. Norman had been shocked to find that she had been right about which to buy and sale.

'Shame.' Norman said to her when she was about to leave. 'Such a waste of good talent.'

Had he known than that she was going to die? Had Norman brought Emily over because he felt sorry for her? She and Harry were born with shorter lives than everyone else. Harry couldn't imagine how hard it must have been to grow up knowing you were dying. People around you could dream of the future while you didn't have much to look forward to. He wondered what he would have done if he had been in her shoes.

Dying? He chuckled to himself as he thought about her. He would have to change that. There was no way that he was going to let her die now that she stepped back into his life. There was a very good chance that she could make her Mrs. Osborn after all.


"It's possible. It's possible. It's possible." Emily sang out. "It's possssiiiblllleeee." She sang out loudly her favorite song from Cinderella. She smiled proudly as Harry started clapping. She quickly covered her mouth as she coughed. "I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?" He questioned her as she pulled away from him.

She glanced at her hand to see blood. She felt tears build in her eyes as she reached for her bag. She started to go through with it. She knew that she had tissues in there somewhere.

"I'm fine. It's nothing." She choked out. She wipped her mouth clean.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" Harry felt powerless to help her in that moment.

"Don't worry." Emily tried to smile the matter off. "I'll be fine."

"Emily," Harry pulled her close. "You don't need to be strong here."

"I have to be strong." She bit her lip. "You've lost so much already. I can't let you see me fading away... maybe I should-"

"No, please." Harry begged her. "I don't want you to stop. These last four months have been some of the best of my life."

"Harry, you've been locked up." Emily rolled her eyes. "I doubt that I could make any of that better..."

"You have." Harry smiled saddly. He was gazing at her with longing eyes.

"Harry, I'm dying." She reminded him. "You can't-" She was crying.

"Who said I was going to let you die?" Harry whispered as he brought her closer to him. He was going to kiss her.

"I doubt you can stop death." She didn't stop him. She didn't want to stop him. "Besides, what could you do to save me?"

"Everything." Harry promised.

"Everything, really?" She gasped out as their lips were inches apart.

"Yeah, everything." He smiled as he kissed her. The kiss was soft and gentle. It was filled with hope, love, and promise. It was a bitter, sweet kiss. The taste of blood, the weight of all they had been through in their short lives, both apart and together, haunted their first kiss. They broke their kiss with heavy hearts and the need for more.

"You shouldn't promise impossible things." She breathed out.

"Why? Impossible things are happening everyday." He chuckled against her lips.

"Ha, shut up." She laughed at his joke. "Just kiss me again before I walk out the door."

He kissed her again. This time deeper and she wrapped her arms around him. She feared that if she let go of him she truly would die. She didn't understand why she felt this way. She knew that she was going to die and he couldn't stop it, but in this moment anything was possible, in this moment she truly believed he was willing to do anything to save her.